
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Reasons to blog...

Someone asked me not long ago why I blog...

That's easy to answer...

Because it inspires me.

Because it helps me to look at objects from a different angle.

Because it has pushed me to learn and try new techniques.

Because it has allowed me to connect with a lot of creative people.

And of course...
because blogging is fun and addictive!!

If you would like to be inspired, connected and entertained
visit Kathleen at Faded Charm
and all the White Wednesday participants!

"Home is where you hang your @"
~Author Unknown

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A little change...

is always welcome!

It was time for us to get a new look.
So we became "Three Column Bloggers"....Exciting uh?...No, not really, but we needed
just a little more breathing room in our page to make it easier for readers to navigate our blog.

So there you have it, a Three Column Blog...
Hope you like our new, cleaner, simpler look!

Talking about looks, here's a sample of what you can find at our Country Roads space.

Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed.
~Irene Peter~

Now, let's go make something pretty!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Blog Party Time!!

Today we are participating in the Etsy Cottage Style Blog Party and since Marcela already wrote about the subject on that blog, this post it's all about me and "What makes my heart skip a beat"

This is an easy one!!
I would totally jump out of a moving car to grab white architectural pieces in a garage sale...

I will get out of bed early, very early in a Saturday morning just to find perfectly shabby-ed (is that even a verb????) windows...

I will definitely dive in a dumpster if I can walk away with old wooden pieces to add to my collection of candlesticks...

What can I say?...It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful!!

If you would like to share what makes YOUR heart skip a beat, visit the Etsy Cottage Style Blog and sign up using Mr., fab stuff will be shared there!!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Blog? ...Yes, Blog...B-L-O-G!

A few months ago someone said something about a blog...A what????...Blog, B-L-O-G. We immediately thought: Who has time to read or write a ...what's that name again??? Oh yeah, blog!

My oh my!!! We not only have time now to read, write, comment and follow blogs, we even participate in Blog Parties!!! Today we are joining Joy at Cupid Charm who asked us:
Why do you like to blog???

We thought long and hard about this and here's how we "justify our new obsession":

Blogging inspire us to create....
Creative energy is all over Blogland and to connect with so many people that love to share their talent, projects and their passion is very motivating to us!

Blogging made us more aware....
Of what's around us...All of the sudden, many things in our lives are being seeing through different eyes, from our favorite objects to some of our favorite moments are now captured and enjoyed in a whole new way!..

Blogging makes us believe...
That we can all find common grounds with pretty much anybody. In many, many cases we don't know about our readers or favorite bloggers religion, political points of view, traditions, background, etc, and we still can make a connection and enjoy each other! Maybe, just maybe, World Leaders should blog, we bet you that world peace will be achieved!

So cheers to beautiful and inspiring blogs everywhere and all the talented people behind them!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blue Blog Party

We are participating in the Etsy Cottage Style Blue Blog Party!...and here is my robin egg blue entryway. This is my "special" wall in the house, the rest are all different shades of white...

As you can see, it's a small wall but the pretty color reflects on the mirror across. I also bought some candles in the same shade....

Love, love. love this color!!!!
Hope you enjoyed it also and I hope next time you come by we'll have time to sit down and chat!
Have a wonderful day!

Don't forget to stop by and check out all the other pretty blues!...and YES! you can participate even if you are not an Etsy member or seller. I'm sure you have pretty blues to share....
