
Friday, July 31, 2015

Thomas part one

This has been a long time coming. But I kept procrastinating, hoping, praying, that there was an end to everything that has been happening with my sweet baby boy. But alas the only thing I found is that life with him is going to be interesting with him for a while and things can always be way worse.

Where to start another hard place to decide and part of the procrastination. But I think just stating weight gain that Thomas had at first is an important thing.
At birth 7 pounds 11 oz
2 days 7 pounds 3 oz
2 weeks 7 pounds 11 oz
3 weeks 8 pounds 9 oz
1 month 9 pounds 3 oz
2 months 10 pounds 12 oz
4 months 13.2 pounds
5 months 13.5 pounds
6 months 13.2 pounds

So from the 2 month to 4 month appointment we switched doctors offices, because that's when we moved back to Rexburg. At his 6 month appointment the doctor was concerned that he had lost some weight. So he wanted us to push solids and possibly add formula. I didn't feel that was necessary. His reasoning was that my milk must be less fatty.

3 days later, December 5th,  Thomas was throwing up, took him back into the doctor and he was down some in weight. But the doctor different one then the one at his 6 month appointment. Looked at me like I was a crazy person for bringing him in. I'm sorry but when your associate told me he's concerned about the fact that he's lost weight, I'm not waiting forever to get him seen. He had lost some weight. (Culprit one)

We continued to go back in to check his weight for the next couple weeks to see if adding in solids was helping him gain weight. It did, the day Tim graduated, December 19th, Thomas was up to 13 pounds 11 oz. So I thought yes this is working.

During this time too I looked into possible reasons he could have with not gaining weight well anymore. And the biggest culprit, tongue and lip ties. Had I know as a newborn that it could have effected him gaining weight I would have insisted then to get them fixed. But as you can see he was gaining weight wonderfully, until 4 months. I found out that can happen with the type of ties he has.

Another culprit, sign of something not right that I only recognize now looking back. Him waking up a lot in the middle of the night. This had been going on since about 4 months old, on and off that is. But some babies have stages like this and nothing wrong so we just assumed he was teething. Especially since we could see white underneath his gums.

Fast forward to January 4th, he again wasn't sleeping well at all, waking up every 2 hours. I'd try to feed him, he'd nurse for a little bit, then scream. :( Next day I knew something was way off. He slept most of the day, only ate 3 times, normally did 8+, and had 2 wet diapers that had maybe a quarter size of pee on them and were orange.

But after having dealt having tried to get help about Thomas's lip and tongue ties from our current doctors office, and managing to always see the same one. The one who acted like I was crazy. I was at a loss. Didn't know what to do for my poor baby.

Our good friends Matt and Jessica Mason were over that day. They both told us and got us the number for their doctor. They had already told me good stories about him. It was late at night at this point, but we had an appointment scheduled for first thing the next morning....

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