Showing posts with label day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label day. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I got flowers.

I got flowers for March 8. I love Hyacinth, they smell so nice, so strong. Here is a painting I am doing for someone. It is far from being done. I will need some hint of wings. The cat died, so early, young, he was loved very much. 

I got myself some art materials to brighten up my day 

and start using it right away. Brush turned to be a bit too 

soft  for my liking, but inks are gorgeous.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Painting Sukkahs and a big challenge.

Painted few Sukkahs on panels for Holiday Sukkot. Here is Tomb of Mother Rahel, the Mother of Sorrows.  I spent a day for each painting, in one day I did 2 paintings, crazy long days. Panels are pretty big, walls for Sukkahs. On the top going bamboo branches, so you can see stars through the roof, while celebrating holiday.

The City of David, was pretty challenging, to build all this structures in perspective and in proportion.

Kotel was the first I did and I struggled a lot, to keep all this lines dancing on panels.

This was big and fiberglass bumpy, so paint was sliding like crazy and lines danced, pretty hard, so almost with my eyes closed I finished it.

Also on fiberglass panel. This and a previous one I did in one day. It was useful experience and big challenge. I had shawarma twice, it was not as amazing as in "Olympic Pita", our favorite shawarma and falafel place, also I ate it alone, but still it was a small  highlight of the day.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Forth of July weekend.

I felt I overworked it a bit. Zeta sketchbook by Stillman & Birn, vintage Rembrandt watercolors, hot weather, Hunter Lake.


Wonderful day.

I miss drawing so much, that managed to draw in traffic coming back from the country. Just to hold the pencil is a happy moment.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A day Upstate.

Near the stream, accommodated by a friend.

Was trying to control myself not to slip into drawing details, but following the Artist's advice, Marc Holmes.
I was right, saving Stillman & Birn sketchbook for watercolor sketches, paper deserve to be used for more serious studies.

Was completely spoiled by my friend. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sample with metallic glazes.

Did few samples, among them this one, with metallic glazes, hopefully I will get to paint oriental motif there, in the show room.

In this studio, not mine, borrowed for a day. Its nice there.  Will have to use it for another 4 compositions, as soon as I will prepare it.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April 30 is my birthday.

Usually I have tiny moments of sadness, that I got older and many people who I loved are not with me anymore, but today was very different birthday, spent in leisure and pleasure. I drew, I spent the day  talking to my friends, my fun was planned for me, I love every moment, I got amazing presents, was spoiled, loved, taken out to a wonderful restaurant. I wish every day would be my Birthday. I am very thankful to my little girl, to my wonderful daughter, who makes every day of my life the happiest.
This is upside down Makloubeh, was so delicious Mediterranean dish.
We took Künefe home, it was hot and delicious with honey and rose water syrup. And french pastries and strawberry tart.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

One of those days.

I like color of the mountains, reminds me stone. I can't finish a single drawing, wrapped up in everyday's obligations, responsibilities, promises, running around, bumping into people. From today I cherish one minute on the balcony, looking at the grey ocean with white waves, feeling how fresh and delicious air is and the moment when we were doing spicy mayo with Sriracha, waiting for sushi to come.
It was pretty interesting to see seagulls from their backs, below me.