Monday, November 18, 2013

Happy birthday two you!

Two years ago right now, I was sitting up in bed, trying to flex my toes.  They were starting to regain feeling, but were tingly, and my legs heavy.

Two years ago right now, I was frustrated at my inability to clear my throat, due to a lack of functional abdominal muscles.

Two years ago right now, the spinal from my C-section was wearing off.

Two years ago right now, I was holding my new baby, loving on her, and loving her name.

Two years ago right now, I was trying to help Robyn nurse for the first time.

Two years ago, my Robyn was born.

I remember how gentle Julie was, when she came to the hospital to visit.  I remember that she wasn't afraid, even though I was still hooked up to an IV (nervous yes, but not afraid).  I remember that she was so interested in her new baby sister, and not at all jealous.  I remember how loving she was toward her, right from the start.  I remember that Robyn gave Julie a gift, and Julie promptly shared said gift with Robyn, selflessly.

The things I know now are different.

My heart melts when I hear Robyn say, "I love you!"

I giggle a little when Robyn runs, because she crosses one foot directly in front of the other, causing her little bum to wiggle back and forth.

I am astonished at how polite she is.  Please, thank you, you're welcome, excuse me, no thank you, bless you, help, and "you okay?" (whenever someone coughs).

Sometimes I tear up watching my girls play together.  Julie loves being a little teacher, and Robyn just dotes on her.

I get nervous when I see Robyn trying to keep up with Julie and other big kids, whether it's on the playground, climbing something, playing on/around the stairs, or neighborhood kickball.

I smile that Robyn knows our neighbors' first names, and uses them.

I relished that, from the start, Robyn was a Mama's Girl.  Julie was always attached to Ben, so I finally got my turn.  (Though Robyn is starting to be much more of a Daddy's Girl lately, while Julie is taking more to me, finally.)

I laugh, out loud sometimes, at her expressions.  She is so emotive, and her face makes funny looks a lot.

So while my pregnancy wasn't emotionally the easiest, I wouldn't trade my Robyn Bird for the world.  My family was not complete without her.

In the spirit of celebrating the twos, here's some fun Robyn trivia:

2 favorite foods: chips and milk
2 favorite movies: The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything and The Magic School Bus (TV show, not movie)
2 favorite people: Julie and...probably a tie between Mommy and Daddy, right now
2 places she goes most often: school and nursery
2 favorite books: Peek-a Who? and anything Little Critter
2 favorite things to do: ask Daddy for chips when he gets home from work, and identify school buses wherever we go
2 favorite things to play with: puzzles and balls
2 big milestones this year: speaking in complete sentences (believe it or not), and first camping trip
2 biggest physical changes: walking and talking (very exciting, right?)
2 things she looks forward to every day: getting Julie from school or the bus, and Daddy coming home

Happy birthday.



Unknown said...

Wow! This is beautiful entry in what will be a memory vehicle for you all.

BAja said...