
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Burlap Luv...

My fascination with burlap continues...
Today, a tut so so simple that no words are needed...

I heart burlap
burlap hearts me!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

White Wednesday

This wonderful metal piece followed me home after a very short trip
to the local Salvation army...

Rusty and weathered to perfection...

Lovely details....

Perfect for my wall...

Very hard to resist, I must admit!
But I'm not keeping it because...

I'm moving in a year, and stuff needs to go out of this house, not in!

But it looked so nice that I thought:
I could at least enjoy it for a few minutes,
take some pictures,
share it with my White Wednesday Gals
and later, like a good girl, put it back in the truck
and drive it to Country Roads...

It wasn't easy,
but I did it!

"There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable"
~Mark Twain~

Now...isn't that the true, Mark!


Monday, June 7, 2010

Thrifty Monday

My Trader Joe's bags were begging to be recycled...

and recycling I did...

Now, with the $7 per gift I saved between wrapping paper and card...

I can buy myself a bouquet of those gorgeous peonies they have for sale!...

Cheers to a great week!


Visit and support this great meme!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sparkly Friday

If you think that $1.00 doesn't buy you anything these days,
you have to stop by the $1.00 bin at Michael's....

You can get 4 containers of shiny, pretty, yummy glitter...

4...for $1.00...all gorgeous and sparkly colors...

You can argue that $1.00 doesn't buy you anything useful or healthy or necessary....

But that's just a matter of opinion!

What are doing reading this silly blog???
Run to Michael's and get yourself some glitter!!!

Have a colorful weekend!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

White Wednesday

Today was cleaning day.
Top to bottom cleaning.

and all the boring "ings" you can imagine.

Until I came across the empty bird nest my Husband found yesterday in the side yard.

So simple,
so small,
so perfect...

just like the other 2 I already had....

The sweet new addition was the perfect excuse
for a much needed break and a little camera fun...

It was Tuesday after all and I needed my White Wednesday post!

And just like that my entryway got a new vignette...
who could've thought that housework could be so inspiring????

"My second favorite household chore is ironing.
My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint"
~Erma Bombeck~

If you need an excuse to take a break,
visit Kathleen at Faded Charm for more white goodness!