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Last Updated: Thursday, 1 September 2005, 11:19 GMT 12:19 UK
Bragg show tops BBC podcast list
Melvyn Bragg
Melvyn Bragg's In Our Time was first podcast last November
Radio 4 history programme In Our Time has beaten Chris Moyles' Radio 1 breakfast show to become the BBC's most popular podcast.

In Our Time, presented by Melvyn Bragg, has averaged 30,000 download requests a week since the BBC began a seven-month trial in May.

Overall, the BBC had more than 100,000 download requests each week in July.

Around 20 programmes are taking part in the trial, including Radio 4's Today programme and Five Live's Sportsweek.

The trial allows users to save audio files from the BBC's website to their personal computers.

Files can then be downloaded to a piece of listening equipment such as an MP3 player, where they can be played at any time.

New technology

Chris Moyles in BBC Radio 1 studio
Highlights of Moyles' daily shows are being podcast each week
Podcasting lets users "subscribe" to radio programmes by having them automatically delivered to their computer.

Weekly show In Our Time sees Lord Bragg and three guests explore the history of ideas.

The Best of Moyles compilation, which is made available by Radio 1 every Thursday, began in July.

It topped the Apple Top Subscribed Podcasts chart within days.

The BBC figures do not make a distinction between users who have subscribed to the programmes, and those who download them individually themselves.

Simon Nelson, controller of BBC Radio and Music Interactive, said the figures showed the public's appetite for "radio on demand".

"We're delighted to offer new ways of listening that complement other, increasingly popular technologies like DAB digital radio and digital television," he said.

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