Showing posts with label Psalms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psalms. Show all posts

Monday, November 6, 2023

Scriptura Job Openings for Exegetes on the Psalms

Scriptura is looking to hire several new exegetes to produce exegetical materials on the Psalms for Bible translators. If you have strong Hebrew language and exegetical skills and are interested in studying the Psalms for a living, Scriptura provides a great opportunity for full-time, remote work that will utilize your skills in the context of the ground-breaking Psalms: Layer-by-Layer project with an amazing team and collaborative research environment.

For a full job description and to apply online, see here.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

New Witnesses to Origen's Text of the Psalms

Felix Albrecht on the Göttingen Psalter Project's blog announces new identifications of catena manuscripts that attest to Origen's Septuagint text according to the Hexapla. Note well that this is the text (perhaps only lightly edited?) that Origen used for the LXX column in his Hexapla of the Psalms (Felix calls it the Origenic recension), not a heavily edited recension or thoroughgoing edition of the Psalms (which Felix calls a Hexaplaric recension). This new data is critical, since this Origenic text is not well preserved in the tradition but is often very close to the Old Greek. The new grouping suggested is: O = 1098(ο′)-1121-1209-Ga.

HT Ryan Sikes

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Verse Order in Hebrew Acrostics

I just reread a fascinating article on varying alphabetical orders and the (re-)arrangement of verses accordingly in alphabetic acrostics like Lamentations and the Psalms. A very interesting read, if you're not familiar with the issue.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A New Identification of a Psalm Manuscript from Qumran: 4Q85 + 4Q98c

I just got news that an article I co-authored with Brent Strawn has now been published as an advance article in Dead Sea Discoveries:

Drew Longacre and Brent Strawn, "A New Identification of a Psalm Manuscript from Qumran: 4Q85 + 4Q98c." DSD Advanced Articles (2022): 1-8.


This brief note proposes a new identification for a fragment of one of the Psalm manuscripts from Qumran. On the basis of material conditions—but above all else, the distinctive paleography of the script—4Q98c (4QP st) should be considered as part of the same manuscript known as 4Q85 (4QP sc). If this identification is correct, the latter now contains material known from the second half of the (proto-)MT Psalter, increasing the plausibility that it once contained the entire book of Psalms.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Kim Phillips on Memorization of the Psalms in the Middle Ages

Kim Phillips examines an interesting manuscript from the Cairo Genizah that gives insight into medieval practices of memorizing the Psalms.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Editio critica maior of the Greek Psalter catalogue

I just noticed that the Editio critica maior of the Greek Psalter project has put a catalogue online that includes images to many Greek manuscripts.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Faddan More Psalter

Lisa O'Carroll has a fascinating article on the discovery and preservation of the Faddan More Psalter, a 1,200-year-old Latin psalter that survived the centuries in an Irish bog.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Paleographic Style and the Forms and Functions of the Dead Sea Psalm Scrolls

My article on the style and function of the Dead Sea Psalm scrolls has now been published as an advance article! By way of background, this is a crucial part of my argument that the forms of the manuscripts suggest possible functions, which in turn helps us interpret their contents.

Drew Longacre, "Paleographic Style and the Forms and Functions of the Dead Sea Psalm Scrolls: A Hand Fitting for the Occasion?" Vetus Testamentum (2021): 1-26.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Tercatin on Biblical Paperbacks and the Psalms

Rossella Tercatin has written a nice Jerusalem Post article on my ongoing work on the Psalms entitled 2,000 years ago Jews used biblical ‘paperbacks’. I like the analogy with modern paperbacks very much, and she does a great job summarizing some of my main directions of research. If anyone is curious to learn more about the early dating of some of the Psalm scrolls, check out my recent lecture Digital Paleography & Diachronic Development in the Dead Sea Psalm Scrolls.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

Abbreviations is Psalm Manuscripts

In this month's Genizah Fragment of the Month, Kim Phillips describes A Shorthand Psalter: T-S A43.8. Looking at this personal production—as well as the note sheet T-S A40.34—Kim shows how writers could abbreviate well-known psalms as reference guides for recitation.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Cairo Genizah Hexapla Codex

The featured Genizah Fragment of the Month for March is the important Greek Hexapla palimpsest T-S 12.182. Benjamin Kantor suggests that the codex originally had six columns including one in Hebrew characters (now lost) and discusses several interesting features of the codex.

Monday, October 10, 2016

David Willgren on the "Book" of Psalms

I recently saw David Willgren's new book The Formation of the 'Book' of Psalms: Reconsidering the Transmission and Canonization of Psalmody in Light of Material Culture and the Poetics of Anthologies. I am currently reading his dissertation, of which the monograph is a revision, and it is very interesting. I look forward to interacting more with his work in the future.


In this study, David Willgren attempts to provide answers to two fundamental questions in relation to the formation of the ‘Book' of Psalms: “how?” and “why?”. The first relates to the diachronic growth of the collection (how are these processes to be reconstructed, and on what grounds?), while the second relates to questions of purpose (to what end are psalms being juxtaposed in a collection?).
By conceptualizing the ‘Book' of Psalms as an anthology, and by inquiring into its poetics by means of paratextuality, David Willgren provides a fresh reconstruction of the formation of the ‘Book' of Psalms and concludes, in contrast to the canonical approach, that it does not primarily provide a literary context for individual psalms. Rather, it preserves a dynamic selection of psalms that is best seen not as a book of psalms, but as a canon of psalms.

HT Agade

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

28th International Congress of Papyrology - Part 2

This is part 2 of a series. See also part 1.

Myriam Krutzsch gave some reflections on the material analysis of papyrus supports based on her years of experience as a conservator and recent collaboration on material analysis with Ira Rabin. She discussed important aspects of the material that should be documented by conservators, as well as how these can be important for locating the production of the papyrus in space and time.

Ira Rabin gave some of her thoughts and results on the study of ancient inks based on material analysis. Optically, carbon inks are black, those from plant extracts brown, and iron gall inks black. Carbon inks show clearly in the IR range, whereas plant inks disappear, and iron gall disappears at long wavelengths greater than 1200 nanometers (for cameras that can't use such long wavelengths, iron gall inks are only barely visible at somewhat shorter wavelengths). Nevertheless, inks were often mixtures (even in written recipes), and many different types of metals and other chemical traces can tell you about the composition and origin of the inks.

Bruce Griffin stressed the subjective nature of assigning dates to manuscripts paleographically and the need for quantitative controls on these dates. Statistics cannot replace expert judgment, but they can be tools for making better critical judgments. Bruce then showed some preliminary statistics showing the relative prominence of slanting hands, decorated scripts, and individual letters' violating bilinearity to show the potential gains. As one who works regularly on Greek manuscripts, I for one would love to have a nice database to make the comparison process a lot easier. :)

A helpful plenary session moderated by Alberto Nodar featured a lineup of scholars discussing the current state of papyrology in relation to other questions: Gianluca del Mastro (Papyrology and science); Mark Depauw (Papyrology and new digital technologies); Marie-Hélène Marganne (Papyrology and academia); Roberta Mazza (Papyrology and ethics); and Cornelia Römer (Papyrology and archaeology).
  • Gianluca del Mastro surveyed recent developments in material analysis of papyri, carbon dating, and reconstructions of rolls.
  • Mark DePauw discussed current digital papyrological resources and the complications of working with them (e.g., the need for continuous updating and technical development). He made several recommendations, such as to publish openly, assist free websites with volunteer help, give scholarly credit to websites, accommodate industry standards, don't expect perfection, and keep studying the papyri carefully.
  • Marie-Hélène Marganne warned of the tenuous position of papyrology in academia in an era of budget cuts, institutional restructuring, and the loss of Greek and Latin training in schools. She suggested that papyrologists attempt to popularize the discipline (e.g., with exhibits and online presence) and to partner with other disciplines.
  • Roberta Mazza reviewed current discussions on ethics in papyrology, the market for papyri, their legal and cultural heritage status, and the role of collectors, calling for transparency in terms of provenance information and censoring scholars who do not follow the primary ethics codes of the papyrological societies. Most of the discussion in the round table focused on these issues, and the water cooler conversation revealed quite an uneasiness in the ranks about what some fear are simplistic solutions to complex questions. General impression: the ethical questions are extremely complex and controversial, and professional standards for scholars remain an unresolved issue with no consensus immediately in sight.
  • Cornelia Römer addressed prejudices from archaeologists against papyrologists and suggested that papyrologists should familiarize themselves with and participate in archaeological excavations to encourage cooperation and enrich research.
Brent Nongbri supported the theory that the technology of the codex developed from joining wooden tablets and making notebooks. One line of development constructed papyrus codices from multiple folded single sheets. Another line of development led to the construction of single-quire codices, subsequent experiments with codices of more than one quire, and then proper multi-quire codices with the important technological innovation of the link-stitch technique of binding the codices (certainly before the 4th century, but the early stages cannot be documented).

Lincoln Blumell and Thomas Wayment reported the results of their work on the Rendel Harris collection at the University of Birmingham, which were collected during Harris' two trips to Egypt in 1916 and 1922, mostly from Oxyrhynchus, but also some from elsewhere. Two volumes are already published, and a third is apparently in preparation by Nikolaos Gonis. Blumell and Wayment noted three early Christian papyri: 1) P. Birm. 317, which mentions an Oxyrhynchite bishop; 2) P. Birm. 300 (LXX Psalms 1:6b-2:1), an opisthograph from around the first half of the 4th century with a non-continuous text that they consider likely an amulet; and 3) P. Birm. 486 (Acts 9:1), a non-continuous NT text from the late 3rd or early 4th century, probably also an amulet.

Yanne Broux briefly summarized recent developments in the coverage of texts in Trismegistos: 1) including texts from Egypt from before 800 BCE; 2) covering texts from the entire ancient world, not just Egypt; 3) including Latin and Greek inscriptions; and 4) a new Networks feature. The TM Editors and TM People networks feature allows scholars to visualize social connections between modern editors collaborating on work and ancient people as various nodes connected by directed or undirected edges, which indicate the connections.

Nico Dogaer elaborated in more detail on Social Networking Analysis with the use of the Trismegistos database and illustrated its potential with a consideration of patterns of combinations of formulaic elements in Demotic letters.

Joanne Stolk illustrated the use of the TM Text Irregularities feature for studying ancient corrections and modern regularizations, using the iotacistic confusion of ει and ι as an example. The interchange is very frequent in the 1st-7th centuries, peaking in the 4th century. Then it declines in the 7th-8th centuries, despite the fact that they continued to be pronounced the same way. These iotacistic errors were also often corrected by scribes, but interestingly most corrections were from the 3rd-2nd century BCE. Thus, it appears that the phonetic equivalence/confusion was already beginning to occur in this period, but scribes recognized it and corrected it according to a standard. In later times, the confusion became so widespread that it became more widely acceptable.

Peter Arzt-Grabner addressed the bewildering array of diverse abbreviations for papyrological resources, offering several suggestions to help standardize the terminology for the aid of computer databases and nonspecialists.

And last... and maybe least... I hope my paper on two selective Greek texts of Exodus was interesting to someone... :) I suggested that Rahlfs 896 was an educational exercise and that Rahlfs 960 was a thematic collection focusing on passages pertaining to periods of rest. Thanks again to all those who gave helpful feedback during the session.

All in all, it was a great week in Barcelona, and I am very happy I went. As one who does not normally attend papyrological conferences, I had the chance to meet many new friends and found the papyrological community very warm and welcoming. A hearty thanks to the organizers and presenters. Perhaps I will see you all again in three years, if not sooner. :)

Friday, August 12, 2016

MOTB Dead Sea Scrolls Volume

Peter Gurry has pointed out that Brill has released information on the publication of the Museum of the Bible volume Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments in the Museum Collection. In addition to several introductory and overview articles, there are publications of Dead Sea Scrolls fragments of the following passages:
  • Genesis 31:23–25?, 32:3–6
  • Exodus 17:4–7
  • Leviticus 23:24–28
  • A Fragment of Leviticus?
  • Numbers 8:3–5
  • Jeremiah 23:6–9
  • Ezekiel 28:22
  • Jonah 4:2–5
  • Micah 1:4–6
  • Psalm 11:1–4
  • Daniel 10:18–20
  • Nehemiah 2:13–16C
  • A Fragment of Instruction
Congratulations to all the authors and editors who have worked so hard to get this important volume published. I look forward to looking through it at some point in the near future.