Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2009

40 Days for Life

Abortion is a pernicious evil. The pro-life movement has spent many [too many?] years working and hoping for a judicial/governmental solution. None has come. A somewhat recent, grassroots plan has taken hold. It is called 40 Days for Life. For 40 days, which began on Wednesday, September 23, 2009, there will be perpetual vigils outside abortion clinics in 213 locations across the U.S. The plan is for the faithful to pray, fast, and stand vigil. This happens twice a year.

This is the third time that I know of 40 Days taking place in our community. Last night, I was privileged to stand vigil with two men from my parish. Sadly, this is the same clinic I used to pray outside of almost a decade ago, when I was struggling with infertility. I believe those regular [Saturday morning] prayer vigils were sanctifying for me. The last time I prayed outside the clinic, Zeke was about 3 months old and nestled in my Baby Bjorn. I was overcome by joyful events and neglected this very important activism/ministry. I'm so pleased for another chance to be a witness for life in my own community.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tyrannosaurus Debt

I was showing Zeke some of the Grammar Rock the other day and came upon the Money Rock part. I don't believe I ever saw this before. But these days it seems pretty useful. It might need to be updated to go to squillions, though.

UPDATE: I'm just a bill, just a 'stimulus' bill, I got so much pork I'll make you all ill.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Do Well, PEBO

I giggle a little when I see PEBO, referring to our next president. PEBO is President-Elect Barack Obama. Shortly after noon today, that little acronym is obsolete. I hope he does well. I recall having a case of Clinton derangement syndrome in my youth and watching the storm of Bush derangement syndrome sullying many a conversation in my life. I plan to not develop a case of Obama derangement syndrome myself. I will disagree with his policies, no doubt, but I am praying for a return to a little civility in all matters political.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Male Movie References

Before David came into my life, I was woefully uneducated on some classic movies that appeal to men. Over the years, I have learned to incorporate references to "Cool Hand Luke," "Apocalypse Now," and "The Godfather," among others, into conversations. Here's a new one that I added today to my male movie reference repertoire:

The little birdie told me about it from "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" in reference to today's news about Illinois politics and the 'rules' of Chicago pols. Apt.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Big Ole Juicy Palin Smooches

Two of my favorite women-who-blog have seen Sarah Palin in person since the election on November 4th. First off, it was my pal Victoria at Sundries who played high-class stalker to Palin [and even had a brush-with-greatness with Gov. Jindal and revealed the sanctimoniousness of Santorum and the eunuch-like male staffers] . Just this week, it was my pal Rachel at Testosterhome [she also a mother-of-five] who took her boys to the early-morning rally in Augusta, GA for Senator Saxby Chambliss where Palin was the big draw.

I don't know what Palin's plans are, but I do know that I will be avidly watching and cheering her causes. The good impression from these two blogfriends just sets that in stone.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A Two-fer

I really enjoy GaryVarvel's style of political cartooning. Today's is a good reminder of what we might expect if Hillary becomes Secretary of State.

And I say 'if' because of a little-heard word: emoluments.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Dennis Miller does a regular segment on The O'Reilly Factor. He was excellent and hilarious tonight. I'm just holding this place so I can embed the bit. I miss him on SNL's Weekend Update.

"Leave it to the Germans to concoct an intricate glossary of pain terminology."

Inside the White House

One of my longtime blog friend is a military officer, assigned to the White House. Want to know what happened the other day when a certain Senator paid a visit to the Bushes? It's a nice story. But even more important for this lovely gentleman is that he and his wife are expecting their first child and they are about half-way through the pregnancy.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Hopey Change

I kind of liked this one from cartoonist Steve Breen.

But this one by Eric Allie made me laugh.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Might I Say

...that I have been very impressed by the transition focus by President Bush and by some of the early selections of President-Elect Obama.

It is sooooo much different from the petty/childish pranks of the previous administration. We are all the better for it.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Purple PUMA

I hope we all can agree to improve the voting process. Purple fingers are my new passion.
Perhaps Starbucks can be a corporate sponsor of this movement.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Old Enough to Vote: Part II

Eighteen years ago, when I married my husband in Georgia, my sister and brother-in-law who were living in Minnesota at the time, could not attend. The reason? Mary was expecting their first child. Tomorrow, that sweet little peanut [gooberschnitzel to her German Grandma] Stefanie turns eighteen. She intends to vote in her very first election and I hope to God the people at the polls allow her to at least cast a provisional ballot. She's a smart, talented, young lady and she has been well raised. [Seen here with her awesome Dad].

Happy Birthday, Stef! Welcome to the club!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Respectable Republicans

Yesterday, I went to a small political gathering just around the corner from where Annie's physical therapy was being held. I got to greet my two U.S. Senators [Dole and Burr] and my 5th District Congresswoman [Virginia Foxx]. The backdrop for the rally was Mrs. Dole's bus and her young staffers had set-up a podium and sound system. I arrived in the midst of a gentleman's testimony about how his son, just returned to Fort Bragg from a full tour in Afghanistan, to discover barracks in such severe disrepair that sewage backed up to knee-high. He contacted her and within a brief time [a week or so], she had a small bill with funding called 'The First Sergeant's Barracks Initiative' which allowed local commanders to contract locally to fix these things. This gentleman introduced Senator Burr and he made some brief comments. He also directly spoke to the [very respectful] protesters, dressed in Dorothy and Tin Man outfits, and told them that they were mistaken. Mrs. Dole has never been a Kansan but has always been a Carolinian. Senator Burr introduced Mrs. Dole.

Standing in the back, I couldn't quite see her until after her talk. It was brief, but she outlined what she stands for and how her opponent doesn't share many of these ideals. She told a short inspirational story about a conversation she had with President Reagan in the White House and even quasi-imitated him when she quoted him. She encouraged us to vote and get our whole email address book to do so as well. She sounded strong and genteel. Afterwards, I sidled up toward the bus and could see that she was wearing a gray-blue coat that fell to mid-calf. I also noticed that she wore black velveteen ballet flats. As she was exiting, I snapped a photo and told her, "Senator Dole, I love your respectable Republican cloth coat, " and she paused a quick moment and then smiled broadly.

Now if I could only get my phone photos downloaded, I'll post them.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Punny Prediction

Tonight's infomercial from Barack Obama: a Barry-uhhmmmm enema.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Huck and Joe

Joe Wurzelbacher, aka 'Joe-the-Plumber' appeared last night on Huckabee. Joe said, "When you can't ask a question of your leaders anymore, that gets scary, and that bothers me."

Part I:

And Part II:

It bothers me, too, Joe.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Identical Cousins

Prognosticating about tonight's SNL: perhaps Tina Fey and Sarah Palin will open the show with the theme song from "The Patty Duke Show."

And, of course, there's a possibility of doing a political twist on "The Parent Trap" [and not the Lindsay Lohan lame-o version, either].

I think they'll make the humor come from the uncanny resemblance and not from politics. That would be too risky for NBC to do because Palin might come off looking good.

ADDED: Wouldn't it be hilarious if Amy Poehler just went into labor on national TV?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Comedy Gold

John S. [for 'Schecky'] McCain did a super job at the annual Al Smith Dinner in NYC. He has pretty good timing for a politician and an obvious comfort with Catholics.

Part II:

Even Hillary laughed heartily. Katie Couric not so much.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sarah Palin Autographs Young Woman's Prosthesis

I saw this via my pal, Victoria, at Sundries. One of her commenters went to a Virginia rally for McCain/Palin and asked Governor Palin to autograph her prosthesis. Faithful readers know how close this comes to my home.

Way to go, Bekah!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Veep Debate

I have a small blog with little traffic. Much of my traffic in the past several days is coming from google hits for the Clinton-Lazio debate. You think people are interested in how a male politician debates a female politician? My sources say 'yes'.

And I saw that Gwen Ifill, moderator for the Veep debate, recently broke her ankle but still will moderate. It's also all over the 'net that she's got a political book coming out in January 2009 mostly about Obama. I think it's probably too late to replace her, even if it were desireable to do so. However, I do think that a disclosure from her at the top of the debate might be in order. This side of judgment day, there's no one who's completely impartial. Just put the info out there and let the voters decide. I suspect she'll ask all the questions that need to be asked. She'll work very hard to appear fair in her questions. I don't think she wanted to become the story.

I had a softball coach who reminded me that there were three teams on the field: the home team, the visitors and the umpires. The goal was to beat the other team so soundly that it didn't matter if the umpires came from the other team's home town.