Showing posts with label round robins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label round robins. Show all posts

Christmas RR

I have been stitching on Debbie Qs blocks, which is my final block in this RR.
This was fun, doing a whole block. Took a while to get back into the embellishing swing of things, but once the sequins came out, I went to town.

The silky I attached with heat'n'bond, and I hooked the lace under there to before ironing. This worked really well to keep everything in place. The heat'n'bond did darken the image a little , but I quite like the line the gold fabric produces. Looks like the moon shining thru.

Not sure if I have showed the following picture. This was the motif I did on Leslie's block. A bullion xmas tree, with swarovski crystal decorations. They really catch the light and look just gorgeous.

edited to add: seeing as the gorgeous Diane has featured this tree on Craft Gossip, I thought I would give you a bit more info.
Bullions are done with the beautiful hand dyed thread from Sassalynne. This thread is what Myfanwy calls 'fine;' and is equivalent to perle 8 cotton. I love it , it is my favourite thread. The thread is not a specific colour, just a variegated green.

It is school holidays here, so I will be gone for a week or so.

Do you remember....

...the giveaway post back in June! (sorry about that, didn't think it was that long, I could regale you with tales of stress and woe due to final sproglet going to school, or all the extra meetings etc I have had to do even though I am 'retired'  from Playcentre (yeah right), I could, but I won't)
Anyway, today is the big day - Random Number Interger day!! Can I get a whoop whoop?

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
5 14
Timestamp: 2009-07-31 03:56:18 UTC
so, by my calculations that is Tatting Chic and Magpie's mumblings who are the winners for this (and that) month. Tatting Chic , pink and blue postcard coming your way ( I have your details. 
Magpie's mumblings, you get red. Can you email love with your addy (contact via profile page)
Settle down, settle down all of you that missed out. I promise to be a better giveaway runner from now on, well, for next month anyway, then i think I am out of giveaway stuff!
I will be offering one of my card pouches, so stay tuned.
 here is Kerry's completed xmas tree skirt wedge 

and a bag front. If you are wondering , the beading stitch I used is called 'oglala'. I googled until I found instructions that made sense to me. This  puppy has so much beading thread I think it will survive world annihilation, but I also figure that it won't sustain quite so much 'abuse' as a pouch that lives in your pocket. I did most of this beading at a meeting the other day. Was fantastic to get stuff done.
And finally I leave you with a quote. Jon said to me yesterday after his 4th day of school, after the third stomping, door slamming trip to the beadroom
"mum, I just want to go back to my old life"

more progress

more progress on Kerry's block. I did add snow to the branches. I know the angle of the baubles looks funny, but I wanted them to be square to the block, and how it will sit when it is sewn into the skirt. They are very sparkly and pretty. I added an extra branch and greenery, the cream fabric was detracting from the motif.
I have started beading the tatting.  I have decided to go with a winter wonderland feel, icy and cool. Lots of clear beading and sequins that will catch the light without changing the overall colour values in the block.
Thats the plan.....that may change of course!

Holiday stitchin

I am not gettig a whole heck of a lot done here. Its school holidays, and for those of you who forget, it's the WINTER holiday here. Wet, cold etc etc. Stuck with children a lot, in other words.

I have been doing a bit of stitching though. Here is a pic of your block Kerry. Progress is slow, but it is going
I often get asked how I get so much done, well, in the pic below, is a small revelation, a wee glimpse of  why....

can you spot my chinese laundry of a drying rack (which has become , by default, the place to dump all crap 'we' can't be bothered putting away...). What you can't see is the  2 seater sofa that is currently housing 4 loads of dry washing. I haven't had time to put it away, what with stitching, blogging, tweeting, etsying, facebooking, see, my deep dark, shameful secret, I avoid housework like the plague. I do what I have to  to not be thoroughly horrified should someone come visiting unexpectedly.

I have also been working on another bag, which may, or may not, have a home, depending on the next bag I if you fancy it, you can put in for second dibs. It still has a little more beading etc to finish it off.
I am liking these bags a lot. I think they a filling a gap, between completely plain bags (no embellishment) to  bags such as Pat Winter's, and Pam Kellogg's beautiful creations. While I LOVE their work -no doubt about it-  I think mine are falling somewhere in the middle, and while that was not by design, or conscious forethought, I am liking that idea, and it will be a conscious decision from now on. I could never compete with the style of those two ladies, and nor would I want to.

Back to stitching, with a dinner thrown in there too ( I do manage to feed my family, and Rob does the dishes)

Cream on Cream RR block

So I haven't done much in the way of RRs for a while. I was very busy finishing up the black CQ last year. I have had poor Rita's block for quite a while longer than I should of, but it is finally done and will be heading home to her soon.

Round Robins are fun, and a great learning experience, there is, however, an knack to them, and a certain amount of consideration needed for each block, depending which number stitcher you are. I love to stitch first on a block. I go big and bold, and try and set the tone for the stitchers following me. I also quite enjoy being last to stitch a block. There is a challenge in pulling together all the elements stitched previously by 3,4 or 5 different (in our group, some do many more) women, each with a different style, skill level, and mostly importantly, a different vision. For me, it is important that a block leaves me looking as cohesive as possible. I have seen many RR blocks, and the most disappointing ones are the ones that just have a whole lot of seams and motifs, but nothing pulling them together.
Some blocks will 'speak' to you immediately. Some blocks you dread because the colours are just nothing you would EVER choose to work with (my tack with those is to use black LOL). Even the Do Your Blocks (DYBs) need some thought. Even though you have 6 individual blocks, and you are stitching a whole block, the idea is that the blocks work together as a group.

Anyway, where is all this rambling leading. Well, just to some pictures actually. Before and after on Rita's block.
Now, despite all that rambling, there is none of the above things mentioned awry with Ritas block. This group of ladies in this RR are exceptional stitchers, and it is always a pleasure stitching with them.
I was left with the large rectangle in the bottom right. Rectangles are always a hard space to fill on a crazy block. I also needed to add 'visual weight' to the block to balance out the heavy embellishing and embroidery in the top half.
So, what did I add. Well I had stitchers block for a while (the block did not 'speak' to me). We had to develop a relationship, kinda love hate. I love the CoC, but hated that the deadline was looming and my muse had seemingly gone on holiday early.... I started with the trellis and decided to tackle (once again) the Melainie rose. These are hard, and while mine turned out Ok, I could use some more practise.
I was struggling with how to add that visual 'weight', so played off the butterflies that Cobi had done. Beading the lace motif added not only the darker colours, but also that heaviness.
Next was the feather stich vine with ribbon leaves (under the 'r'), wandering over seams to break that long straight line up the middle of the block. ( I would of preferred a lighter, or slightly 'browner' ribbon, but this was all I had). I added the button cluster to balance the SRE motif up the top, and then the little 'vase' of sweetheart roses. This filled the gap, and moved the gold ribbon around the block a little more.
I considered for a while embellishing the paisley lace, and frogged quite a few attempts at different things. In the end I added some bullions and the butterfly placement broke that long straight seam of the lace. (straight lines will drag the eye to them, and the brain forgets to look at the rest of the block). In retrospect, heavily beading that lace would of also added the weight required to balance the block, however it can be difficult to 'see' a block when you are looking at it all the time. *A great trick is to take a picture and look at it on your computer screen, or even just on the cameras LCD screen. It helps you see the block as a whole.
Finally I did the (very quiet) feather stitch vine around and across the bird. The flatness around the bird was bothering me the whole time I was working on this. Some neutral thread and tiny beads added some texture.
So thats Rita's block. My thoughts are by no means right (or wrong) but I thought that you might find my thinking and reasoning behind the embellishment interesting.

Note to self...all this typing must mean that I have left the 'depression' and slid nicely into 'manic'...yay!! At least I'll get stuff done. Every cloud has a silver lining, eh!

RR and stuff

Here is my latest Round Robin block for the Fabulous Fans DYB. Bonnie requested layered seam treatments, and neutral background. All the 5 embellished blocks done so far look great together.

I decided to get myself some MOO cards done. My, aren't they cute. Smaller than I thought, but still great for what I wanted them for... Price tags...should I ever actually sell anything anywhere. I am thinking about that at the moment. It was very difficult to decide on what part of images to use. I could of choosen up to 11 I think, but I settled on these 4. I think, should I have occasion to get them again, that I would get glossy, not matte. I have covered personal ph numbers, but I figure if you look hard enough, everything else is out there on the web anyways...

Cream RR progress

Gerry's block so far. I am loving the cream on cream.

Melusine...please email me privately if you need to. I can't reply to your comment, or access a blog (if you have one) - playcentrejo (at) gmail (dot) com

productive day AND July Giveaway

Well the holidays are over and the psychological shift is amazing! I just can't bring myself to do anything in the holidays (as far as meeting responsibilities is concerned). I did do some necessary paperwork at the beginning of the first week, but it took me 10 days to post it!! sigh.
I posted out all my (late) RRs today, as well as the June , yes June , giveaway. sigh.
I haven't even done the July giveaway...sigh.....
Anywho, it's all done now, AND i got my workshop stuff ready today. That is tomorrow and I would usually leave it until tomorrow. I am trying to see the benefits in doing things on time, and/or early. I used to pride myself on being punctual. Now I feel proud when I manage to get up in the morning....SIGH
Blah blah. Lets move on to the fun stuff. I needed a postcard , so I finished all the postcards that needed backing. See, being early for next time. Yay!
The colours are SOOO off in these. but I just couldn't get them right.
This first one is stitched with a Sassa Lynne thread.
This one took on a mind of it's own. It wanted to be a landscape. It is stitched with one of the DMC variations threads that Freda sent me.
These two are really bad colour wise. The are a beautiful deep, rich red. When I got them the right colour, the stitching looked shocking. So you have pics highlighting the stitching, then one that shows a truer colour.

And here is one of my round robin blocks. Theme = cream on cream. So far I have done the fly stitch leaves up the top left, and added the vine running through the lace around the silkie. I did not do the silkie. Still lots more work to do yet. Gerry likes super encrusted blocks.



This will be July's giveaway. Leave a comment on this post to be in the draw. (It really is much more beautiful than it looks in the picture).

Round robins and swaps

Here is my most recent DYB block completed. Cathy wanted jewel tones on her black. Despite this block looking very vivid, the colours are actually quite true. Lots of sequins and swarovski sparkle on this block.
And here are the completed tags. 4 for the swap, 1 for the giveaway (conveniently blacked out- haha), and one on the way to a friend...

progress on Fab Fan DYB

DYB = a six inch block, stitcher works the whole block. 6 blocks in the Round robin.

I find it useful to see a picture of my blocks to see whats missing. This block may look finished, but there is a bit more yet to do.
Not a great pic sorry. That bottom left corner is very dark

what have I been doing....?

Well I was half way thru doing this post yesterday, when I got a call from the school...we have our first broken bone. In fact 2 broken bones. Ulna and radius (forearm bones) , 100% broken, not green stick fracture. 100% broken in a "OMG your arm is so deformed" kinda way!
So 7 hours later, which I thought was actually pretty good for ED, we were back home, thankfully. It was such a bad break they thought they made need to do surgery. He has to take it really easy as the break is "unstable". Luckily sitting in front of the TV is not a huge ask for Ben.
The staff at the kids hospital were great, can't fault then really, my only issue, the cost of parking, and not one offer of a cup of tea!!!

Back to yesterdays post, which was just a quicky really, to let you know I have been busy stitchin.
Here is the second block for Leslie's Breast Cancer quilt. It is not quite done yet.
Next is the current RR block. Leslie's fabulous fans DYB. The other gals started a silkie theme, which I have followed. The little thing that looks like a tree is supposed to be a fan...
Finally, a couple of teaser shots for the giveaway tag . It is finished now. If you want to be in the draw to win it, go comment on the June Giveaway post.

I haven't given you a lot to look at today, so I want you to go and visit Lauri's flickr site and gasp in awe at her 'color study' project. Just fabulous. Go, NOW!!

Gerry's beaded block progress

I have worked in bits and pieces around this block, and left the lower right corner for Clairee to work her magic.
Here I did the beaded daisies and the buttonhole bugle bead seam.

A fargo rose cluster with bead trails. (don't you love the angel Kerry added)

On this corner I added the buttons, roses and beads to the lace at the top of the pic, the SRE rose, and the charm and embellishment on the lace in the corner.
Next was the spider web roses and the cream sequin flowers.
And th overall block to date. Gerry like highly embellished, super encrusted blocks, so I am thinking this is still looking a little bare....

organising... and round robins

I was doing the usual blogrounds and saw Cherlys post on her organisation fo her trims and laces, so I wanted to show you my Towers Of Loveliness...
This was my bead storage BEFORE....with still a bit more to go.and after... yum!
And this is the latest RR block I have done. It is another Fan block (which tells me I am probably hideously behind in mailing out Gerrys blocks :/). This block belongs to Cathy. Her colours are waaaaayyy out of my comfort zone...AND...she request "not to encrusted"!!! so , I struggled, however this block does sit nicely with the other two already done.

Completions and a RAOK

I have been busy stitching away on on RRs. Here is Gerry's Fabulous Fan block complete. You can't see very well, but there is a little sequin flower in the centre of each of the flowers that give them a sparkle. I am still a little unhappy with the cream section, however all Gerry's blocks are pieced the same, so it shouldn't look out of place when she assembles the completed blocks.
Next is a wondrful package I recieved from Freda. Freda won one of my postcard giveaways, and emailed my to say she would like to send me "a little something" in return. Well, that was an understatment. The package was so big I thought it was my order from Ribbonsmyth!! And look what was inside. Beautiful variagated threads from DMC ( I LOVE variagated thead!) and a generous selection of laces, TATTING!!, crochet, trims. OH la la. Freda, your are a star. Thankyou so much.
I don't have a link for Freda (I know she has flickr), but click here to see some pics that Allie Aller took of Freda and her famous Kimono quilt.
I also received a wee while ago, a lovely handmade postcard and some yummy lace from the outrageously talented Pam Kellogg. Thanks Pam. I would miss your posts too....

That's all for this post. Off to decide which postcard will be the May giveaway. Get your commenting fingers ready.

ps. I forgot to mention, if you would like to see 'before' pics of Susans block (previos post) check out my flickr album (top of sidebar). :)

Susans's black block

Here is another of the little 6"blocks I had to work for a RR . I decided I wanted to use the lace...and well, it all went down hill from there. There were some funky bits in this block. Luckily I have good friends who will be honest with me, and I actually really like the result. Phew!! I was at the point where I was going to abandon this block all together and just start another one for Susan.

Progress on Gerry's fan

Embellishment on Gerry's "Fabulous Fan" block. These are beautifully made blocks. All symmetrical. Gerry must have a sane quilting background.
I have a plan with this block, whether it is working or not... maybe you can let me know. My intent was to create the light and shade of a folded fan. Each seam is embellished in the cream on the left of the base seam treatment, and black on the right.

ho hum.....

I have been a bad blogger lately, but I haven't done a heck of a lot to blog about. I am not stitching alot...have been feeling just blahhh really. Struggling with migraines this week. Sometimes they are self inflicted (dietry) , or stress related. I am not a person that tends to get "stressed", not outwardly that you would notice, but I do get migraines. Sometimes I know what the stress is...but this week I don't. I guess I will figure it out in hindsight.

A timely interuption. The computer is still unhappy, and my computer guy just called in and gave me a new (old) 'box' while we get the old(new) one fixed. A bit frustrating as I don't have all my setting and personal stuff, but at least I am still here.

So, what have I been up to. sewing postcards...lots of postcards. We are spending next weekend with our best buds (adults and kids alike) and I told Belinda I would bring some postcards for us to work on. Her girls were really interested when I was there at Xmas, so there are some for them to. We are meeting in a camp ground in the middle of us, about 3 1/2 hours away. I am every excited!! The red bases are my faves. They were inspried by the block further down the page.
Below is the latest aquisition for my new lounge. A "lingerie" drawer. It is for my CQ supplies. I figure 14 drawers is enough to keep me semi organised!! It is solid wood, and I mean solid. It looks old, but I am not sure if it is, or if it is new 'rustic". I am leaning toward old, as the back is also solid wood, and newer stuff is usually just that composite board for backing. It was a very good buy of TradeMe. I am very happy.
Also check out the new paint. Green. Yum. I kinda miss the red, but I love green, always have. It is slightly darker and more olive than the pic shows.
Next is my progress on Hidekos Black DYB RR. I have struggled with this. Not because of the block, I think just cos my mojo is away somewhere..... Hideko wanted Silver and gold with touches of red. There is much more work to do on this wee gem.
Finally, Gerry's Fabulous Fans DYB. The insipration for the red postcards. Only a tiny bit of work on this so far.
Well, off to feed the troops. 2 extra tonight. My migraine has finally departed.