It appears that the U.S. Navy has become one of the last strongholds for the global warming religion. The latest testimony to that is an interview in which admiral Samuel J. Locklear III, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, speaks about "the disappearance of whole countries", "hundreds of thousands or millions of people displaced" and climate change as the greatest threat in the region:
Locklear spoke to the Boston Globe on the topic after spending two days in the Boston-area talking to scholars and foreign policy experts on the situation in the Pacific. As Locklear told the Globe, the changing climate “is probably the most likely thing that is going to happen . . . that will cripple the security environment, probably more likely than the other scenarios we all often talk about.’’
Among the issues that the Admiral cited as most concerning was the possibility that rising sea-levels result in the disappearance of whole countries, producing influxes of “climate refugees” in neighboring states. The certainty that climate change is a phenomenon to be dealt with has affected the way that the Navy interacts with the various countries in the Indo-Pacific region that will be affected by shifting weather patterns:
“We have interjected into our multilateral dialogue – even with China and India – the imperative to kind of get military capabilities aligned [for] when the effects of climate change start to impact these massive populations,” he said.“If it goes bad, you could have hundreds of thousands or millions of people displaced and then security will start to crumble pretty quickly.’’
The Navy has been at the forefront of attempting to shift U.S. policy on climate change through the influence wielded by the military. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus in 2009 announced the development of a “Great Green Fleet,” a Carrier Strike Group fueled by energy sources other than oil, as part of a strategy to reduce the Navy’s dependence on foreign oil. While currently more expensive, the Navy’s buying power would be able to bring down biofuel prices as supply catches up with demand. Mabus’ program was nearly shut down by Congress, but was revivedby the Senate in November.
Read the entire article here
Recently vice admiral Philip Hart Cullom, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readiness and Logistics, spoke about the Navy's biofuel projects:
“Advanced 2nd and 3rd generation alternative fuels, such as those we are experimenting with during RIMPAC, will allow us to continue to perform our mission in a manner that frees us from relying upon a diminishing resource. As with the development of any new technology or product, up-front research and development costs in alternative fuels are a necessary part of getting to a new way to power the Fleet. Technological advances and demand are beginning to drive economies of scale and production quantities that can drive down the costs of alternative fuels.”
Read the entire article here
What we have here is the world's most powerful navy combating a non-existent "threat", with ships driven by the world's most expensive fuels. Besides, the Navy has also completely missed the train - or should we say the boat - with its "strategy to reduce the Navy's dependence on foreign oil". Thanks to the shale gas revolution, the U.S. has more than enough of domestic fuel for at least 100 years for a Navy even twice as large as the present one. Why on earth waste American taxpayers' money on biofuels, which in addition contribute to increasing international food insecurity! Even warmists, like the Guardian's George Monbiot, wonder why "the poor must go hungry just so the rich can drive" (or sail).