Showing posts with label Invincible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invincible. Show all posts

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Monster Girl

Reading the most recent issue of "Invincible" (#109) the kids were reminded how much they like the character of Monster Girl.

Due to some sort of curse, Monster Girl ages in reverse.  She switches between appearing as an increasingly younger female human form and an increasingly larger monstrous male form.  Issue #109 takes place in an alternate universe when her age regression has reached toddlerhood and her monster form is, as Archer observed appreciatively, "the size and power of Godzilla."

This particular issue reminded me why Monster Girl might be relevant to me....
(There's more of this sort of stuff, of course, at my rather moribund website

From 2008
From the late 90's


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Le Brusier From Guarding the Globe

Reading the latest issue of "Invincible" last night, Ansel saw an ad that reminded him of the coolness of Le Brusier, the french super-powered canine member of the Guardians of the Globe.

Le Brusier has been shown smoking a cigarette and apparently is known for passing out in bars, so he is not exactly a role model for Kindergarteners....  But this only increases his appeal with my sons.

I left the cigarette off and did my best to make a french bulldog look focused and menacing, unfortunately at the expense of the breed's characteristic walleyed look. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Invincible's Dinosaurus With Strawberry

We have been finishing up rereading "Invincible" at bedtime.  
Dinosaurus is a somewhat well intentioned villain who melts Las Vegas to address global warming.
I 'm afraid that he might not be a fan of organic strawberries for a Kindergarten lunch- excessive use of resources and all. 
Given his facial expression here, it's hard to tell whether he is pro or con.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Battle Beast from "Invincible" with Chicken Nugget

Battle Beast makes an aggressive case for chicken nuggets.

Ansel has been having trouble coming up with a request for the next day's napkin image recently.  I offered several suggestions last night, most of them wholesome and related to school topics.  (The kids' teachers are pleased on the rare occasions that the napkin has something to do with curriculum rather than TV or violent graphic novels)

Ansel groaned at my lousy suggestions and told me that it "has to be something GOOD."  I am not sure if Battle Beast, a ridiculously tough alien who can survive the vacuum of space and fights super humans just for fun, was really a good choice.  But Ansel did take the napkin to school, so I guess it was better than nothing.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Invincible and Tech Jacket

We are still working our way through the back issues of "Invincible"- slogging through the Viltrimite war while I consider the effects of graphic cartoon violence on lower school minds.  It's still easier to breeze by the sex, but the entrails are harder to miss. 

One of the highlights of these issues is the appearance of Tech Jacket, one of Ansel's favorites. 

Here, he and Mark offer broccoli and an apple for a manly lunch.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Darkwing from Invincible as a Boxer

Darkwing is the Batman analog in the "Invincible" universe.  Despite not exactly being a good guy in his second incarnation, he is one of Ansel's favorites.  Here he appears as a perspectivally challenged boxer.  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Invincible Doberman

We are still working our way through the complete "Invincible" series.  Ansel was surprisingly pleased with this image of Invincible as a Doberman, our latest- and first non DC addition to the super canine series.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Bi-Plane From "Invincible"

Ansel was not impressed with my bad perspective rendition of Bi-Plane, another ridiculous villain from "Invincible." I should have drawn a cuter bad guy.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Salamander from Invincible

We seem to be rereading all of Invincible again.  It is only marginally less age-inappropriate this time around.  

Ansel chose an obscure character for his napkin today: The Salamander, one of the bit players in the bad guy group the Lizard League.  I think he appears in the background a couple of times, and perhaps speaks once.  Although I certainly could be wrong, we are only on Volume 2 at the moment, and I haven't slept much since the last reading.

Archer told me this morning that I got it wrong, the color should be more red.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Invincible & Darkwing for Ansel

The kids are reading "Invincible" again, all 94 plus issues, plus other related Image Comics compilations.  So age-inappropriate that I can't believe we read most of it a year ago, but so very compelling.  I think Ansel is particularly taken with the dark blue suited Mark and Darkwing #2 as they slightly resemble Nightwing and Batman.