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Showing posts with label jaulah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jaulah. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Medical Mission in Sabah~


Salam, guys!

First, I'll update some story of me and then I'll write a little bit about the topic written above.

I have done my SPA interview on the 3rd Sept. It's a very unprepared interview. But it's running smoothly as the interviewers were very benign and cool. =p About 2 hours later, all of us got our confirmation letter as a medical officer UD41. So now, we are waiting for the placement and PTM course. I'm not sure it'll be either in October or December. The faster the better. But still I'm not prepared yet. -.-"

On 13/9 -16/9 I have been on a medical mission in Sabah. It's organised under HALUAN (one of the NGOs) collaboration with Ministry of Rural and Regional Development.

Well I'm not intended to write a report. So I'll juz tell you what I've got.

Kg. Semuning

I was actually given a task for preparing and arranging the medications. But since there is someone which I thought would do better than me, I left that part to him (he's Medical Assistant) solely and helped the doctors taking the immunization history. Well, of course the immunization program for every country could be different. And for Jordan and Malaysia there's a little bit different. So at first, I was quite slow in taking the history. Actually there's some mistakes I have done in ticking the immunization paper =p But doctors there corrected it. After a few patients, I became faster. Well as people said, practice makes perfect.

The result, only a few of parents were quite educated about vaccination. Some of them never had their children vaccinated. Well, who's responsible for making this community aware about the importance of vaccination? Hmmm...
Also, some of them I can't understand their language and of course they can't understand me. Sometimes I have to change my slang to Sabahans' to make them understand what I'm talking. This I was able to do after listening many times to how they speak. But of course not that fluent.

Adult session was after the children session which also after we had our lunch and zohr prayer. For this session I was asked to measure the patients' blood pressure which is really easy because we used the digital sphygmomanometer. Actually the manual one is more accurate. And I was hoping to practice the manual one. But maybe it's easier to carry and handle they use the digital one. So I just go with the flow. Most of them have normal blood pressure. Only one or two were taking high blood pressure meds.

Finished my task, I went to the medications table to see if there's anything to help. And it's a mess there! Why? Because too many people were claiming for their meds prescription and only a person there distributing.  I felt guilty because actually my post was there helping to distribute the meds. It seemed easy. But actually for someone who've never been learn pharmacology can't give a help. At first, when I try to help me too was blurred with the doctors' writings and got confused with some abbreviations used. Also there's some meds written with generic name and i didn't know what was it. So, I asked a lot to the Medical Assistant who had been in charge for the meds since the morning. From him, I learnt the drugs name and confirmed the abbs used. Thanks to him.

After having our energy extracted, we have been fed with sumptuous seafood as our dinner. Also we got ourselves refresh and rest in a 3 to 5 star resort. (I don't know how many star because we are sponsored. =p)

Kg. Tagupi

Our team and some of the volunteers at Kg Tagupi

The next day, we offed to Kg. Tagupi. It took about 2 hours from the resort. The road there is not fully tarred. So we have about half an hour the journey of riding a horse in a car. =p

Here, I put myself in medications room with the MA as yesterday he asked me to help distributing meds for this day. We started with arranging the meds on the tables so that it's easier for us to find and give them to people.

In the morning, the patients who came for the prescription were not too many. We could handle it perfectly i guess. We even have some chat about his work which he used to work the longest in emergency but now he's in Clinic 1 Malaysia. Since then I just knew that there's no doctors in that clinic. MAs are doctors there. If there's anything complex that they can't handle then they will refer the patients to Klinik Kesihatan.

But starting about 4 o'clock, the surroundings in the room started to be crowded as people worried they won't had a chance to have their meds because we would wrap up at 5. At that time I was totally busy. I mean both of us. I tried to be fair as I tried to serve for who came first. But then, I can't even differentiate because they are not in queue anymore.

At that time, there's a woman who wanted meds but she didn't see the doctor yet. So no prescription. I told her to see the doctor first but then the MA asked me to just give the meds as he afraid that the doctors had too many patients. Also the meds she wanted were (over the counter) OTC.

"Just give the meds to them especially if what they wanted were just for scabies, sinusitis and muscle sore," he said.
"Okay then," I nodded.

Finished my work, I feel like half of my energy was totally lost. Sitting in front of a plate of donut, a doctor said,

"Penat? Ini belum HO lagi. Lebih kurang lah ni kerja macam ni. Penatnya macam HO. Cuma exclude scolding ja.."
Me: Smiling without energy. =p Pheww!

I was really amazed with one of the volunteers there. She's actually from Perlis. She got married with a man from this area and lived there. I'm amazed because she's willing to live there teaching the children even though the facilities were very lacking. Sometimes there's shortage of electricity. Their main source of water's the river. And the most thing that I can't accept that they use the river as their wastage landfill. Maybe because there'll be no one who'll come and take the garbage if they gather it. But I think it's better to burn or bury it. Hoping for better awareness for them in the future.

Btw, here was the first time for me to see bakau tree in front of my eyes. Before this, I only saw them in geography book during year 3 of secondary school i guess. =p

If you could see the root like crags at the back, then that's the root of bakau tree!

Next day, we only had a few hours to shop before our flight to Kuala Lumpur. So my sister and I just do window shopping and done while others are shopping till drop. =p It's because a few weeks before my father went to sabah too and bought some dried fish and squid and some traditional snacks.

p/s 1: Yeay! Done the writings after being postponed many times. =p
p/s 2: Yesterday got a pic with the famous author and got his autograph! Hehe..
p/s 3: Suggested movie: The Flu.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Jordan -with Beloved Family- Part 4~


Day 5: Ajloon Castle, Jerash, Umm Qays.

Ajloon Castle

In front of the castle.

Five of us!~ 

The only thing that i read in the museum inside the castle. =p

Let's go to the next destination!


When we arrived here I got headache and mood swing. So I didn't follow the trip. My two siblings end up staying with me in the car as it's too hot to go out and they said if I don't want to enter then they also won't. -.-" So my parents enjoyed their time along with our tour guide.

With the poles...?? =p 

Enjoying their halal dating. =p

Umm Qays

Here, I think I took some pictures but i didn't find one. Sorry!

After that, we went shopping, having zurbian dish as our dinner and went back home! ^_^

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Jordan -with Beloved Family- Part 3~


Day 4: Mu'tah, Dead Sea, Maqams (Shrines) of Prophet Syu'aib A.S and Yusha' bin Nun, 5 shrines of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.'s companions R.A.


Mu'tah is famous with the shrines of martyrs in war of Mu'tah:-

1. Zaid bin Harithah
2. Jaafar bin Abi Thalib
3. Abdullah bin Rawahah

Shrines of Zaid and Jaafar are at the same place inside the mosque 
while Abdullah Rawahah's is outside he mosque about two minutes by car.
The place of shrines depend on the place where they were martyred.

Shrine of Zaid bin Harithah

Shrine of Jaafar Abi Thalib as known as Jaafar At-Thoyyar

Abdullah Rawahah's poem during the war

Shrine of Abdullah Rawahah

Dead Sea

My father's first experience of floating in dead sea!

Bathing after floating in a very salty dead sea.

Shrines of Prophet Syu'aib A.S. and Yusha' bin Nun

Sorry. No pic of Prophet Syu'aib's shrine. I think it's because we were busy trying to catch up with the prayer time and forgot to take some. My bad. -.-"

Shrine of Yusha' bin Nun

They said this was the person who accompanied Prophet Musa A.S. when he was travelling to find Prophet Khidhir A.S. as portrayed in Surah al-Kahfi. Just that his name is not mentioned in that surah. By the way, the shrine looks longer than usual right? They said it's not that the person named Yusha' was a tall person. Just that the parts of the skeleton was not arranged perfectly.

5 Shrines of Prophet Muhammad's Companions R.A.

1. Dhirar Al-Azwar R.A.
2. Abu Ubaidah Al-Jarrah R.A.
3. Shurhabil bin Husna R.A.
4. Mu'az bin Jabal R.A.
5. Amir bin Abi Waqqas R.A.

All of them were involved in battle of Yarmouk. That's why their shrines were in one area.
For more information, try to ask Mr. Google as I'm not that hardworking to write it down. =p
Oh and also the pics. If you ask for them to Mr. Google sure he will show you. =)

to be continued..
p/s: Ensyaallah part 4 will be the last part of this Jordan -with Beloved Family- post.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Jordan -with Beloved Family~ Part 2


Day 3: Wadi Musa, Petra, Maqam al-Harith Ibnu Umair Al-Azdi

Wadi Musa

Again no pic on my Note II here as I didn't bring it along with me. *sigh*

We prayed Zohr at this Masjid before going to the well of Prophet Musa A.S. 
They said that the water from here is coming from that well.


I remembered when I was here about 6 years ago, I once said "This's the first and last time I would entered this place." And here I was againnn.. =p It's not like I hate this place. It's just that I hate the camel and horse dung which were everywhereee.. -.-" and it's hooottt! 

Ok fine yeah I know I'm not the person who could be amazed by only history. =p

 Waiting others to get ready for the journey with peaceee! =D

Let's beginn! Ho yeahh! 

Whoooaa.. Be careful with the horsecart..!! 

I'm not sure what's my dad looking at. 

Here I am!~ ^_^ 

My mum is trying to touch the elephant thingy.

Approached by a seller guy there.
As expected the softest heart is my mum. Fortunately she didn't have money with her. =p 

Capturing my dad who tried to selfie with khazaneh. =p 

The best pic I could find that have us with khazaneh. -.-" 

Bullying my youngest sister in front of... I don't know whatt..~ =p 

Trying hard to take a pic here even though I don't really mind what's the significance. =p

My cool dad! =p 


 They got to ride a horse at last. =)

Goodbye Petraaa!! 

Maqam al-Harith Ibnu Umair Al-Azdi

I don't have the pic here. -.-" Sorry.

But yeah let's read a little bit about him. 
What I have been told was.. 

He was sent by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. with a letter to Shurahbil Ibnu Amr Al-Ghassani which was a provincial governor of Busra, under the Byzantine Emperor, Hercules. Shurahbil ordered that al-Harith be bound and he had him beheaded. This leaded to war of Mu'tah in order to get justice for his death.

After that we were heading to Mu'tah.

To be continued..

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Jordan -with Beloved Family~ Part 1


p/s: This post is going to have loads of pictures rather than writing i guess. Enjoy!

3rd July 2014
My family: [my parents and 2 of my youngest brother and sister] was here!
I forgot to take their picture of arrival. My bad. -.-"

Day 1: JUST
I brought them to JUST as before my parents came and didn't have a chance to take a walk inside it.

1st stop: King Abdullah University Hospital
p/s: Picture in front of the hospital in my father's camera. 
So I'll just upload what i have in my Note II because if i wait maybe i'll never post about it. -.-"

 Me: being paparazzi

 Before sunburn~

Could this pic get highest rating for album cover? =p 

In front of library. My mum really love the 'tong gas' as she insisted to have her pic there. =p 

I brought them to the stadium as they can't attend my graduation day which was held here.
Instead of attending the graduation day, they decided to have a competition. -.-" 

I just discovered my brother is a quite photogenic guy. =p
My dad: who just can't let go his phone camera even a minute. =p

More beautiful pics are with my dad. If you're lucky enough then I'll upload them later. =p

Day 2: Ashabul Kahfi, Wadi Rum and Aqaba

Sorry, no pics of ashabul kahfi in my Note II.

Wadi Rum
First check point!

Walking towards the 1st checkpoint which is the big rock with some writings on it. 


A camel made a visit to show off himself! =p

Second check point!

Walking towards the second check point.

 Hey, we're between the rocks!~

Cute couple. =)

 Left: Lans Coperal Sulaiman
Right: Sarjan Dik Ah

Third check point

Going up and up with difficulties!

The champion of the day!~

Resting after having hard time climbing the hill of sand

Three musketeers on the hill~

"Sand, what are you doing in our shoes?!!"

 View from upside.

Last check point!

Guess which one is mine?


Rooms for nightover~

Abah's learning to selfie!~ =p

Us!~ We'll miss you Wadi Rum!


Here Ummi bought 6 cotton comforters and other stuffs! and I got my new hand luggage. 
I don't think I could mention all the stuffs that ummi bought. =p 
This is what we call heaven of shopping spree!

To be continued...