Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My little singer

I love to hear my little buddy sing. His singing voice is the sweetest little sound to me. He gets so into it. I wish I could get better footage, but here's a start.

All Boy

I LOVE having a boy. I am super thrilled that we are getting another one. Warren is ALL boy. He loves trucks, sports, tools and lately his newest obsession... guns. I am trying my hardest to get a good picture of him with his holster on, while wearing his rubber crock boots, cowboy hat and only a diaper, but I can't get him to sit still long enough.
Andrew decided it's probably best if he is going to love guns we teach him that he can "shoot" animals, but not people. So now he hunts for animals all day long. Andrew set up a little gun range around the house the other night. It made me laugh. Watching those boys creeping around the house hunting stuffed animals was awesome.


Summer feels like it's finally here. We have had/ been to a few BBQs. We have gone swimming a few times, but the real kick off is always a good Bees game.

Warren had his first experience with cotton candy. He didn't go to sleep until 11pm, but it was still fun.

Monday, June 28, 2010

My little buddy is the funniest kid alive. I usually laugh at him all day long. Yesterday he had me laughing so hard I was crying like a baby. I couldn’t catch my breath.

We were on our way home from my parent’s house. It had been a long, exhausting day for a little kid. There are so many things to do there and Warren just doesn’t stop moving. He plays on the swings, climbs up and down the slide, sprays water in the drinking fountain, rides bikes, climbs rocks, plays golf. It is just no stop fun. So much fun he usually won’t eat. He also won’t leave without putting up a good fight. Yesterday was no exception. By the time we left it was almost 9:00 pm. He hadn’t had much to eat, so I figured we would give him something quick when we got home before bed.

On the way home he cried for about 15 minutes…. at the top of his lungs. He did not want to go home. This is where it gets funny. As we passed McDonalds, here is how the conversation went (as Warren is still crying and screaming like crazy.)
Warren: “I need nugget fries.”
Me: “Ok buddy, I will make you nuggets when we get home”
Warren: “No, I need them from McDonalds.”
Me: “Well buddy, we don’t buy sad boys nugget fries.”
Then it was like a light switch had been flipped and he stopped crying and with a massive, open mouth smile….
Warren: “Oh, ok. I’m a happy boy now.”
Andrew looked at me with a little laugh and said we might as well turn around and get them for him so he can eat them on the way home. Then he mumbled to me as he flipped around “We are such freakin’ suckers.”
Warren, with his fists pumping in the air…. “Yeah, you freakin’ suckers.” He clapped and cheered until he got his nuggets and said “Oh guys, you’re the best.”

I haven’t laughed that hard for a long time. I guess we REALLY need to be careful about what we say around him. I don’t want him going around town telling people his parents are freakin’ suckers.

Warren LOVES to ride his little scooter. He hasn’t had any really bad crashes. Friday we were at the park for a family reunion. We had been there for a long time because Kemp parties are rarely under 5 hours. He had just about enough of the play ground and football at this point, so we busted out the scooter. About 2 minutes into it he wanted to see if he could balance with both feet on the platform. That didn’t go well. He fell backwards with the back wheel going right in the middle of his little butt cheeks, probably hitting his tail bone pretty hard. He cried like crazy and limped a bit for the rest of the night. I have bruised my tailbone before and it hurts bad, so I know how he felt.

The next morning, he waddled into our room when he woke up and he was whining that his bum still hurt. He wanted me to kiss it better. So being the “freakin’ sucker” of a parent I am, I leaned over to kiss his butt. He looked at me and said, “mommy, it still hurts.” I said “Buddy, I wish there was more I could do, but I can’t fix this one.” Then Warren said “Oh, Papa can fix it with his screw driver.”

Oh Buddy. If Papa could really fix everything with his screwdriver we would be set.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Poor buddy.

Yesterday was a pretty sad day for our family. We decided after a few possible allergic reactions to nuts we would take Warren to an allergist. Andrew and I went in thinking that he had a mild allergy to tree nuts. Our pediatrician says it's better to be safe than sorry with nut allergies because they can be deadly. So we figured we would have him tested.

Warren has had cashews and walnuts... both with similar reactions (one while I was entertaining an out of town guest from the PGA). He would tell us his tummy hurt and within a few minutes throw up. We figured since he wasn't getting super rashey and didn't act like his throat hurt, and that he was throwing up that it wasn't that serious. WRONG. Apparently throwing up means your sensitivity to something is worse than the itchy and rashey reaction.

So, after some poking and prodding we found that our little bug is severely allergic to all tree nuts. Luckily not peanuts. But, cashews can be as deadly as a peanut allergy. So, we are now an epi pen family. FUN!!!

We also found out he's allergic to cats and dogs which was a little shock. He is around them every Monday. We are just supposed to wash his clothes, hands and face when he comes home. That one isn't serious. Still a good excuse for me to never have a cat or dog in the house!!!!!!! Hooray. I'm not a huge fan of animals.

I have had a couple of people ask how we got Warren to sit so still for so long.... bribery. We told him he could have a slurpee if he was a good boy. He kept still which was shocking. The saddest thing was when he was crying and telling me "mommy, I'm being a good boy." It broke my heart. He wanted his slurpee so bad but couldn't hold back the tears.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Summer

I LOVE summer. It's about dang time that it got here. It seems like we went straight from winter to summer this year. At least it came though. Now time for real fun. Boating. Picnics. Pool. Golf. Hiking. Although I may not be as active this summer as most, I still love it. We had a great kick off on the warmest day of the year. We went boating with the Smith's. It was fabulous. It was about 85 degrees. No wind. The lake was like glass. There were 4 adults and 2 kids. Just perfect.

I wasn't even going to go. I was going to send my boys for the day while I stayed home and did some cleaning and organizing. I said to Warren on Thursday night "what are you and daddy going to do tomorrow buddy?" He looked up with the sweetest face and said "we're going boating mom. Want to join us?" I looked at Andrew to make sure I thought I heard what I thought I did...... Andrew swears up and down he didn't tell him to say it. How could I say no to that request. Dust if you must I guess. I am super glad I went. It was a blast.
Have you ever seen a cuter baby?

I know what you are all thinking..... Annie, the most paranoid parent on this planet let her baby go surfing behind the boat??? It took some convincing, but I am glad I let them go. Warren thought it was the greatest thing ever. And how about my hubby??? He's got skills. The surf was set up so he was going goofy foot and still able to balance with a 35 lb. 2 year old in one arm. Impressive.

It was tough to get my little fish out of the lake. The water wasn't all that warm. It was only about 70 degrees. Warren kept getting on the platform and I'd say "come on in and get dry and warm buddy." He'd say "no mom, I'm fine... I'm fine." All while he had blue lips and shivering like mad.

The only way we got him back in the boat was to let him drive a bit.

Nixon was way happier out of the water and on grandpa Steve's lap.

What a fun day!!!

Zoo Zee Zoo 2010

We went to the Zoo Zee Zoo for Janie's birthday this year. Most of the family was there so it was super fun.

If I thumbed through all of my pictures, I could probably count a thousand where I am snapping candid shots, but my nerd alert sister Beck is posing.

"I am two and I can cry if I want too."

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A storm could be brewing......

I think the chances of baby Fisher #2 rocking Warren's world are pretty good. I have had a hard time thinking about it from the moment I found out I was pregnant. Here he is with his perfect little only child world and in 2 1/2 months that will all change dramatically. We talk about his baby brother a lot and he will act excited. He is darling with babies. When I have had other kids over to tend them, he loves to cover them with blankets and give them bottles. He loves to tickle them and make funny faces at them.

Warren has even named his baby brother. It's quite funny actually. We will ask him what we should ame his baby brother and he ALWAYS says "Baby Weston." Andrew had mentioned that name as a possiblity one time and it stuck with Warren. Now I will say, "What should we call your baby brother?" And he will say "Baby Weston." When I say "How about _______" and give him another option he will say "No, baby Weston." I have even tried "Warren say baby ___________". With a quick response "No mommy..... baby Weston." We will see with that one I guess.

Here comes the storm part. Last night we set the crib up. The first real sign (besides my massive belly) that a new addition is on it's way. It was only about 6 or 7 months ago that we took Warren out of it, so he remembers it as being his. When we told him he couldn't get in it he was so upset. He was screaming "that's my bed!!" We tried to explain how awesome it is that he's a big boy and how fun it is that he gets to sleep in a big boy bed, ride big boy bikes, play with big boy toys, yada yada. He still wasn't going to hear it. I am a little worried about what to look forward to in that department.

A Little Piece of Heaven.

I'll be honest, this week has kind of sucked. What a nice surprise to find this little treat in my office when I showed up this morning.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Henry Dunroe Winchester

Imagine this.....

On a Monday morning you are going about your day. Nothing much different than most days. You get a call that afternoon from an adoption agency you just signed on with about a month earlier that says "We have a birth mom that wants to meet you. You are the only family she wants to talk to. Oh, by the way..... she is being induced on Wednesday morning."

So, you skip the 9 months of planning, preparing and pondering about your new little family member. Just BAM!! Here is your son.

We couldn't be more excited to have you in the family Mr. Henry.
Congratulations and best wishes to John and Lori!!
He's perfect and I couldn't be more thrilled that he already chose me as his favorite aunt.

Funny kid....

Warren says the darndest things.... his newest are:

*"Oh my goodness mom, I can't believe it."
*This one is great. Not sure where it came from, and it took a couple of times for me to even understand what he was saying but we will be in the car and he'll randomly say "oh crap, I forgot my bag." I must have said it one time when I got in the car and it stuck.
*When we give him something to eat he will say "Oh sank you mommy, it's my faborite."
*He thinks my dad can do anything. Whenever something is broken he'll say "Papa will fix it." He even snapped one of my headbands in half the other day and said "I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean to. Papa will fix it."