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Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2016

Before the Walk, on the Upper East Side

Dogs galore, on 80th Street
Photo by myself around 80th Street and Park Avenue, on the Upper East Side.

A group of at least twenty dogs were prepping for their morning group walk.

Most of them were portable-sized. Some were clothed. All were excited.

Happy Friday everyone!

Related posts: Here's Looking at You, in Washington Square Park, On Dogs and Dogs, and Furry Friends, in Tompkins Square Park.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Latest Addition, at Home

Rupert and Maisie
Photo by myself at home, in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

I hope everyone is enjoying a fantastic holiday!

We've been busy with a new addition to our home, a little dog named Maisie. Above, she and Rupert have stopped playing for a split second and look extremely serious. Don't be fooled.

Maisie is about 3 years old and seems to be a mix of a very short long dog (maybe Dachsund?) and a larger dog (maybe a cattle dog?). She is super sweet and affectionate, and has turned out to be the perfect companion for our Rupert.

We honestly didn't think Rupert needed a friend. He's never very interested in other dogs on the street. But we've been thinking about adopting a rescued dog and one thing quickly led to another. All we can say now is that we are SO glad to have taken the plunge! We are a much more active household now. And Rupert is 1000% a happier dog as a result!

Tug of War
Rupert and Maisie are occupied with the art of tug of war and wrestling, 99% of the time. Above, a rope toy survives about 30 minutes before being destroyed.

Maisie underneath
Maisie takes refuge below a bench. She enjoys hoarding toys and biting rear legs.

By the way, if you care for a single dog, please consider adopting a second! There are so many wonderful deserving dogs out there in need of a family.

Related posts: A Rupert Update, with Friend, On Hipsters and Rupert, Downtown, and Dogs in Costume, at Tompkins Square Park.


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Bath, on Cornelia Street

Bath, on Cornelia Street
Photo by myself on Cornelia Street, in the Village.

Before leaving on our trip, I took a quick walk around the Village. A tall dog named Rhett was patiently receiving a thorough bath, right out on the sidewalk.

A few other people noticed and were taking photos, too. Rhett is a Borzoi and a therapy dog. Kibble is not cheap. Rhett earns his keep, getting $1/minute for his services.

Bath, on Cornelia Street

Related posts: Critters, Streetside, A Four-Legged Co-Pilot, on Flatbush Avenue, and Enjoying Pugs and Drinks, Outside.


Monday, July 20, 2015

Neighborhood Dog Show, in Brooklyn

Dog show, nyc
Photo by myself, in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Despite the intense heat and humidity, there was a huge turn out of contestants and onlookers at a dog costume contest, in Park Slope this weekend.

Either there were a lot of female contestants, or when people think of costume, they think of embarrassing tutus. The majority of clothed dogs wore ballerina type things. Above, a black pug was surrounded by a lot of pink, while wearing pink, herself.

It was so insanely hot, I couldn't stick around to see who won.

Dog show, nyc
Dog and owner posed on a raised runway for photos.

Dog show, nyc
One youngster greeted another.

Dog show, nyc
There was a lot of sniffing, drinking, posing and fun.

Related posts: Dogs in Costume, at Tompkins Square Park, Dogs in Fur Coats, on Madison Avenue, and A New York Mascot.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Waiting, in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Photo by myself in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

A little dog waited patiently outside a neighborhood cafe for his owner.

Related posts: A Bit of Nature, in New York, Boston Terriers Gone Made, at the Mad Dog Run, and Dogs in Costume, at Tompkins Square Park.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Morning Commute and a Rupert Update

N Train, nyc
Photo by myself, on the N Train.

Here we are in the midst of Fall, all bundled in light jackets and jeans. People were immersed in their apps and knitting and books, on the way into work.

Apologies for the spotty attendance. It's been very busy!

Meanwhile, here are a couple shots from a playdate Rupert had with a neighboring girl dog named Roxy. There were a lot of sidelong looks and waggling tongues. Rupert has been doing great. He is enjoying his favorite things - playing ball, taking long walks and snacking on chicken treats.

Rupert and Roxy
Roxy, in the red halter, gives Rupert a look.

Rupert and Roxy
Another look, haha.

Related posts: A Rupert Update, with Friend, On Hipsters and Rupert, Downtown, and Back Home to the Brooklyn Bridge and a Boston Terrier.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Seen, on the Upper West Side

Sculpture, UWS
Photo by myself around 72nd Street and Broadway, on the Upper West Side.

What looked like a seeing eye dog and a man stood outside the subway station Tuesday night.

After a moment, the man looked at me and asked, 'Is it real? I don't see it breathing.' Meaning was this a real dog? Alas, no. I'm not sure what it was, so I'm labeling it 'art'. There was no obvious sign of an artist.

The dog drew the attention of people walking by. There is a lot of foot traffic outside this subway station.

After a minute, the man took out his phone to take a photo.

Sculpture, UWS

Related posts: Manchester House, on the Upper West Side, Walking the Dog, While Pedaling, and Maitre D's, on Broadway.


Monday, September 1, 2014

Critters, Streetside

Guy with critters, NYC
Photo by myself at 42nd Street and Vanderbilt Ave. in Midtown.

A man unloaded his companions, in front of Grand Central Station at rush hour.

From left to right: a black cat, three guinea pigs, a dog and another dog. The first dog is a little difficult to see because of the loud (animal-themed) prints.

My fiancé Mark pointed out that not all the animals in the photo are real. There is a stuffed animal on the bottom bunk, below the guinea pigs. No doubt that the top bunk is the preferred spot.

I have mixed feelings when I come across people who have pets or children with them on the sidewalk, but I stopped to give the man a couple dollars.

I was surprised by the proximity of guinea pigs to cat. The guinea pigs were nearly motionless, whether because they were afraid or just hanging out (they looked very relaxed to me). A few seconds later, the man reached into a carrier and brought out several parakeets (!).

Related posts: Cat on a Leash, in Midtown, Odd and Colorful Birds, in Bryant Park, and The Hua Mei Bird Garden, in Chinatown.


Monday, October 28, 2013

A Rupert Update, with Friend

Photo by myself in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

Rupert, our Boston Terrier (right) stands knee deep in leaves. Beside him is his smaller and sprite-lier sidekick, Penelope.

Sorry this photo is a little blurry around the animals! They kept moving around so much, it's a wonder any photos came out well at all.

(Fashion note: Penelope is wearing a Darth Vader one-piece outfit).

It's noticeably cooler these days, as we're heading toward November. Life has been very, very busy at work and home.

All this time, too, I thought that something was going on with my big camera. I'd put my eyeball to the viewfinder but nothing seemed to be in focus.

It turns out though that it's my eyeball that's not in focus. Argh! So now I cannot tell what's good or bad until I get home, which keeps things interesting.

Related posts: Boston Terriers Gone Mad, at the Mad, Dog Run, On NYC Slogans, and a Rupert Update, and Back Home to the Brooklyn Bridge and a Boston Terrier.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Summer Days, in Park Slope, Brooklyn

July 4, nyc
Photo by myself in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

It is July 4th weekend, and everyone in the States is enjoying the long weekend. A peaceful chocolate lab in our neighborhood looked like he was thinking fondly of summers gone by. He often naps on his front stoop.

Many folks took the whole week prior to this weekend off. We are spending a few days in Woodstock, New York, about 2.5 hours north of Manhattan by car. Woodstock is a very charming town in the woods, filled with art, music and old hippies.

It is just as hot here as it is in the city, with temps in the 90s and high humidity. In our rush to leave, I forgot to pack the little gizmo that downloads photos from my camera. Drat.

I posted a photo of the same dog a couple years ago in black and white, here.

Related posts: Dog Days of Summer, at Prospect Park, Brooklyn, Four-Legged Co-Pilot, on Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, and The Spray of Summer, in Park Slope, Brooklyn.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Homeless Man and Dog, on Lafayette Street

Homeless man and dog, nyc
Photo by myself, around Lafayette and East Fourth Street, in NoHo.

A homeless man decided to pick up his dog, the other day, piggyback. I'm not sure what was going on here.

With the cold weather, the homeless are more noticeable on the streets and in the subways. Usually they camp out in front of churches and empty buildings.

Above, a couple homeless people and their dog camped out in front of a restaurant that was under renovation.

Related posts: Man and Companion, on the Sidewalk, Sitting in Herald Square, and The World Walks By, on Fifth Avenue.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dressed for the Holidays, in Prospect Park Brooklyn

French bulldog, Brooklyn
Photo by myself in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

I met this little french bulldog in Prospect Park, the other day. She was dressed for the holiday season, and looked as if she were reflecting on holidays past. There was a very thin dusting of snow on the ground.

Mark and I spent most of the week in Brooklyn, far away from the crowds that have swarmed into Manhattan. We had a very relaxing time off work.

It's suddenly very cold, here, which shouldn't be much of a surprise since it is January. We had virtually no snow in 2012, just the very light dusting here and there.

French bulldog, upside down
Oh yes, I feel the same way. Must we go back to the grind??!

Related posts: A Bit of Nature, in New York, All Ears, in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and Out in the Cold, on the Upper East Side.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dogs in Costume, at Tompkins Square Park

Halloween, Tompkins Sq Park
Photo by myself, in Tompkins Square Park.

A Boston Terrier wore a sombrero and colorful wrap at Tompkins Square Park, Saturday. He seems oblivious of the paparazzi, snapping photos in the background.

There was a huge crowd of onlookers as dogs went on parade in Tompkins Square Park, Saturday afternoon. It was the 22nd annual Halloween Parade for dogs.

There was a mob scene and tons of people taking photos. This must be what it's like on the red carpet at the Academy Awards? We managed to see only saw a tiny fraction of the dogs, since we arrived a little late and the area was so crowded.

Halloween, Tompkins Sq Park
Yes, it's Mr. T, complete with fauxhawk and tiny boxing gloves. He looks deep in thought.

Halloween, Tompkins Sq Park
A French bulldog wore an outfit of prison stripes. His hat says 'Bad Dog'. And yet, he is grinning ear to ear.

Halloween, Tompkins Sq Park
A pug posed as Evita, in sequins, blonde wig and a ball gown. 

Halloween, Tompkins Sq Park
Human and canine versions of Wonder Woman.

Halloween, Tompkins Sq Park
Goldilocks, I think? I am a little rusty with my fables.

Halloween, Tompkins Sq Park
Rupert did not dress in costume, but he was sure to check out those who were!

I've always wanted to go to this parade, but never looked around early enough to know when it was. If you ever want to attend, get there early. This is a hugely popular event, mobbed with people and pets.

For more photos of the parade, click here.

Related posts: All Ears, in Park Slope, Brooklyn, Taking a Dip, in Prospect Park Pond, and Dog's Head on the Subway.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Outside a Creperie, in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Creperie, Brooklyn
Photo by myself around 6th Street and 7th Avenue, in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

A patient pug waited outside a creperie in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Crespella serves up sweet and savory crepes all day. I stopped by for a crepe stuffed with scrambled egg and pancetta the other night. It was de-lish.

I was sorely tempted to have one with strawberry jam and fresh ricotta. Oh, and another with lemon curd and raspberries! Argh!! Decisions, decisions...

For the Crespella website, which includes a current menu, click here.

Related posts: Pork is the Answer, on the Lower East Side, Brunch at Barbuto, in the West Village, and Colorful Eats, at Kelley and Ping, Soho.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Portrait of a Man and Dog, on Sixth Avenue

Man and Dog, nyc
Photo by myself on Sixth Avenue in Midtown.

A man named John sat with his dog, Aria, Monday afternoon. A sign in front of him reads 'Everyone needs a little help now and then'.

I'd seen John earlier this year and gave him some money. You often see homeless people on the streets, but only a small percentage have dogs with them.

Monday I stopped to speak with John. Aria, a pit bull mix, was extremely friendly, wiggling about and giving me hearty licks. She has an ID tag because she is a trained therapy dog.

'You've been here a long time,' I said. 'I saw you earlier this year.'

'Not that long', he said. 'About two months' (!).

I have mixed feelings about people on the streets with animals, since the animals are used to induce sympathy. In my case, it worked, though Aria obviously cares for her master.

On more than one occasion, I've seen mothers sitting on the sidewalk with their small children, requesting donations. It is very, very sad.

The Portrait Series is a once-in-a-while installment, featuring New Yorkers encountered on the street.

Related posts: Portrait of a Guy, on Sixth Avenue, Portrait of a Musician, in Midtown, and Portrait of Five New Yorkers, on the Upper East Side.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Portrait of Two New Yorkers, in Washington Square Park

Daschund, Washington Sq. Park Photo by myself in Washington Square Park, in the Village.

While sitting in Washington Square Park, Sunday afternoon, I encountered a gentle New Yorker and his Owner. They live close to the park and were so nice to pose for me.

The four-legged New Yorker sniffed my hand and gave me a lick. Meanwhile, tons of people were milling about and a pianist was playing music outside.
  Daschund WSP 2 sm The dear pup gave my camera a sideways look.

Daschund, Washington Square Park, nyc Both were patient with me, allowing multiple shots. I could not resist!

The Portrait Series is a once-in-a-while installment, featuring New Yorkers encountered on the street.

Related posts: Portrait of Five New Yorkers, on the Upper East Side, Portrait of a Dog Owner, in Tompkins Square Park, and Tough Times on the Sidewalk.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dog Days of Summer, at Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Dog Pond, Prospect Park Photo by myself in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

To cool off during the summer, dogs enjoy the cooling waters of the pond, in Prospect Park.

A fence is put up in the pond, to prevent dogs and their toys from going out too far. Ducks and turtles can often be spotted on the the other side.

Sometimes, owners wind up going in, too, at least, up to their knees.

Apologies again for sporadic posting, folks! It's been crazy busy at the office.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Maitre D's, on Broadway

Toshi's Living Rm, nyc Photo by myself on Broadway and 26th Street.

A little dog and some young ladies welcomed guests to Toshi's Living Room, in the Flatiron District. The little dog looks to be a Schnauzer and belongs to the bar's owner.

Toshi's Living Room features live music almost every night. The day I walked by, a jazz quartet was setting up.

For the bar's website, which includes a list of scheduled events, click here.

Related posts: Bright Lights, at the Beacon Theater, Twinkly Lights, at the Breslin, and What's Playing Around Town and at Home.


Monday, June 18, 2012

A Four-Legged Co-pilot, on Flatbush Avenue

Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn Photo by myself on Flatbush Avenue, in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.

While stopped in traffic Sunday afternoon, we found ourselves next to a guy on a motorcycle and his little jack russell terrier, who was wearing pink goggles.

The little dog was standing on the bike, helped by a wooden contraption. She was shaking but obviously loving the ride.

'A little girl dog?' I asked the biker, while we waited for the light to change. He nodded and gave us a smile.

Flatbush Avenue is the main drag in Brooklyn, right after you get off the Manhattan Bridge. It runs through Downtown Brooklyn and Fort Greene. It's riddled with potholes and terrible, aggressive Brooklyn drivers.
  Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn

Related posts: Along for the Ride, in Columbus Circle, All Ears in Park Slope, Brooklyn, and In Thought, in Washington Square Park.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Rupert Update from Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Prospect Park fog Photo by myself in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

In the mornings, the rolling green lawns of Brooklyn are sometimes misty with fog. Above, our Boston Terrier, Rupert, was playing keep-away with friends.

Before 9am daily, dogs are allowed to run around off leash for exercise and play*. After 9am on the weekends, the fields are filled with Little League baseball games, with teams of little kids dressed in uniform.

Prospect Park is large and an incredible amenity for Brooklynites. There are public grills and picnic tables for public use, ponds filled with wildlife, and enough space to be able to relax without sitting on top of each other.

Here's a recent video I shot on my iphone of Rupert playing fetch. I call him 'Pupkin' in the video because his full name is Rupert Pupkin, after a character in the movie 'King of Comedy'.

 *In case you're wondering, all owners are required to clean up after their dogs at all times. Most do.


Related posts: Boston Terriers Gone Mad, at the Mad Dog Run, In Chinatown and a Rupert Update, and Roaming Free, in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.