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Showing posts with label peace sign bedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace sign bedding. Show all posts


Girls Lime Green and Hot Pink Peace Sign Zebra Bedding Set Decorating a Girls Bedroom


Girls Lime Green and Hot Pink Peace Sign Zebra Bedding Set Decorating a Girls Bedroom

When I found this set, I was a loss of what to call it so I'm calling it the pink and green peace sign bedding with a twist! Because it just seemed to defy being pigeonholed into one single style of bedding. Sure, it qualifies to be classified as pink peace sign bedding, but it's also got lime green leopard print AND your standard zebra print fabric.

Plus, there's the lime green pom-pom fringe on the comforter set's throw pillows and shams. As if all that wild animal and peace sign print fabric weren't enough to throw a tired decorator for a loop; the colorful toucan on the pillow took things in a distinctly tropical direction.

To be sure, this custom teen girls bedding set is not for everybody. For one it just me or are (even) faux animal skins and peace signs an unusual combination? Oh well, I float through life on the surface and don't dig too deep into the meaning of things so this funky bedding set might just find its way into the teenage girls' tropical bedroom that I'm working on. What do you think about the PINK AND GREEN PEACE SIGN BEDDING with a TWIST? I would really like to know if I'm hitting on something here or do you think it's lame?


girls purple zebra peace sign wall decor decorations art


Oh yeah, who would have ever dreamed that some crafty soul would combine purple peace sign and zebra wall decor ideas! These are two of the most popular girls' bedroom themes of the entire year and here we have cute wall decorations that flawlessly blend the two patterns together and even managed to give it a boost with purple.

I've been known to successfully pull together two (or more) themes in my decorating days. Interesting bedroom color schemes are my forte' as I'm prone to boredom and tend to push the envelope in the area of layout and design so I can hardly wait for the next request for peace sign bedroom ideas and bedding sets so that I can experiment with zebra print. Or if the need for zebra bedroom accessories comes first, you can bet that I'll be looking for a place on the wall to hang that arrangement with the royal purple and white peace sign smack dab in the center!
Return to Tween and Teenage Girl Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to see more creative combinations of popular prints and patterns.


peace sign bedding bed in a bag sets for girls lime green and black queen size


I’m faced with a difficult decorating decision; should I used cheap peace sign bedding sets when I can find them and fill the rest of the room with rare collectibles? Or should I choose one of the more expensive peace sign comforters and scale the cost of the girl’s bedroom decorations back to allow for what I spent on a high end, organic set?

brown applique peace sign bedding set comforter quilt

I suppose that what REALLY has me in a quandary is whether or not the teenage girl whose bedroom I am decorating is into organic fabrics that make a social statement like hemp? After all, she did specifically request that her bedding set be decorated with peace signs. Or will plain, old cotton fabrics suit her needs? Once upon a time I had a client who was really insulted that I did realize that she would only use organically grown cotton bed linens so maybe I am over thinking this. Most of the teenage girls that want peace sign bedding sets are happy as can be so long as the colors in the bed in a bag are bright and funky and more importantly that there is enough money to buy some groovy peace sign art to decorate the walls of the room.

And frankly, some of the more expensive bedding collections are just not as colorful as the cheap bed in a bag sets. The queen size lime green and black peace sign bedding sets (or perhaps the one hot pink and black or even the purple and black would be best?) is just so much more in keeping with the mindset of the psychedelic days of the 60s and peace signs from that era. I must confess that I am just partial to the bright colors of tie-dye (or is it tye-dye?) but on the other hand there is something cute that attracts me to the Pottery Barn Kids brown set with an appliqued peace sign in the center of the comforter.

Return to Tween and Teenage Girl Peace Sign Bedding Sets and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to see which set that my client ultimately chose for her room.


peace sign bedding set comforter set


Teenage girls that are throwbacks to the flower power age of the 60s are using peace sign bedding sets to get the message that the modern generation wants the world to settle their problems,
peace sign wall mural
end the war and settle down to the business of environmentally friendly lifestyles and of course, love and rock and roll fit in there somewhere.
What once was touted as the greeting of the American chicken is now recognized as a universal symbol of moving past our differences to focus on the bigger issues of hand like global warming and saving endangered species of animals that are disappearing from our planet at a rate that should alarm the most shallow human. Guess who might be at risk in line right after the polar bears, tropical birds and the northwestern barn owl? Do you really need for me to spell it out for you? Surely the threat of your own extinction should make you want to pull out your granny's vintage peace sign bedding set and bring yourself up to speed on retro peace signs and flower child bedroom decorating ideas.

Back to the business of decorating a bedroom with retro peace sign comforter sets; you have to pick a style be it tie dye or flowers. Take your bedroom on a psychedelic trip back to the Summer of Love and fill it with love beads, black light posters and a funky tie dye comforter set with a bold, medallion of peace right in the center. Peace sign comforter sets a few decades ago would have driven moms and dads wild with fear that the neighbors might see them and realize that you were not raising your teenage girl to be a card carrying conservative that would be up to their standards. Chances are that today, your cool, tree hugging friends would offer to throw a party in honor of your household's colorful, liberal values.

Return to Tween and Teenage Girl Peace Sign Bedding Sets and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to see more groovy peace sign comforters and bedding sets.

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