Everyday I seem to notice another change in Nolan...be it big or small...he is infactuated with Halloween right now...every morning faithfully, the first question out of his mouth "is it Halloween??!!"...there is no "Good morning mommy, I love you with all of my heart"...oh no, it's all about Halloween....
I made the mistake of talking about mountains today...now we are doomed to spend Halloween in the mountains, I know it...hahaha...
He loves talking on the phone right now, but still doesn't understand that the person on the other end of the phone can't physically see what he is showing them, no matter how close he holds the object to the phone...and woowee, does he get mad when you don't see what he is showing you...its best for everyone, if you are ever talking to him, to just pretend you see what he is showing you...or rather, it's best for me...that's right, i'm being selfish, haha...
Have to make this a short, informative post as I must get my monkey into bed...and figure out a way to create a mountain landscape in my living room...the things to I do to keep my sanity!!
I've never been into halloween other than the candy part, but kids seem to LOVE it...