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Life Seemed Good, But... A Collection of Short Quirky Stories by Richard Bell - Review

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I received a free ecopy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Life Seemed Good, But... A Collection of Short Quirky Stories by Richard Bell features ninety creative short stories on a wide variety of topics that cover just a little bit of everything. In fact, it's a bit difficult to describe them as a whole, but the author has a great sense of humor and that comes across well - although, his sense of humor may not be for everyone. I definitely found myself giggling aloud at several points while reading - and he can certainly turn a colorful phrase. Most of these short stories are in the neighborhood of one to two pages apiece, and there were quite a few that I found myself wanting to know a little more about the characters and/ or the world they inhabit. Either way the author gives us just the right taste to keep things moving right along.

Overall, Richard Bell's Life Seemed Good, But... A Collection of Short Quirky Stories is a quick, fun read if you're looking for an anthology of super short stories with a great sense of humor. Each of the many stories may not be to everyone's tastes, but Bell's bizarre and witty humor is addicting. If you enjoyed Nothing is Strange by Mike Russell, you may also enjoy this anthology.

I read this ebook from January 23 - January 27, 2018 and my review is also on Goodreads.  Thanks again, Mr. Bell!


  1. This sounds so fun!! I'll have to look into it. I've been on a short story kick, which is really interesting, because I'm not the biggest fan of short stories! :)


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