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neděle 28. dubna 2013

Ham cooker

Pred nedavnem mi dosel balicek z ceska. Sunkovar nemecke vyroby, ktery jsem si objednala u pana Jiriho Dytrycha. Po prozkoumani trhu jsem zjistila, ze vyber neni veliky a protoze nechci varit sunku v igelitu v hlinikove forme, tento nerezovy sunkovar u me 100% vyhrava.  Kupovane uzeniny skoro nejime, vzhledem ktomu,  co vse obsahuji a proto me nadseni bylo velike :)

My package from Czech arrived last week. German made ham maker, that I ordered from Jiri Dytrych.  After some research I realized that there is not much to choose from. I didn't want to cook my ham in plastic bags in the aluminum form so this stainless steel model was the best on the market. We do not eat much of  sandwich meat for the ingredients they contain and this was the perfect solutions. 

 Do vareni sunky jsem se pustila okamzite. Prvni, veprova, me poucila, ze mezi kostkami masa musi byt i dostatek mleteho (jemne nasekaneho) masa aby se vse dobre spojilo. Proto tedy ty otvory (diry) v mem prvnim "vytvoru". Na chuti to ale  neubralo.
 Recept (od oka :)) na moji veprovou sunku:
veprove maso,
nasekane bylinky - rozmarin, bazilka a oregano
cesnek, sul, pepr, paprika, lzicka medu - chutove vytecne! 

I started right away and learned a lot from my first trial of making a pork ham. The most important thing is to have enough binding in the meat. Not just cube meat, but also some ground meat to keep the ham together. even though, there were holes in my pork ham, it was delicious! 
My recipe: 
lean pork meat
herbs - rosemary, basil, oregano  
garlic,salt,pepper,  paprika, tsp. of honey

Druha na radu prisla sunka kureci. Vzhledove uz o moc lepsi i kdyz tu a tam je jeste v mase trhlinka. Premyslela jsem jake pouzit koreni a ingredience a nakonec vznikl tento recept:
sul, pepr,paprika
hrst nasekanych sušenych (sun dried) rajčat nalozenych v oleji
nasekane, nalozene zelene fazolky (v ostren nalevu, take jsem nasekala feferonku, kterou pridavam- zavaruji si je sama)
hrst rozdrobeneho balkanskeho syra

The next one was made from chicken meat. I  came up with this combo to flavor it:
salt, pepper,, paprika
handful of chopped sun dried tomatoes (in evoo)
chopped beans that I caned (with halupino pepper)
handful of feta cheese

It was really good and better in the appearance too.

Dalsi byla sunka kruti. Stejne ochucena jako kureci, protoze ta moc chutnala a proto jak se rika "nac menit to, co funguje"  Vzhledove nejlepsi a jako u dvouch predchazejicich se po ni jen zaprasilo :)

Last one I made from turkey meat. Some ingredients, because like they say " don't change what's working" I use the same recipe as for the chicken one and this one came out perfect! It was gone in no time and so were the other ones :)

Vsechny recepty jsou upravene z originalnich receptu na vebove strance pana Jiriho. Mnozstvi masa, delka vareni atd, dalsi uz je opravdu jen na vas!  Tohle neni placena reklama! Jsem jen velice spokojena! Pan Jiri objednavku vyexpedoval behem nekolika dnu a  z ochotou odpovidal na me nescetne :) emailove dotazy. Timto mu moc dekuji.

I created all these recipes from the basic one at the ham maker website. I am very happy with it and my girlfriend already ordered one too after sampling my creations!   This is not a paid endorsement!
I am just very happy with this product as it allows us to eat healthy.


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