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Last Updated: Tuesday, 5 September 2006, 13:22 GMT 14:22 UK
In pictures: Australia mourns Irwin

Child holding teddy near flower tributes

Thousands of people have descended on Steve Irwin's zoo on Australia's Sunshine Coast to pay their respects to the much-loved TV presenter.

Note and flower tribute to Steve Irwin

Mr Irwin died on Monday after being struck in the chest by a stingray's barb whilst snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef.

Girl signing Steve Irwin's shirt

Many have been writing messages on Mr Irwin's trademark khaki safari shirts.

Staff hanging up signed shirts at Australia Zoo

The shirts have been hung up all around the zoo.

Flowers in crocodile sculpture

In a fitting tribute to a man known as the Crocodile Hunter, flowers were laid in a wooden sculpture of one of the reptiles.

Lizard walking past tributes to Steve Irwin

Joining the crowds was a member of the native Australian wildlife that Mr Irwin had fought so hard to protect.

Hearse carrying Steve Irwin leaves Cairns mortuary

Mr Irwin's body has now left the morgue in Cairns and been flown to the small town of Beerwah, where the zoo is located and Mr Irwin lived with his family.

Fans speak of their shock at Irwin's death

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