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Last Updated: Saturday, 16 August, 2003, 12:49 GMT 13:49 UK
In pictures: Life of Idi Amin
Idi Amin
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Idi Amin's rule of Uganda began in 1971 when he seized power in a coup - and his capacity for brutality soon became clear
Asians arriving from Uganda
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A year into his rule, Amin expelled thousands of Asians saying their success caused Uganda's economic woes
Unveiling a statue of himself in Ugandan capital Kampala
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He ruled by decree and purged anyone considered a threat - up to 400,000 people died during his eight years in power
British university lecturer Denis Hills [right] with Idi Amin
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British lecturer Denis Hills narrowly escaped after Amin sentenced him to death in 1975 for criticising his rule
Front page of Voice of Uganda newspaper showing headline
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Controversy continued when a plane hijacked by terror groups at Uganda's Entebbe airport was raided by Israeli commandos
White Europeans, Ugandan citizens, pledged support to Amin in 1975
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A compelling speaker with an imposing presence, Amin was initially seen as a hope for the future by Ugandans
Idi Amin at the United Nations in 1975
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It did not last and no amount of medals he presented himself with could hide the reality of his brutal dictatorship
Ugandans cheer as news of his leaving the country reaches them
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By the late 1970s Amin's rule began to collapse - and his eventual downfall in 1979 led to country-wide celebrations
Idi Amin in army uniform
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The man who called himself the world's "most powerful figure" was ousted by troops from his traditional enemy Tanzania
Amid with the late King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz in Riyadh in 1977
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Amin fled to Libya and ended his days in the Saudi Arabia city of Jeddah. He never returned to Uganda


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