Showing posts with label Our little family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our little family. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Disneyland - 2013

We LOVE California. So we were super excited when Andrew's dad told us we were going to Disneyland to celebrate Andrew's little sister's mission call.   It was an awesome trip. Perfect weather. Hardly any crowds. Just so much fun. I took a million pictures but blogger won't let me upload them all. So I picked out my favorites.
What is better than a day at the beach?

Our favorite restaurant. Ruby's.

My hair and humidity don't mix well.

It seems like all worries and cares disappear when your are sitting by the ocean.

One of the best things I've learned about Disneyland is make friends. And I just don't mean with Mickey. We were in line to get in the park on the first day. We had made friends with a cute old couple. we didn't notice that they left the line. Then the lady showed up and told me she found a shorter line to get in the park. We went right up front with her. We were the third people in the gate. When we walked around the corner, there was Mickey. Warren ran up to him and grabbed his hand and they skipped down Main Street. It was the best Disney moment ever.

Weston loved Disneyland. I was nervous about him being in lines waiting for rides. No naps..... but he was awesome.

Do you see Westi up front with Andrew on this roller coaster? I couldn't believe he did it. But he waited in line and was so brave. I thought it was cute.

Warren got to be the band conductor one morning. Totally awesome. And he danced with Alice in Wonderland. She saw him later that night and totally remembered him. Warren was certain they had become best friends. Oh, the magic of Disneyland.

Weston was determined to meet "Tigger Bear" and Daisy. Kind of random characters to care about, but he did. And we found them. It's funny to think what goes on in a two year old's head.

Warren got to go to Jedi training. Awesome.

One of Warren's favorite things to do when we are out of town is eat pizza in bed.

Seriously... He looks so cute and so tired here.

So excited to meet Daisy.

I love this thumbs up phase Warren is in.

One of my favorite things at Disneyland is the Pixar Parade in California Adventure. It is SO CUTE. And the music is so awesome. We saw the Soundsational Parade at Disneyland too. It wasn't as awesome, but Warren danced non-stop. He was so into it that a family from across the way came up to us after and said Warren was more entertaining that the actual parade. He is a pretty fun kid to watch. They were video taping it. So if you see him on YouTube let me know.

TKO'd. That's what a day at Disneyland will do. Weston NEVER falls asleep in the stroller. But he was knocked out.

When we got to the hotel room we tried to get him in his jammies. He yelled at us "No. Go away. I'm sleeping." Then he crawled up and hid in the pillows. He was so out we did his nightly breathing treatments without him waking up.

We LOVE Cars land. It's so awesome.

What do you need for a road trip? A blankie, iphone and a big fat Diet Coke.

It was fun to have Weston with us. We left him home in October and just had Warren. I'm so glad he got to come this time.
He got to meet "Queen"
The only good thing about driving to Cali... Vegas Baby.
It is a really long drive. But worth it.

What a fun trip. It was fun to be with Andrew's family. Everyone is such different ages that we didn't see a lot of each other. But we were able to meet up a few times. It was a great trip. Thanks to the Fisher's for taking us. What great memories.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012

Usually I think it feels great to clean Christmas up. To put the decorations away and get organized. But I was really sad this year. It was the best Christmas I can remember. My kids are the perfect age. Warren is so excited about the whole Santa thing and I love to see him light up. Weston is so fun because he loves "Kissmas lights" and "Santa Cause". It was a magical year.

Nonetheless, all good things must come to an end. But here is a Christmas 2012 in review.....

Christmas Week Church Attire

School Polar Express Party/Program

School Santa

Westi got to sit on his lap at Warren's School

Wally, just Hangin'

Wally zip lining. I seriously had so much fun with him.

Work Christmas Party.

Zoo Lights. Cold, but fun

Warren and Janie helping the carolers

Then Westi got in on the action

I hosted "Bunco" this month. We actually don't play anymore.
Just chat and eat. I love these girls.
Top (RtoL) Becca Dulgarian, Jess Perry, Jess Selgke, Mikelle Blackner, Meredith Johnson, Amy Labrum
Bottom (LtoR) Cortney Smith, Tricia Taylor, Me.

The annual meeting at the cemetery to visit Grandma and Grandpa Kemp was cold. I love that it's not something anyone ever talks about to remind you about going. You just show up if you can at 5:00 on Christmas Eve. I LOVE this tradition. It's cool to see cousins and aunts and uncles. Whoever can come. It's about 10 minutes but it's neat. My cousin played amazing grace on his harmonica, we talked for a minute then we were done. Short and sweet. I really miss my grandparents. I think all of the time how nice it would be to take the boys over to visit them. My kids would have LOVED them.

Christmas Eve at my parents. Always a large production.

Warren loves his remote control air plane.
Yes, my 2 year old still has a binki. And he sucks on it ALL DAY LONG. No matter what we are doing. To be honest he gets whatever he wants. We joke that he's the one that wears the pants in the family. But when you can barf on command, you automatically win. If he gets mad, he will make himself throw up and I would just rather let him have his way than clean up barf all day long.

Westi doesn't really care what under the paper. He just loved to open PESENCE.

OMG. This is quite a story. We had this picture blown up and we wrote a message signed by Cindy for my dad. Today I was visiting him at rehab (he had a double knee replacement). He was telling my uncle Bus about the picture we had printed and sent back to Disneyland to have Cinderella sign. My mom and I chuckled and said, "Dale, you know we just printed the message on there, right?" He replied (with tears in his eyes) "Well Damn It Teri. That's like telling a kid Santa Clause doesn't exist!" I'm going to blame that on the drugs. He's not really senile, snd he doesn't really think Cinderella is a real person.
Our insurance that the boys wouldn't go down stairs and peek.

The "Yay, Santa Came Dance"

Weston was so excited to get new blankies

Warren just wanted to fly his helicopter from my mom and dad.

The stockings were hung by the TV with care. I wish we had a fireplace. But we don't, so I got creative.

Don't they look so tired? We had to wake them up at 8:00am in order to get presents unwrapped, breakfast done and to Grandma Fisher's in time. They were dragging a bit, but we were on time :)

Funny, the $5 set of balls they got were one of their favorites.

Broncos Uniform!

Weston is totally into "Football Game Shirts." So Santa brought him a full uniform.

Nativity at my parents house.

My Shepard and wise man.

We are so ready for the Super Bowl.

They were their uniforms as often as we will let them. Occasionally we try to wash them.

All of the Winchester grand kids at my parents house.

Christmas Day at Fisher's was fun. Warren loves his buddy McKay.

Westi got a cash register. He loves it.

What an amazing month December was. I hate winter, but the December festivities makes it bearable. I'm a little worried about being depressed in January. At least it's a busy work month so hopefull time will pass quickly. Before you know it we will be in flip flops and sitting by the pool.

On an extra positive note. They say the average person gains 5 pounds in December. I lost 5lbs in December. Can I get a Woot Woot.