Wednesday, March 08, 2023

!@#$%^&*()_+!!! It's officially my 2nd round of COVID

I didn't even have to wait 15 minutes to check my COVID test--the bleeping thing lit up like the top of the Empire State Building almost as soon as I started the timer.  My husband is very unhappy, since this will be his fourth time in quarantine since January.  But the person I *really* feel bad about is our cleaning person, who was here today for hours making this place spotless while my nose was running like a faucet.  😢  I just left a Voice Message on her phone.  I hope that the mask she was wearing all day (at our insistence) and the masks that *we* were wearing all day kept her healthy. 

The good news is that I don't have a fever (at the moment). The bad news is that this round is probably too late to be a "Paxlovid rebound"--I might have a different strain of the virus than I had the first time. 😢


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