Friday, January 7, 2022

NYU DSS Conference Recordings Online

New York University has now uploaded the recordings of sessions from their June 2021 Dead Sea Scrolls public conference. Here is the program from the website:


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New York University

Global Network for Advanced Research in Jewish Studies Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies


The Israel Antiquities Authority
Friends of the Israel Antiquities Authority

Sunday June 6, 2021

11:00 - 11:30 AM EDT [6:00 - 6:30 PM IDT]: Opening Session

Presiding Chair and Opening Remarks
Alex Jassen, Chair, Skirball Department of Hebrew & Judaic Studies, New York University


Andrew D. Hamilton, President New York University
Gideon Avni, Head Scientist, Israel Antiquities Authority
Emily Master, Friends of the Israel Antiquities Authority
Joe Uziel, Head of the Dead Sea Scrolls Unit, Israel Antiquities Authority

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM EDT [6:30 - 8:00 PM IDT]: Report on the Judean Desert Caves Archaeological Project


Chair: Ilit Cohen-Ofri, Israel Antiquities Authority

The Judean Desert Caves Archaeological Project: Goals, Methodology and Achievements Eitan Klein, Israel Antiquities Authority

Excavations in Murabba`at Cave 4: Preliminary Insights Haim Cohen, Israel Antiquities Authority

“And I will bring them to dwell in Jerusalem”: New Fragments of the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll (8HevXII gr)

Oren Ableman and Beatriz Riestra, Israel Antiquities Authority

1:00 - 1:30 PM EDT [8:00 - 8:30 PM IDT]: Break

1:30 - 3:30 PM EDT [8:30 - 10:30 PM IDT]: Major Issues in Dead Sea Scrolls Research

Chair: Angela Kim Harkins, Boston College

Scribal Text Groups among the Bible Manuscripts Found in the Judean Desert Emanuel Tov, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Evidence for Scribal Apprenticeship and Education at Qumran Sidnie White Crawford, University of Nebraska

What Do We Know about the Teacher of Righteousness? John J. Collins, Yale University

Troops of Light: Militant Prayer and Ritual Cursing in the Dead Sea Scrolls Daniel Falk, Penn State University

9:00 - 10:30 AM EDT [4:00 - 5:30 PM IDT]: Archaeology of Qumran

Chair: Molly Zahn, University of Kansas

Qumran in the Late Hellenistic Period: An Archaeological Reassessment. Dennis Mizzi, University of Malta

To Sit or to Squat? The Qumran Toilet Revisited Jodi Magness, University of North Carolina

Searching for Qumran Cave 6Q
Marcello Fidanzio, Faculty of Theology, Lugano

10:30 - 11:00 AM EDT [5:30 - 6:00 PM IDT]: Break

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT [6:00 - 7:30 PM IDT]: Archaeology and Sectarianism

Chair: Jodi Magness, University of North Carolina

The Archaeology of Sectarianism: Social Analysis of Khirbet Qumran Eyal Regev, Bar-Ilan University

The Gate of the Essenes in Jerusalem
Timothy H. Lim, University of Edinburgh

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Tefillin (Phylacteries) Assemblage from the Judean Desert: A Work-in-Progress

Yonatan Adler, Ariel University

12:30 - 1:00 PM EDT [7:30 - 8:00 PM IDT]: Break

1:00 - 3:00 PM EDT [8:00 - 10:00 PM IDT]: Launching the Qumranica (SQE) Virtual Scholarly Environment

Chair: Esther Chazon

Scripta Qumranica Electronica: The Vision, Concept, and Challenges of a New Online Platform for the Dead Sea Scrolls

Reinhard Kratz, University of Göttingen and Pnina Shor, Israel Antiquities Authority A Short Tour of the Qumranica Platform

Bronson Brown deVost, University of Göttingen

Digital and Material Reconstruction of Highly Fragmentary Scrolls
Jonathan Ben-Dov, Tel Aviv University and Eshbal Ratzon, Ariel University

Towards a New Edition of 4QInstruction: The Case of the Prologue Asaf Gayer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

9:00 - 11:00 AM EDT [4:00 - 6:00 PM IDT]: Manuscript and Text

Chair: Eileen Schuller, McMaster University

Do 11Q19 and 11Q20 Represent Different Recensions of the Temple Scroll? Methodological Considerations

Andrew Gross, Catholic University of America

4QpaleoExod(4Q22) and the ‘Samaritan’ Tenth Commandment. Hila Dayfani, University of Oxford, Oriel College

Pesher Habakkuk: From Behind the Scenes of a Forthcoming New Commentary Noam Mizrachi, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Dead Sea Scrolls and Authorship
George Brooke, University of Manchester

11:00 - 11:30 AM EDT [6:00 - 6:30 PM IDT]: Break

11:30 AM - 2:00 PM EDT [6:30 - 9:00 PM IDT]: Aramaic and Parabiblical Texts

Chair: Joseph Angel. Yeshiva University

A God’s-Eye View: The Perception of Sacrifice in Aramaic Levi Liane Feldman, New York University

Is There 'Poetry' in the 'Prose' of the Genesis Apocryphon? Moshe J. Bernstein, Yeshiva University

Books and Writings in the Aramaic Texts from Qumran Devorah Dimant, University of Haifa

What Did Levi Do?
James C. VanderKam, University of Notre Dame

'Seal the Words of the Scroll until the Time of the End' (Daniel 12:4): Hidden Manuscripts and the Search for a New Biblical Past

Eva Mroczek, University of California, Davis

Wednesday, June 9, 2021
9:00 - 11:00 AM EDT [4:00 - 6:00 PM IDT]: Legal and Sectarian Texts Chair: Sidnie White Crawford, University of Nebraska

'Bringing the Messiah(s) Through Law': Reflections upon Completing a New Commentary to the Damascus Document

Steven Fraade, Yale University

Inter-sectarian Polemic in Miqsat Ma`asei Ha-Torah (4QMMT) Vered Noam, Tel Aviv University

On Timing and Law: A Multimodal Analysis of the Maskil in 4Q259 James M. Tucker, University of Toronto

The Temple Scroll and Mishnah Middot: A Literary Comparison Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT [6:30 - 8:00 PM IDT]: Scripture, Scrolls and Second Temple Judaism

Chair: Alison Schofield, University of Denver

Why Did Moses Stay for Forty Days and Forty Nights on Mt. Sinai? Ariel Feldman, Brite Divinity School

Lived Wisdom in Early Judaism
Elisa Uusimäki, Aarhus University

Are the Dead Sea Scrolls Authentic? Insights from Early Qumran Scholarship Michael Langlois, University of Strasbourg

1:00 - 1:30 PM EDT [8:00 - 8:30 IDT]: Break

1:30 - 2:30 PM EDT [8:30 - 9:30 PM IDT]: War and Violence in the Scrolls

Chair: Liane Feldman, New York University

“Deep into that darkness peering “: New Light on the War Scroll (1QM) Guy Stiebel, Tel Aviv University

The Origins of Violence in the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Sociological Perspective

Alex Jassen, New York University

2:30 - 3:00 PM EDT (9:30 - 10:00 PM IDT]: Closing Remarks and Thanks

Emily Master, Friends of the Israel Antiquities Authority Joe Uziel, Israel Antiquities Authority
Lawrence H. Schiffman, New York University

HT Agade

Monday, December 27, 2021

NLI St. Catherine's Manuscripts Online

The National Library of Israel has uploaded its images of a large number of manuscripts from St. Catherine's monastery in Sinai here. The website also includes some background on the images.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

ChrysoCollate by Sébastien Moureau

Sébastien Moureau has developed and uploaded for free download and use a new computer program for collation and critical editing called ChrysoCollate. I haven't tried it out yet, but it looks like a useful tool for those editing on a budget.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Faddan More Psalter

Lisa O'Carroll has a fascinating article on the discovery and preservation of the Faddan More Psalter, a 1,200-year-old Latin psalter that survived the centuries in an Irish bog.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Paul Flesher on the Aramaic Targums

 Christopher Dost has posted an interesting interview with Paul Flesher on the Aramaic Targums.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Michael Press on Moses Shapira

Michael Press has an interesting piece in Ancient Jew Review on the myth of Moses Shapira as expert forger. Spoiler... He does not give credence to those who think Shapira's Deuteronomy scroll was authentic, but says that Shapira was a conman who sold the forgeries of others, rather than producing them himself.