Sunday, February 16, 2014

Blue-Green Telephone

Just finished! I brought this gem and my typewriter one to get professionally scanned so prints will be ready for the opening of the Portland Saturday Market next month. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Things have changed a bit for me since I last posted. I started working full-time teaching K-3rd grade art at a public school. I still plan on selling my own artwork at the Portland Saturday Market, so keep watching for a finished piece to be posted soon. If you want to see more frequent updates please follow my Facebook page. The link is on the right.

I may post some images from time to time on the art projects I am doing at school. Today I will be introducing my 6th graders to the good ole pinch pot and will be making these fun open mouth creatures.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Colored Pencil Treasures Volume II

I'm happy to announce that my citrus drawing will be included in the book CP Treasures Volume II edited  by Ann Kullberg. It should be available for purchase before Christmas.  I love compilation art books like these - so much great art by different artists to look at. It features colored pencil artwork as well as information about what inspired a piece or how it was made.

 I was lucky enough to be asked to be in the CP Treasures Volume I book which is available on Amazon.

Working Cover for CP Treasures Volume II by Ann Kullberg

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall at the Portland Saturday Market

It's Fall at The Portland Saturday Market. 

I made sure I didn't disrupt the leaves in my booth. They remind me of New Hampshire. :-)

It gets a little chilly sitting still in your booth all day, but walking around everyone seems much warmer. It always helps to dress for the weather - that's why I'm sportin' my daughter's Smurf hat. The market goes until Christmas Eve so I might have to invest in a more adult hat. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Typewriter: Vintage Machine Series

Typewriter 12" x 36"
Here's my latest in the Vintage Machine Series. If you are interested in prints, keep watch on my website for when they will be available.