I have been playing around with ideas for a quilt/s about my travels in the middle east earlier this year- things seemed to gell during the week in using images/ideas. I had put aside the pomegranate quilt as somehow something was bothering me about it. But on the other hand I tend to finish something and then move onto the next thing- so it had to be finished. I have very few ufo's - maybe 4 over the 17 years I have been quilting. So once I buckled down and started quilting I realised the problem was actually the fact that I hadn't quilted it- once that started happening and texture started appearing I started feeling happier about the whole quiilt, so all I have to do is put on the binding. I feel a bit better for having finished it- it means I can go onto the other things I have in mind- but I have to wait for some copper foil to arrive from
The Thread Studio in Perth. Check our Dale's gallery - there is always things worth seeing in it.
I missed out on the Barcelona residency again!! I give up. I really do. Audiences seem to love quilts- everyone but arts administrators , museums and granting bodies seem to like quilts- so how do we tell them????
And it is hot and dry today -though we had a frost last night- unbelievable for this time of year. I am not sure our zucchinis will survive. Tomorrow it will be even hotter-sections of the eastern part of the state are burning and we have asked fire fighting crews from New Zealand to come and help as every region needs to keep their fire crews on standby just in case, and every firefighter that can be spared has been sent ( yes it is bushfire season- but more than a month early) and we are on tenterhooks for tomorrow-it all depends how bad the north wind will be
I visit your site regularly but haven't added a comment up to now. Just wanted to say that I love your pomegranate quilt. You really have to look at the larger image to the details - but then wow!
I wish I could see your quilts for real. But thanks for providing us with all this eye candy on the web.
I'm with you on finishing one thing before starting another. Sometimes I have one being pieced and one being quilted but I can't stand to have a huge pile of UFOs. Too many years as a teacher urging kids to get finished I suppose.
I hope you don't have too many problems with the fires. My daughter lives in NSW and they had a fire pretty close to them a couple of years ago.
Like Ruth, I visit your site often but until now have never left a comment. Although not a quilter, I do work in fibers and mixed media. I've been producing artwork for a mere six or so years. Most often, I feel light-years behind, too old to be trying a new direction in life. Sometimes, I forget that artists as accomplished as are you also experience some let-downs from time to time. While I am sorry that you weren't accepted into the residency in Barcelona, learning this was a helpful reminder for me. Keep trying. I will keep working too!
PS I adore the Thread Studio!
Bonjour Dijanne, Je suis contente d'avoir trouvé votre superbe blog. Je me suis inscrite a vos stages du 27 et 31 Mars à Palaiseau/France.
Je suis contente de vous revoir, Amicalement, Smaranda
oh Dijanne you should have prompted me about the foil.... post it on monday sorry for the delay hope all is well with you
The quilt is beautiful and shows how quilting it makes it come alive with texture. Hope you arn't near the fires they look really bad.
Another awesome piece from your talented mind/hands. It is gorgeous. Del
This quilt is beautiful, I wish I was as disciplined with my UFO's,
I am so happy that you finished it.
the quilt is yummy!
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