Showing posts with label Easter. birdhouses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. birdhouses. Show all posts

Friday, March 28, 2014


It all started when I read Sandy's blog!  She is hosting a cloche swap made from Dollar Tree plastic wine glasses.  What a fabulous idea!  You can visit Sandy's blog or go to Pinterest or Google to see endless cloche possibilities/ideas using Dollar Tree materials.

I made this cloche with a DT plastic wine glass, a ribbon I had on hand, an egg from a multi-package of eggs at DT and a bird's nest that I had on hand.  Oh, the yellow base is from a box of cupcake holders that I purchased at Walmart for $2.97.  I don't remember how many holders were in the box.

Same basic idea with stuff that I already had on hand.

This cloche is a tad bit different and bigger but still made with items from DT.  The glass vase, the bunny inside the cloche, the earthy grass and the pink glittery bunny on top are all from DT.  How easy and cheap is this?????

So quick and easy!

Now the game changes a bit.  I found this idea on Pinterest using Dollar Tree materials.  I just randomly put stuff on the kitchen table and sat down and stared.  A lot of the bird stuff (tree, birds, nests, twigs, houses, eggs, etc.) I had on hand because I used a nesting theme for my daughter's baby shower when she was pregnant with Lillian.

I found the white wire trash container at Dollar Tree (where else?) and reshaped it to look like a bell. "Cloche" in French means "bell".

I used a white plate from DT as my base and then I started to play with nests, birds, twigs, etc.

It's kinda hard to see but I think that you get the idea.

Thanks, Sandy, for the inspiration.  These things are so quick and easy to make and the possibilities are endless.  Think seasons/holidays and away you go.............................