neděle 12. května 2013
pátek 10. května 2013
the joys of spring.........
Teploty se posledni tyden splhaji ke tricitce a tak je tu razem letni nalada. Na blogovani casu premalo a tak vam jen v cuku letu ukazu jak pokracuji me prace na zahradce, co noveho vykouzlila jehla (a ne jenom siciho stroje) a take prinasim recept na muj oblibeny "drink". Je to voda, ochucena ovocem a bylinkami, plna vitaminu - variace neomezene a jen podle vasi chute a fantazie.
nakrajena pulka bio pomerance a citronu
nasekane listky maty peprnne a cerneho rybizu(jestli mate po ruce)
dame do sklenice, protreseme a nechame chvili louhovat. Ja po vypiti vetsinou naplnim jeste jednou vodou a ziskam dalsi sklenici no a nakonec vyluhovane ovoce pouziji v mixeru pri vyrobe smoothie.
Dalsi kombinace pro inspiraci:
meloun a rozmarin
maliny, limetka, mata
ostruziny, salvej
ananas, mata
okurka, limetka, mata,
jahody, pomeranc, mata
Temperatures are climbing to thirties and it feels like summer here. There is little time to blog, so I will quickly share few pictures from the garden, from my sewing room and from the kitchen. I will start there with my favorite summer drink recipe, loaded with vitamins.
Fruit infused water:
Sliced 1/2 organic lemon and orange
spring of mint leaves and if you have available also black currant leave- chopped
shake and let sit in the fridge for a bit. I usually add water one more time after drinking the first batch and then use the fruit in my smoothie - i hate waste!
Other variations
Mellon, rosemary
raspberry,lime, mint
pineapple. mint
cucumber, lime, mint
strawberries,orange, mint
The combinations are endless, go crazy and create you favorite one.....or two, or three : )
Kocicak Charlie, ktereho jsme v zime zacali krmit a ktery, pri kazdem pokusu se jen na dalku priblizit upaloval do ukrytu, se ted od nas nehne.
Male stray that we named Charlie, who adopted us this winter after we started feeding him. Being shy for years and always staying safe distance away is now following me like a dog everywhere I go :)
a dalsi zajda, ktery se doma ani neohral......
and another softie, that already found new home.....
nakrajena pulka bio pomerance a citronu
nasekane listky maty peprnne a cerneho rybizu(jestli mate po ruce)
dame do sklenice, protreseme a nechame chvili louhovat. Ja po vypiti vetsinou naplnim jeste jednou vodou a ziskam dalsi sklenici no a nakonec vyluhovane ovoce pouziji v mixeru pri vyrobe smoothie.
Dalsi kombinace pro inspiraci:
meloun a rozmarin
maliny, limetka, mata
ostruziny, salvej
ananas, mata
okurka, limetka, mata,
jahody, pomeranc, mata
Temperatures are climbing to thirties and it feels like summer here. There is little time to blog, so I will quickly share few pictures from the garden, from my sewing room and from the kitchen. I will start there with my favorite summer drink recipe, loaded with vitamins.
Fruit infused water:
Sliced 1/2 organic lemon and orange
spring of mint leaves and if you have available also black currant leave- chopped
shake and let sit in the fridge for a bit. I usually add water one more time after drinking the first batch and then use the fruit in my smoothie - i hate waste!
Other variations
Mellon, rosemary
raspberry,lime, mint
pineapple. mint
cucumber, lime, mint
strawberries,orange, mint
The combinations are endless, go crazy and create you favorite one.....or two, or three : )
Na zahradce se to pomalu zacina "rysovat"
Garden beds are getting filed with goodies.
Kocicak Charlie, ktereho jsme v zime zacali krmit a ktery, pri kazdem pokusu se jen na dalku priblizit upaloval do ukrytu, se ted od nas nehne.
Male stray that we named Charlie, who adopted us this winter after we started feeding him. Being shy for years and always staying safe distance away is now following me like a dog everywhere I go :)
a dalsi zajda, ktery se doma ani neohral......
and another softie, that already found new home.....
neděle 28. dubna 2013
Ham cooker
My package from Czech arrived last week. German made ham maker, that I ordered from Jiri Dytrych. After some research I realized that there is not much to choose from. I didn't want to cook my ham in plastic bags in the aluminum form so this stainless steel model was the best on the market. We do not eat much of sandwich meat for the ingredients they contain and this was the perfect solutions.
Do vareni sunky jsem se pustila okamzite. Prvni, veprova, me poucila, ze mezi kostkami masa musi byt i dostatek mleteho (jemne nasekaneho) masa aby se vse dobre spojilo. Proto tedy ty otvory (diry) v mem prvnim "vytvoru". Na chuti to ale neubralo.
Recept (od oka :)) na moji veprovou sunku:
veprove maso,
nasekane bylinky - rozmarin, bazilka a oregano
cesnek, sul, pepr, paprika, lzicka medu - chutove vytecne!
I started right away and learned a lot from my first trial of making a pork ham. The most important thing is to have enough binding in the meat. Not just cube meat, but also some ground meat to keep the ham together. even though, there were holes in my pork ham, it was delicious!
My recipe:
lean pork meat
herbs - rosemary, basil, oregano
garlic,salt,pepper, paprika, tsp. of honey
Druha na radu prisla sunka kureci. Vzhledove uz o moc lepsi i kdyz tu a tam je jeste v mase trhlinka. Premyslela jsem jake pouzit koreni a ingredience a nakonec vznikl tento recept:
sul, pepr,paprika
hrst nasekanych sušenych (sun dried) rajčat nalozenych v oleji
nasekane, nalozene zelene fazolky (v ostren nalevu, take jsem nasekala feferonku, kterou pridavam- zavaruji si je sama)
hrst rozdrobeneho balkanskeho syra
The next one was made from chicken meat. I came up with this combo to flavor it:
salt, pepper,, paprika
handful of chopped sun dried tomatoes (in evoo)
chopped beans that I caned (with halupino pepper)
handful of feta cheese
It was really good and better in the appearance too.
Dalsi byla sunka kruti. Stejne ochucena jako kureci, protoze ta moc chutnala a proto jak se rika "nac menit to, co funguje" Vzhledove nejlepsi a jako u dvouch predchazejicich se po ni jen zaprasilo :)
Last one I made from turkey meat. Some ingredients, because like they say " don't change what's working" I use the same recipe as for the chicken one and this one came out perfect! It was gone in no time and so were the other ones :)
Vsechny recepty jsou upravene z originalnich receptu na vebove strance pana Jiriho. Mnozstvi masa, delka vareni atd, dalsi uz je opravdu jen na vas! Tohle neni placena reklama! Jsem jen velice spokojena! Pan Jiri objednavku vyexpedoval behem nekolika dnu a z ochotou odpovidal na me nescetne :) emailove dotazy. Timto mu moc dekuji.
I created all these recipes from the basic one at the ham maker website. I am very happy with it and my girlfriend already ordered one too after sampling my creations! This is not a paid endorsement!
I am just very happy with this product as it allows us to eat healthy.
I am just very happy with this product as it allows us to eat healthy.
pátek 5. dubna 2013
Rabbit softie
Presto, ze jsou velikonoce za nami, me zajici jeste neomrzeli :)
Even though Easter is over, I am still in the "rabbit" mode :)
Vyrobaba strihu a vymysleni obliceje byla zabava, vysivani uz tolik ne! Nekolikrat jsem se pichla a nakonec musela latku prat, protoze na ni byly skvrnky od krve :(
Making the pattern and face futures was fun. Embroidering not so much as I pricked myself more then
once and at the end I had to wash out few little blood stains :(
Jeste spichnou kalhoty......
Now some pants.....
.....a je hotovo!
.....and he is done!
Jmenuje se Kit, tak se anglicky rika zajecim mladatum.
Do you know that the male rabbit is called a buck and the female is called a doe. Baby rabbits are called kittens. So I decided to call him Kit.
Co delate tento vikend vy? Ja budu vyrabet dalsi vycpane postavicky.....
What are you doing this weekend? I'll be making more of these critters........
Even though Easter is over, I am still in the "rabbit" mode :)
Vyrobaba strihu a vymysleni obliceje byla zabava, vysivani uz tolik ne! Nekolikrat jsem se pichla a nakonec musela latku prat, protoze na ni byly skvrnky od krve :(
Making the pattern and face futures was fun. Embroidering not so much as I pricked myself more then
once and at the end I had to wash out few little blood stains :(
Jeste spichnou kalhoty......
Now some pants.....
.....a je hotovo!
.....and he is done!
Jmenuje se Kit, tak se anglicky rika zajecim mladatum.
Do you know that the male rabbit is called a buck and the female is called a doe. Baby rabbits are called kittens. So I decided to call him Kit.
Co delate tento vikend vy? Ja budu vyrabet dalsi vycpane postavicky.....
What are you doing this weekend? I'll be making more of these critters........
neděle 31. března 2013
Happy Easter to all my friends who celebrate .... ❤
Vesele Velikonoce vam vsem, kteri je slavite.
Zajic letos dostal novy kabatek.......
Bunny got a new coat .....
Minuly tyden jsme oslavili narozeniny zete, pochutnali si na sushi a uzivali si krasneho pocasi To se mimochodem jeste zlepsilo a cely velikonocni vikend je nadherne. Proto take zase takova pauza zde na blogu - slunisko nas tahne ven :)
We celebrated our son-in-law birthday last week and enjoyed sushi and really nice weather. That's why I am not blogging lately since we spend our days outdoors :)
Ja krajela ingredience, Tereza a Neil pilne rolovali a snad ani nemusim podotykat, ze sushi mame vsichni moc radi!
I was cutting the ingredients, Tereza and Neil were rolling and I guess there is no need to say that we LOVE sushi!
A jestli mate jeste trosku casu, tady je inspirace dnesniho dne.....
If you, by any chance, still have a spare moment, here is today's inspiration....
Zajic letos dostal novy kabatek.......
Bunny got a new coat .....
Minuly tyden jsme oslavili narozeniny zete, pochutnali si na sushi a uzivali si krasneho pocasi To se mimochodem jeste zlepsilo a cely velikonocni vikend je nadherne. Proto take zase takova pauza zde na blogu - slunisko nas tahne ven :)
We celebrated our son-in-law birthday last week and enjoyed sushi and really nice weather. That's why I am not blogging lately since we spend our days outdoors :)
Ja krajela ingredience, Tereza a Neil pilne rolovali a snad ani nemusim podotykat, ze sushi mame vsichni moc radi!
I was cutting the ingredients, Tereza and Neil were rolling and I guess there is no need to say that we LOVE sushi!
A jestli mate jeste trosku casu, tady je inspirace dnesniho dne.....
If you, by any chance, still have a spare moment, here is today's inspiration....
pátek 15. března 2013
healthy chocolate ice cream-mousse recipe
Cokoladova zmrzlina zdrave. Tak by se dal nazvat tento recept, na jehoz vyzkouseni jsem se uz delsi dobu chystala. Nadoba"vyrobniku" zmrliny musi byt predchlazena v mrazaku a ja zapomela, ze jsem ji tam po minulem pouziti nedala. Takze cokoladova hmota putovala tentokrat do formicek a do "vanicky, kde jsem ji behem tuhnuti jednou za hodinu promichala aby se nevytvorily ledove krystaly. Tento recept je take vyborny nemrazeny, vychlazeny se da podavat jako dezert, tzv. cokoladova pena.
2 vyzrala avokada
2 vyzrale banany
2 hrnky kokosoveho mleka
3/4 hrnku medu
1 lzicka ruzove vody ( nemusi byt)
4 lzice kakaa
Vse rozmixujeme v mixeru do kremove konzistence.
I made this chocolate ice cream yesterday and I couldn't stop eating it when I was filling the forms. It would be really good chocolate mousse dessert as well. Just chill it before serving it and garnish with some coconut flakes. I didn't use my ice cream maker because I forgot to put the container into the freezer after the last use, but the ice cream turned out really well just stirred :)
Navijec prize v akci. Tentokrat jsem si vyzkousela Navajo spradani, to znamena, ze jsou smotane tri nitky z jedne. Na nazorne video se muzete podivat zde.
My wool winder in action, this time I tried Navajo plying. You can watch good video tutorial here.
Dnes jsem narazila na tyhle videa. I kdyz v anglictine, presto krasne priblizi atmosferu minuleho stoleti. Prvni je z Ostrova Vancouver, mesto Victorie a z mesta Vancouver, rok 1935. Druhe je prochazka Prahou.
I came across these videos today and liked the old images very much. One is From Vancouver Island and Vancouver, the other is from Prague. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did :)
2 vyzrala avokada
2 vyzrale banany
2 hrnky kokosoveho mleka
3/4 hrnku medu
1 lzicka ruzove vody ( nemusi byt)
4 lzice kakaa
Vse rozmixujeme v mixeru do kremove konzistence.
I made this chocolate ice cream yesterday and I couldn't stop eating it when I was filling the forms. It would be really good chocolate mousse dessert as well. Just chill it before serving it and garnish with some coconut flakes. I didn't use my ice cream maker because I forgot to put the container into the freezer after the last use, but the ice cream turned out really well just stirred :)
Navijec prize v akci. Tentokrat jsem si vyzkousela Navajo spradani, to znamena, ze jsou smotane tri nitky z jedne. Na nazorne video se muzete podivat zde.
My wool winder in action, this time I tried Navajo plying. You can watch good video tutorial here.
Dnes jsem narazila na tyhle videa. I kdyz v anglictine, presto krasne priblizi atmosferu minuleho stoleti. Prvni je z Ostrova Vancouver, mesto Victorie a z mesta Vancouver, rok 1935. Druhe je prochazka Prahou.
I came across these videos today and liked the old images very much. One is From Vancouver Island and Vancouver, the other is from Prague. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did :)
čtvrtek 7. března 2013
Uz je to vic jak mesic od meho minuleho prispevku, cas leti! Uzivame si hezke pocasi a prochazky po okoli, zahrada a sklenik se uz take probouzi.
It's been more then a month since my last post, time flies! We are enjoying nice weather and I love walks through our neighborhood. Our greenhouse is "waking up" too.
Posledni "varka". Jeste nez jsem pred par dny onemocnela, stihla jsem jeste umotat tohle pradenko. Hlidala jsem o vikendu vnuka ktery byl nemocny a tad sama dva dny lezim. Nastesti jemu uz je lepe.
Before I've got sick after babysitting our grandson this weekend, I finished this batch. He is much better now, but I am in bed with the same cold and stuffy nose he had :(
It's been more then a month since my last post, time flies! We are enjoying nice weather and I love walks through our neighborhood. Our greenhouse is "waking up" too.
Posledni "varka". Jeste nez jsem pred par dny onemocnela, stihla jsem jeste umotat tohle pradenko. Hlidala jsem o vikendu vnuka ktery byl nemocny a tad sama dva dny lezim. Nastesti jemu uz je lepe.
Before I've got sick after babysitting our grandson this weekend, I finished this batch. He is much better now, but I am in bed with the same cold and stuffy nose he had :(
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