i have only 79 days as of today till my BIG day!! hoye hoye!! (bunyi macam da tak sabar je).
BUT..BUT..BUT..who knows bape percent my preparation done so far?? huhu.. roughly i can say that it might be 62.81% .HAHAHA...giler ke? macam mane nak kire pon aku x tau..main belasah je. HAHA
so lets hapdet:
Catering (Bertandang)
over the passed weekend, we managed to booked Bertandang pny catering. Tunang sgt suka dgn food die. Nasi beryani die mmg sedap!! but we amek only the package of food for 1000 pax and pelayan. the reason why x amek full package including canopy sume is to save more..But...HAHA..ya its actually can save, but not that much.. Sape pnah rase D'Mawar Catering ??Hehe SETEL.
Canopy (Bertandang)
hmm disebabkan mahu berjimat segala untuk majlis bertandang, tunang tekad utk book canopy asing2..& the Canopy service that we hired is from my old school friend..die baru je berjinak2 dlm dunia canopy ni..mari kt kasi die bisnes.hehe.So, weekend da jumpa & dok bincang seating arrangement , canopy , deco & hal2 yg berkaitan.. SETEL.
Homestay (Bertandang)
alhamdulillah, homestay for my family time majlis bertandang nnt da booked!! hoye hoye..SETELlocation: cool
(dkt ngn umah tunang & dekat tepi pantai..hehe)
price: okay la =p
(hmm affordable & not overprice)
The place is called
Hantaran Hunting
Mostly done and berjaya beli (parahnye nak kuarkan duit beli barang hantaran..isk isk..)
yg bkn dlm list pon 'terbeli'..hahaha..yg tinggal cuma edible items je la..hehe..Mostly done and berjaya beli (parahnye nak kuarkan duit beli barang hantaran..isk isk..)
arini kan wordless, tetapi x dpt menahan diri dr menulis..HAHAH
woww bestnye kalau dapat!!
woww bestnye 2 kali ganda kalao dapat!!
nyum nyum!!