One of my friends accepted my invitation to, and I got a little spending money from Fab as a result. I tripped across an offering from a trio of handmade sea salt caramels (original, dark chocolate and cabernet) from Sea + Cane Sweets and I couldn't resist -- especially since it cost me little more than the shipping to indulge.
Oh. Mah. Freakin'. Gawd.
Ooey, gooey, melt-in-your-mouth perfection, every dad-blamed one of them!
I like 'em all, but these Dark Chocolate beauties...
... really should be declared illegal because they're so addictive.
How good? So darned good that I looked up Sea + Cane Sweets on the intertubes, only to find out that they're right in my own back yard.
I'm of the belief that Valentine's Day is over-hyped and overrated. If you really want your sweetie to know you love him or her, do something special on any of the 364 other days of the year. And these sinful confections from Sea + Cane Sweets would be an awful special gift indeed.
(And if you want an invite to Fab, email me at omnibus - dot - driver - at - gmail - dot - com. They've got cool, very contemporary stuff, and they ship within a short amount of time, unlike some of the other online discount luxury goods sites.)
Cross posted on the Omnibus.