Showing posts with label flour sack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flour sack. Show all posts

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Crazy About Crazing

We've had a small break from the 100-degree weather here this weekend. For the first time in several weeks, I felt like being out and about, taking advantage of the garage sale and estate sale scene.

I know I've said this before, but church rummage sales are my favorite. A church not too far from us consistently has the best sales in town. Best organized, best variety, best volume of items, best antiques and vintage items, and best prices. I look forward to it every year. This weekend was the weekend and it did not disappoint. In fact, I did my part to help the cause two out of the three days of the sale.

Among my favorite acquisitions is this vintage green pitcher. It's a bit dinged up, but it has incredible character.

The crazing is the best part! There's something wonderful about those deep, dark lines--the roadmap of its long and full life.

The Valier's Dainty Supercake Flour sack is a brand I haven't seen before. Love the name Dainty Supercake Flour.

Dainty is dandy, indeed.

This pretty cross-stitched Christmas apron is one of several I brought home. Look for it and a number of others in my shop in the coming days. 

The vintage wood rack the apron hangs on is also a bargain from The Best Church Sale. It folds up like an umbrella. A gal can never have too many drying racks (for me, they're display racks).

Not to be left out of the treasure hunt, my husband acquired a 1970s avocado green cake carrier. It has a pie carrier on the bottom.

Fun weekend, great weather. Back to hot temps this week, weatherman says. 

Make it a great day!
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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Vintage Finds Stack Up

The local estate sale scene has finally picked up since the lull right after the holidays. There were so few sales in January, I nearly went through withdrawal. But, these past couple of weekends, I've scored a number of new treasures.

I'm sharing a few here today. I'll share more in a future post.

Got both of these nice vintage suitcases for a 10 spot. They're in excellent condition, inside and out. The insides are nearly impeccable and the big one has all the original hangers attached. Best of all? They don't even have a hint of that dusty, musty and moldy smell that so often accompanies old luggage.

I'm going to put these fine, old girls to work storing and hauling some of my craft projects.

But, right now, for purposes of sharing with all of you, I've temporarily loaded up the suitcases with some of my other recent finds. Lots of wonderful linens, some handkerchiefs, a vintage frame and a sweet vintage two-piece rabbit mold.

My favorite hanky is the yellow one with the crocheted trim. It reminds me of my grandma, who crocheted borders on all of her Sunday-best hankies. How a farm woman who, with my grandpa, raised several kinds of livestock, grew several commodity crops, tended a large garden, cooked, baked and maintained a house had time to also be a prolific crocheter, is a marvel. But, I digress. Someday, I'll tell you more about the remarkable woman who was my grandmother.

A nice red checkered tablecloth with tiny green rick-rack and fringe and two terrific flour-sack tea towels will be super additions to the summer kitchen. Also found the sweetest little hand-crocheted vintage baby bonnet in perfect condition and a pretty embroidered dresser scarf.

Admittedly, I've never used a mold in the kitchen for anything, so I don't know exactly what type of mold this nice little bunny is. All I know is that when I see something this darling for a buck, I'm not going to pass it up. It's not small--about 10" by 9"--and it's in excellent condition.

The old wood frame features some nice scroll work and will be nice to have around for a future project.

Still to come:  my husband expands his small, but growing, collection of vintage cake carriers.

Stay tuned . . .

Make it a great day!