Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2009

Florida Workshop

I just got back (well at 3 am this morning) from my workshop in Ft Lauderdale Florida hosted by the Ft. Lauderdale chapter of CPSA. Thansk so much ladies for all your hard work setting up the workshop and all the set up, driving me around etc! It is much appreciated!

We had a good time despite the fact that I tend to talk during most every minute of my workshops..... uck.... and I sometimes think I am some sort of colored pencil comedian. Not a good one mind you. 

The workshop was 2 1/2 days and was meant to be a sampler of sanded supports with colored pencils so we used 3 papers and felt their similarities and differences, as well as their pros and cons.  You can see my lousy lousy distorted photos below of the work we did. Not everyone finished each day, especially the portrait day, but we all got a chance to get a feel for he technique on this type of surface.

Eggs and Fabric on UART 400 using dry colored pencils.

Side-lit portrait on Fisher 400 using Faber Castell Polychromos pencils. 

Shiny Red Shoes using watecolor underpainting and 
dry colored pencils on Ampersand Pastelbord. 

I havanother workshop coming up March 14th - 15th in Portland Oregon if anyone is interested. It is a 2 day workshop so it will be similar to the one in Florida, but I'll have to mix things up a bit to fit it in the 2 days. If you are interested in sigining up email me and I'll get you to the right person to sign up. Again it is being hosted by one of the wonderful CPSA local chapters, but they are happy to have non-members join them. 

Sunday, March 23, 2008

An apple a day...

Yesterday I had a workshop locally at the Sharon Art Center in Peterborough NH. It was postponed from earlier in the month when we had a snow day.

In the workshop we worked on building up color in 2 different ways: from a complimentary grisaille and starting with local colors and building on that. I brought a couple of bags of apples and students arranged themselves close to an apple that was hopefully lit well with 4 clamp lamps I had set up on stands.

The apple above I did the night before the workshop using a complimentary grisaille on light blue colourfix paper.

Thanks everyone who came to the class!

I do have a new 5 week class on colored pencil coming up at the Sharon Art Center in May and will include some work with watercolor pencils as well as colored pencils, after some persuading from everyone in my class yesterday!

Painterly Colored Pencil Thursdays
at the Sharon Art Center School
May 8 - June 5 Thursdays (5 3hour sessions)
10am - 1pm