Showing posts with label New Bethel Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Bethel Church. Show all posts

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Declarations Of A Powerful Ministry

Is There Any WORD From The Lord?
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We the Pastor & Members of The New Bethel Church Of God In Christ and The Bethel Epiphany Outreach Church Of God In Christ, do hereby make Declarations and Proclamations in the following areas:
  • We Declare The Spirituality, Salvation & Deliverance Of The Church-
    We do hereby proclaim that Jesus is the ONLY savior given to mankind and that the Bible is the only, infallible, and inerrant word of God. We further declare that Jesus and the Bible without contest, exceeds any and EVERY other system of faith including that of Muhammad and the Koran, Joseph Smith and the book of Mormon and The Jehovah’s Witness New World Translation.
  • We Reclaim the Freedom and Unity Of Our Family- We do hereby proclaim the family as the First institution of God.
  • We proclaim that the family shall NOT continue to be broken under the weight of Governmental or religious authority and under the burden of financial distress.
  • We proclaim the liberation of our children from, hip-hop, drugs, sex, and violence and criminal activities.
  • We proclaim the liberty of our men from absentee fatherism, Adultery, Homosexuality, crime, prison, and impoverishment.
  • We proclaim the liberty of our women from drugs, prostitution, lesbianism, bisexuality, loneliness and poverty.
  • We Claim A Proper Education for Our Children With A Balanced System Of Respect, Discipline, And Communication. We further Proclaim that we stand to allow Jesus INTO our schools and the Bible as bona-fide, historically accurate and verifiable curriculum.
  • We Claim The Restoration Of Our Community and Neighborhood Living Environments.
  • We resolve that we will no longer accept dilapidated Housing conditions or neighborhoods that are less than acceptable for human habitation.
  • We resolve that we will no longer live in fear and that we will accept NOTHING less than the safety of our families and children in their environments.
  • We resolve that as a church we shall find ways to improve the living conditions and social interactions for all regardless of age, race, creed or color.
  • We declare that crime, murder and drugs and impoverishment shall not continue to rule our streets and dictate our environments, but as a church we shall rise and bring solid solutions to both natural, social, political and spiritual ills.

Be it made known TODAY that the Pastor and Members of The New Bethel Church Of God In Christ and The Bethel Epiphany Church Of God In Christ shall NOT continue in the stream of ordinary church and powerless religion. Be it known that there shall be and is a Paradigm shift of change for the benefit of the Kingdom of Christ, our families and our community and this IS the beginning of that shift.

Authorized this 19th Day of January 2007.

Pastor, District Supt. Harvey Burnett
New Bethel COGIC & Bethel Epiphany COGIC

We Ascribe To The Call To Accountability Found At gay christian Movement Watch

Click Here For More Info

Please Read The Open Letter To Dr. Bobby Jones Of Bobby Jones Gospel

Click Here For More Info

Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake

Please Withdraw Our Church's Endorsement Of The UDHR

Click HERE and HERE for more information

New Bethel Ministries Mission Statement

The mission of the New Bethel C.O.G.I.C. & the Bethel Epiphany Outreach C.O.G.I.C. is to proclaim the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ to all men and women. Our goal is to establish mediums by which lives can be changed and souls saved by the miracle-working power of the Holy Ghost. Our order is to create a Christocentric environment with a heavy emphasis on the preached word of God. We view the access to education, both spiritual and secular, as fundamental to this purpose. Therefore, we encourage Holiness, Sanctification and Pentecostalism, while ministering to the holistic needs of all regardless of race, color, creed or ethnic origin.

Event Calendar

Updates Will Be Provided At A Later Date

Affirmation Of Our Faith

We Believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written word of God.
We Believe that there is one God eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.
We Believe in the blessed hope, which is the rapture of the church of God which is in Christ at his return.
We Believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin, is through repentance, faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ according to Romans 10:8-10.
We Believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
We Believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer.
We Believe that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who ask for it.
We Believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling, the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in this present world. Amen.

National, Jurisdiction & District Work

International Leadership:
Bishop Charles E. Blake ~ West Angeles COGIC, Los Angeles. CA.
Womens Supv. Mother Willie M. Rivers
Intl. Headquarters: Memphis, TN.

Illinois 3rd Jurisdiction:
Bishop Robert R. Sanders~ New First Church COGIC Chi. Heights, IL.
State Supv. Dr. Marilynn Cross~ United Missions COGIC Chi. IL.

T.T. Rose Memorial District
New Bethel COGIC ~ Supt. Harvey Burnett ~Peoria, Illinois
Rock Of Salvation COGIC ~ Pastor Mayes ~ Peoria, Illinois

[Contact (309)688-6599 For Information On Becoming A Part Of This District, Jurisdiction or The Church Of God In Christ In General]