Yesterday, I went to a small political gathering just around the corner from where Annie's physical therapy was being held. I got to greet my two U.S. Senators [Dole and Burr] and my 5th District Congresswoman [Virginia Foxx]. The backdrop for the rally was Mrs. Dole's bus and her young staffers had set-up a podium and sound system. I arrived in the midst of a gentleman's testimony about how his son, just returned to Fort Bragg from a full tour in Afghanistan, to discover barracks in such severe disrepair that sewage backed up to knee-high. He contacted her and within a brief time [a week or so], she had a small bill with funding called
'The First Sergeant's Barracks Initiative' which allowed local commanders to contract locally to fix these things. This gentleman introduced Senator Burr and he made some brief comments. He also directly spoke to the [very respectful] protesters, dressed in Dorothy and Tin Man outfits, and told them that they were mistaken. Mrs. Dole has never been a Kansan but has always been a Carolinian. Senator Burr introduced Mrs. Dole.
Standing in the back, I couldn't quite see her until after her talk. It was brief, but she outlined what she stands for and how her opponent doesn't share many of these ideals. She told a short inspirational story about a conversation she had with President Reagan in the White House and even quasi-imitated him when she quoted him. She encouraged us to vote and get our whole email address book to do so as well. She sounded strong and genteel. Afterwards, I sidled up toward the bus and could see that she was wearing a gray-blue coat that fell to mid-calf. I also noticed that she wore black velveteen ballet flats. As she was exiting, I snapped a photo and told her, "Senator Dole, I love your
respectable Republican cloth coat, " and she paused a quick moment and then smiled broadly.
Now if I could only get my phone photos downloaded, I'll post them.