Emily had her 5th birthday yesterday. I can't believe that it has already been five years. We were in Utah for our Kimball family reunion on Friday and Saturday. We stayed at my Aunt Janine's house on Saturday night so they all got to enjoy Emily's birthday celebration with us. They were really good sports too because yesterday was fast Sunday and Emily and Maddie went home with Tim and Rachel so we ate her cake there and none of the Campbell's got to enjoy it with us. They all sat there and watched us eat.
Emily got really embarrassed when we were singing to her. I kind of figured she would because my mom had left a message on our answering machine for Joe's birthday of her singing the birthday song and Maddie always asks me to play it. Every time I do Emily says the song makes her embarrased.
She requested a princess cake again in purple. So here is the finished product.
Here she is blowing out the candles
and opening her presents
She was very excited for her presents, but not so excited that they all had to come home with mom and dad and she can't play with them until Thursday. She did get to take her new booster seat with her though.
I am so happy that we have been blessed with Emily in our family. She is such a wonderful little helper. She is very inquisitive and I know that she will know lots of things when she gets older because of all the questions she asks. She has such a strong little testimony of Jesus Christ and even knows the first 5 Articles of Faith. She is also an awesome sister and makes sure that her brother and sister don't get left behind. She gets in trouble sometimes because she is trying to protect them and it isn't necessarily what she should be doing at the time. She loves books and is learning to read. She is starting Kindergarten in the fall. We love you Emily.
Here are some pictures from the last 5 years.
August 1st, 2005
We are blessed with a beautiful baby girl
August 1st, 2006
1 Year
August 1st, 2007
2 Years
August 1st, 2008
3 Years
August 1st 2009
4 Years
and August 1st 2010
5 years