Showing posts with label Quebecor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quebecor. Show all posts

Nov 8, 2010

Slaying the Unicorn (Part 1)

The campaign against ‘Fox News North’ threatens the intellectual freedom of all Canadians.

Read the rest here.

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Nov 6, 2010

When is a Job Offer Not a Job Offer? (Part 2)

What kind of company invites you to be part of a bold new television station and then a few months later shrugs and mumbles that it was all a practical joke?

Read the rest here.

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Nov 5, 2010

When Is A Job Not A Job Offer? (Part 1)

Invited in May to join a new Canadian television station, I was supposed to be a contrarian voice on topics such as global warming and David Suzuki. By October, the broadcaster had lost its nerve.

This multi-part essay relates how Canadian cultural icon Margaret Atwood teamed up with an American, left-wing activist group to interfere with Canadian consumers’ television choices.

I’m a bit player in this drama (albeit one wooed & then jilted by a media company lacking even a scrap of honour). The bigger picture is that Canadians will continue to be fed the same old pablum.

Read the rest here.

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