Monday 25 January 2010

Second finish

My second finish in 2010!!! And it's only January!!!!!!!!

Yes, this comes as a surprise to me, too. Mainly because I thought my second finish would definitely be a certain scarf. But it isn’t. You see, I sustained a knitting injury, making it well-nigh impossible for me to lift my left arm, let alone finish a scarf. Perhaps trying to break the world record for speed-knitting when your knitting muscles aren’t fully developed isn’t a wise thing to do. Anyway, no scarf for Pelle. It was going to be a present for him, because the poor boy is going to have his tonsils taken out tomorrow, but now he will have to make do with a store bought gift [which he will undoubtedly enjoy more, anyway :o)]
Someone commented that it seems my boy has had to make way for the terrorist cats on this blog, so by popular demand, here’s a picture of Pelle.

I'm sorry, but there's only one thing to say about this picture, and it has to be in Dutch: wat is het toch een lekker ventje.

But I came here (and you did, too, I think) for some stitching news. Some stitching and finish-finishing news, no less. You see, the finishing bug usually only hits me around November and it lasts until December 31st, resulting in ten months’ worth of starts (imagine, if you will, what the means for my WIP and UFO piles ) and not even two months’ worth of finishes (because I’m not good at finishing). This year will be different. Yes, it will. Hey, it already is, because here’s my second finish of the year:

Faith by Carriage House Samplings stitched on 40 count plplplplllll linen (the kind I normally use) with my own choice of DMC and GAST and WDW threads.

I needed a small stitched piece for this frame, and I think it works well. Now as for my next finish… I can’t see one coming, to be honest, but last Friday I didn’t see this one coming either, so who knows what you might find here next time.

Wish Pelle luck! Here’s hoping they will operate the snot out of him.

Yours fidgetily,


staci said...

I think Pelle is transforming from "cute" to "handsome" that smile :) Best wishes for a smooth operation and a fast recovery.

Love, LOVE your new finish...and that frame is absolutely stunning. A perfect fit!

Giovanna said...

Helemaal met je eens, inderdaad een lekker ventje!

Your new finish is beautiful, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Great to see a picture of Pelle...what a sweet smile! And congrats on finish #2. It looks very nice in that frame.

Debra in NC

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to wish both you and Pelle luck with his surgery.

Debra in NC

KarenV said...

Wonderful finish Annemarie! that frame is just perfect.

Loads of luck for Pelle's operation - I hope everything goes smoothly :)

Anonymous said...

Helemaal om op te vreten!! Ik zal morgen duimen! Faith = MOOI; lijstje = perfect!

Anna van Schurman said...

Love that frame! You chose the right design for it too. All best for a speedy recovery for Pelle.

Jennifer said...

What a cute picture of Pelle. I hope everything goes well for both of you tomorrow. I will be thinking of you.

Jinger said...

Wow! It looks great!

Love your Valentine finish as well.

Don't feel bad...I don't knit either. :-)

Melissa said...

I agree with Staci - Pelle looks more grown up now, turning into a handsome young lad! All the best wishes for a speedy recovery.

I love love love how Faith looks. The stitching is lovely (hadn't noticed this design before) but the frame! I love that frame. Well done!

Sorry to hear about the knitting injury though!

Berit said...

Wow! You are really on a roll! But, then, I am too: I've got 2 (unblogged) finishes myself! I have to admit, however, that all the stitching on one and most of the other were done in 2009. Only the finishing in this new year. Sigh. Back to the valentine I'm making for myself! I'm wondering If I can finish it before the valentine exchange I'm anticipating arrives. Luckily, I've already sent mine so I can kick back and relax a bit. :D

Best of Luck to Pelle: Since you seem to be doing requests, I want to see a "Pelle & Kitties" pic next time--that just might be so cute that It'd strain your camera, though...


Nancy said...

Faith is just beautiful, and the frame looks like it was made for it! Lovely finish.

Best of luck to Pelle, and he just keeps getting cuter!

Lois said...

What a lovely frame for your very nice finish. I have this one stitched but have yet to do anything with it! I hope all goes well with the surgery tomorrow. Both my sons have gone through having their tonsils out. Shame about the knitting injury - hope it gets better soon.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I absolutely LOVE your finish, but the frame is just as gorgeous and befitting the spectacularly stitched piece :)
Good Luck to dear Pelle...

Von said...

Look how grown up your Pelle is!! Hugs and prayers for you both as he has his tonsils removed.

valerie said...

Beautiful finish! Best of luck to Pelle on his tonsilectomy tomorrow!

Deb said...

I think that frame is just perfect for your piece!! Sorry to hear about your knitting accident, and sending many well wishes Pelle's way for his surgery. Make sure you have lots of ice cream on hand!

Marjo said...

Beautiful stitch for a beautiful frame. Cute little boy, wish you all the luck with the surgery as well. Marjo

Theresa said...

LOVE the frame!!!!!! And your stitched piece is perfect for it!!!!!

Pelle is CUTE!!!!! I hope everything goes well for him!!

Blu said...

Congrats, it's a very pretty finish. That frame is gorgeous.

Rachel V said...

It's a lovely finish, congratulations! 2 finishes; I am excited for you! Wishing Pelle a smooth and easy surgery.

Hazel said...

Hey... beautiful finish and greta pic of Pelle. Hugs from all of us. xx

Kristen said...

Best Wishes Pelle!

Lovely finish, Annemarie.

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Good luck to Pelle! He'll be fine but it's not too much fun, that's for sure! He is one cute kid!!!

Your finish is wonderful and the little frame is perfect.

mainely stitching said...

How did that boy get so grownup in such a short time? Good heavens, he's adorable! Best wishes to you BOTH in regard to the upcoming tonsil removal!

And congratulations on your wonderful finish!

Heidi said...

Inderdaad een lekker ventje maar ook eentje die groiet. Hij begint te veranderen. Zijn gezicht begint ouder te lijken. Ik hoop dat morgen niet al te eng is voor hem en dat het snel voorbij is met de gewenste resultaat.

Je nieuwe borduurwerkje is prachtig! Heb je het zelf ingelijst? Je lijst is perfect voor deze lief werkje.

Leuk om weer wat van elkaar te horen en dan hoor ik ook over je nieuwe familie lid. Wat is zij mooi zeg! Heb ik haar naam gemist?

Hugs en groetjes ~

Ally said...

Good luck to Pelle! Do they still allow unlimited ice-cream after tonsillectomy? I still remember being jealous of my brother when he came back from hospital and was allowed ice-cream, but this was 40 years ago...

Anne Marieke said...

Wat een heerlijk ventje!
He really is a cutie, your Pelle.

Good luck today. Fingers crossed! Hopefully it is all done now and Pelle will feel better for it (well, maybe not right now :o( )

Dianne said...

Stopping by to say hello to you and cutie pie Pelle. Hope he feels better soon. My friend just got her tonsils out in her 30s. You are probably saving him years of discomfort.
Lots of stitching, two cats and even knitting. I sure missed a few things didn't I?
Take care,

Kathy A. said...

What a great photo of Pelle. I think you can get a glimpse of the man he is going to be in this one.
Wishing him well with his tonsil surgery! Hopefully that willhelp take care of all his snot!
Sending warm hugs to his nervous Mom

anneke said...

I'm a bit late, but I hope Pelle and his now absent tonsils are doing fine. He's a lekker ventje, no doubt!

Great finish and finish finish. I have no finish this year and I can't see one when I look far ahead in this year....

Denise said...

Please keep us up to date on Pelle's surgery and recovery. I hope he will be able to enjoy lots
of ice cream!
As usual, your stitching is a wonder...

doris said...

Lots and lots of luck to Pelle.

Love your second finish.

Melanie said...

Hope Pelle is feeling much better by now; he is a cutie!