It’s always so much fun when my friend Pattie comes to visit. She arrived Thursday evening after an almost 12-hour drive from Georgia.
She brought us rocks! Yep, a basket of rocks. She would show Lizzie and I how to do some weaving on them. After all Pattie is a master basket maker. She’s taught for years at John C. Campbell Folk School, in Brasstown, North Carolina.
These were my two. The one on the right is called fish bones.
Lizzie used one piece of dyed material. It was dyed multi-colors. It was so neat to see how the top was basically two colors only. This is the kimono pattern.
The top of the cave entrance had these pretty flowers.
Sunday, we went to my niece, Amber's baby shower. Here is the quilt I made her.
I bought this hickory rocker many years ago. There were a few pieces that were broken. If I remember correctly, I paid $12 for it. It's a very comfortable rocker. I was going to put it on the front porch of our hunting cabin. We decided it was too good to be out in the weather.
Years ago we got some hickory from basket makers Alice and Joe Dudenhoeffer to repair in. Pattie being the master basket weaver did her magic and repaired it. After we varnish it, I doubt you'll be able to tell the repair.
Did I mention she is fun to have around? I can't wait to see what we can find to do on her next visit.