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Showing posts with label icebergs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label icebergs. Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Trinity Views and Icy Feet - The Skerwink Trail Part 2

After rounding the headland on the Skerwink Trail I was eager to see if I would spot more iceberg pieces as I continued along the coast toward Trinity.

There was a section around about the 3 km mark that was a bit difficult with steep eroded trail and no handholds, making me a bit nervous about what was ahead.  Don't fret, it was just those few feet that were nerve wracking and then it was smooth hiking with gentle ups and down on well defined trail.

Before long I was in the woods with my bitty bergs behind me, and soon I had views of the lovely town of Trinity.

In the summer Trinity is normally a tourist hot-spot with shops, inns and the Rising Tide Theater to round out a nice getaway.  Of course there are no performances this year with the Covid-19 outbreak.

This might be a good spot to mention that Newfoundland is still quite strict compared to some other places with their outbreak restricitons.  We had over a month with no new cases, and that is due to that extreme vigilance.  Even now we only have 3 cases I believe and all of them are returning residents who had been in self-isolation when tested positive.

It's been over 3 weeks since we began letting the other Atlantic Provinces visit our shores, and so far so good.  Our Premier has said that if numbers begin to rise we will shut our border again.  We are still closed to the rest of Canada and the rest of the world.  We hope to welcome you all back next year!

 At the 3.5 km the trail winds down off the headland onto a rocky beach cove where I saw more bits of iceberg rolling in on the tide.

Sure ya knows I had to take off m'shoes! I actually had a harder time with all those tiny rocks poking my tender feet than the icy water. And hey, there's another bitty berg just over where I can't get at it!

A local gentleman observed my shenanigans and came over for a chat while I put my shoes back on.  I heard about the fox and her kits that he saw on the trail the other day, and stories of how they used to go swimming in the nearby pond.  Never hesitate to strike up a conversation in Newfoundland, it's always welcome and always worth the time.

The remainder of the trail is flat and winds past Farm Pond which is surrounded by lush pasture full of wildflowers and then a section of woods before you are looped back to the parking area.  I was a bit busy having my chat and didn't take any pictures, but here's a simple video of the hike that I made so now you can hear the sounds of the hike as well as see the views.  Sorry about the wind noise out on the headland, no way to muffle that on an iPhone camera that I know of!

There are other trails in the vicinity to explore, and I was there for an overnight in my tent so I had to choose one...

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Bitty Bergs on the Skerwink Trail - Out to Skerwink Head

The only icebergs I've seen this year were on the Skerwink trail about 6 weeks ago in mid-June.  But you don't hike the Skerwink Trail in Port Rexton/Trinity East for the icebergs, (one of the top 35 trails in North America and Europe, by the way) you hike it for the views.

The 5.3 km loop trail starts with a short walk from the parking area on the main road and even before I got to the sea stacks I stopped and admired the beautiful blooms in someone's lawn.

I've seen the photos from the Skerwink Trail before, but seeing the views from the trail is indescribable.  The smell of the salt air, the breeze on my face, the sound of the water lazily lapping against the shore... and then the assault on the eyes of the jagged rock against the smooth blue water is something that a picture just doesn't capture.

Views like this within a 1 km walk on level ground? Heaven on earth!

And to top it all off, most of these photos were taken with my iPhone.  I used both the Canon 70D and the iPhone and even with a polarizing filter on the DSLR the iPhone was the winner.  That doesn't happen often, but it's why I use both when I can.

If you don't like heights or just wanted a short jaunt on a hot day you could turn around and be well satisfied. But for those of us who always want more the trail continues on and is level most of the way out towards Skerwink Head with the exception of a few staired areas.

Keep an eye for moose, they've been spotted in the area! And fox, and eagles, and don't forget whales. Unfortunately I didn't seen any wildlife, but my eyes were too busy seeing everything else to care.  If you want a chance at whale sightings you might want to wait until early July when they are following the capelin.

Skerwink Head in the distance

It's about 2.5 km total out to Skerwink Head, and please stick to the trail.

 Walking out onto the tipped up headland was a unique feeling - again, watch out for the edge!  I left a little painted puffin on the ground for someone to find.

I searched the bird covered rocks, but no actual puffins.  They like a bit of dirt to dig their burrows after all.  Plenty of other seabirds were making use of them though.

The zoom I had packed with me was not quite enough to get good detail, but maybe your eyes are better than mine and can pick out how many birds are tucked in the crevices.

 As I inched up the incline on the headland, suddenly a whole new vista exploded into view, complete with bitty bergs!

And yes, photos taken with the iPhone.  Amazing!  I did need the DSLR and it's zoom lens for the bitty berg's close-up though.  Look at the color!

I kneeled down close to the edge and enjoyed the view for a bit, scouring the water for signs of seals or other wildlife. 

Look, Ma, baby icebergs! 

I also eyed up the continuation of the trail and debated whether to continue onward or to turn back like I saw the folks who had arrived before me do.

But of course I continued onward.  Maybe I wouldn't get back to this trail again soon, after all there is a lot in Newfoundland I have yet to explore.

 So, one last look at Dry Cove Beach and then away I went!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Iceberg Hunting

I know it's been two weeks since I posted anything, but internet has been so scarce that I figured it could all wait.  But then...icebergs!

This has actually been the first year I have been home at iceberg time so I was pretty excited to finally see them!

It's a big year for icebergs in Newfoundland, no trouble to find them in any of the northern coves and bays.  We found these just driving up the Port de Grave peninsula near Bay Roberts.

As you can see, May in Newfoundland is not the same as anywhere in the United States.  Things are still looking a bit like early March around here.

But it's been above freezing at night and consistently between 40F and 50F so nothing really to complain about.

Taking these pictures made me realize that maybe it's finally time to invest in a REALLY good zoom lens.  I have moose and caribou to find yet this summer, after all.

But first we need to get a house. That's right, still no home.  We were outbid on the first home we wanted, the second house we made an offer on was overpriced and they wouldn't budge.  Tomorrow we see the last house on the list of what is suitable and available. 

Then we will make a decision on the last two we are considering.  Both have renters in them at the moment, and here that means 90 days notice from the first of the month before they have to leave.  

Thank goodness we have a camper!  We might not be in a home of our own until October...