If You're in the Market for great junk...You've come to the right Place!

Showing posts with label Nifty ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nifty ideas. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Hello Friends!!

I just had to let you know.......that for all the ones who voted for me to do the chair seats with the different feed sacks.....
You Were Right!
I got them done last Saturday morning......
Set them all outside the back of the shop......
Within AN HOUR they were GONE!
One of my best new customers Carol, snagged um right up!!
She knew better than to leave um for Sunday at the Marketplace.
I appreciate all the other great ideas that some of you shared with me as well. I've got my junk radar tuned into chairs {especially matching sets} so I can try some of them!

Got lots to share this week!!
Stay Tuned!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Just a piece of JUNK.....

That's what the guy said when I asked him what it was and how much was it. I instantly fell in love with the rusty, crusty texture and the shape. Can you guess what it is??? Think ~ Think~ Think.....AN OLD SWIVEL STOOL BASE! I know...go figure...way cool! My first thought was that it would make a great cloche. Couldn't wait to get it up to the booth at The Depot and see how it would look. I was giddy happy with the outcome. (It doesn't take much). I love how it looks with the herbs but possibitlites are "thru da roof" on what you can put underneath it!
The same guy also had this little old fry basket ( at this point I think he is starting to feel sorry for be because all his other stuff was big ticket crystal chandeliers and I couldn't even afford a single drop crystal ...PRICEY but beautiful!) anyway I flipped my lid ' on this cuz I thought it would make a fab napkin holder.The handle moves, so it will keep the napkins nice and snug in there. So I bought his two trashiest pieces and LOVE them both!

Some of you aren't going to like this last picture.....ESPICIALLY all my friends toughing out the Noreaster going on up north....OR maybe JUST MAYBE this is the little "sign of hope" to help get you thru. I'd like to introduce you the first Daffodil of the season. She arrived yesterday out by my birdfeeder and was out in all her glory this morning soakin up the sun.

Her message is simple........PATIENCE MY FRIENDS, SPRING IS ON IT'S WAY!

Monday, September 14, 2009


I was looking around for some neat fall centerpiece ideas and came across these beauties.......
How many of you out there can't get enough white pumpkins??? I LOVE them!!!

I really like this one because look how easy it is and yet it's just perfection.........

This one uses twings, leaves and berries .....all from outside and who doesn't have one of little birdhouses laying around...adorable and CHEAP!
all photos courtesy of Better Homes & Gardens

Thursday, July 30, 2009

These won't let you down!

You know the feeling.............you see a great book...FANTASTIC DROOL WORTHY COVER and then you start flipping through and ...blah...nothing...a whole lotta text and not enough pictures OR the pictures inside have nothing in common with the picture on the cover...whatever.....WELLLLLL here a few of my favs that HAVEN'T let me down....all of them are available on amazon.com or buy.com for dirt cheap too! ENJOY!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This pound of Melt and Pour soap was at a garage sale for .25 cents....................
I put it into an old sauce pan to melt.......................
Poured it into this AWESOME OLD ROOSTER MOLD ( holds 10!) I found at an antique show...$20.00. My friend Lisa told me to spray it lightly first with Pam >>>>>(great hint Lisa....thanks!!) After it sets take the end of a butter knife to pop them out. OH>>>>> his agent requires that I mention that Mr. OTM was the hand model for this photo shoot....LOL!

AND HERE THEY ARE!!! They were VERY EASY to do but kind of a pain because you have to keep re-melting the soap in order to be able to pour it. The directions instruct you to do this with a microwave but ours is on the fritz so I did it on the stove top. Anyway, I love how they turned out and can't wait to try it again once we get a new micro!! (hint hint Mr. OTM...with the royalties from this photo shoot he should have plenty to get me a new micro....don't you think??......lol!)

SO.......... I have $20.25 invested in to this project . My plan is that after I make and sell a few of these I will come out ahead. Sounds good right?? I plan on doing some cinnamon wax bowl fillers and stuff too so I think it should work out. (I just have to keep telling myself this becasue I wanted the rooster mold so bad and in case Mr. OTM reads this I have a legit business plan in effect!! LOL!) Have a great day!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Would ya just look at this cutie??? I have had one of these window greenhouses sitting on my coffee table for three years. I just love it and am constantly putting different stuff in it...so far there have been huge pinecones, snowmen, candles, rag balls, a collection of old wind up clocks, a stack of old books, bunnies, old bottles and the list goes on! Anyway, we were sitting there one night and I said to Mr. OTM (Russ) "you know..you should make some of THOSE for the shop!" Well I'll be darned if he didn't do it for me!! The one in the photo here is the smaller one inside my booth: JUNKIN ESCAPADES at the Sleepy Poet in Charlotte and I have a bigger one in the shop. These look so great either inside or outside and I have even seen really big ones that gals have put in their gardens....(oh yeah...he is totally gonna be making me one of those too....lol!) We have been so busy getting the shop ready for the SPRING TYME IN THE COUNTRY OPEN HOUSE!! You will definitly see these babies here along with the stars that he has made and all the new goodies I have been working on as well! Off to go grub up something!!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Don't be expecting to get hamburgers and hot dogs off this grill!! This is just a nifty idea I thought I would share with you. I saw this old tractor grill at a flea market just leaning against an old table and it caught my attention. I thought "what could I do with that????." Then all of the sudden this voice says...."NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH THAT THING...YOU DON'T NEED THAT!" That voice would be Russ.....Well now I HAD to buy it even if it sat in the garage for the rest of my life! SOOOOOOOOOO , I brought it to the shop and hung it up, grabbed some old clothespins and VOILA....a very simple message board salvaged from a long forgotten ole tractor....now if only I could find the rest of the parts, Russ WOULD have somethin to say about that!!