Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Taste and See

 "The Waiting is the Hardest Part"   collage mixed media by Crystal Neubauer

This weekend I found out three of my works were accepted into White Stone Gallery's annual Summer Show and I couldn't pretend this isn't a major big deal to me if I tried. This gallery represents Makoto Fujimura's work, so I am pretty much slobbering all over myself in stunned amazement. 

There is this side of me that wanted to play it all cool in front of you, like, I'm such a professional that I take this kind of thing in stride; that oddly self-protective side that doesn't want to show my vulnerability by telling you just how excited I actually am. But I can't help it, I am bouncing-on-my-tippy-toes-waiting-for-Santa- while-standing-by-the-shore-watching-my-ship-come-in-excited!

I really wanted to get in to this show but I tried not to get too anxious over it. I kept reassuring myself that God has me on a journey and I can trust him with it whether this opportunity opened up for me or not. But then the day the list was supposed to be posted online came and the gallery decided to reschedule the announcement by two whole days! 

And so my anxiety anticipation grew. 

I tried to let go and, you know, carry on with normal life. But there it was in the back of my mind for those two days tantalizing and keeping me ever so slightly on the edge of my seat. Finally the new time rolled around so I calmly logged on to the website, took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes half shut, peeking through my lashes, only to read that they rescheduled again! 

This time by just a few hours but once again my anxiety anticipation grew. I believe the words that came to mind were "I want this so badly I can taste it!"
hmmm...I want it so badly I can taste it? The thought caused me to stop as a feeling of condemnation started to creep in.

You see nine months ago I was looking for God's direction during an intense time of prayer; work, life, goal setting kind of direction and a very distinct word from the Lord came to me that I was to be a fine art artist and that was the avenue I should continue to pursue. In some Christian circles this kind of personal promise/word from God is called a "Rhema" and I had it to hold on to. I knew that it was mine and God wanted me to trust Him with it.

But after a few rejections from other shows that I had really hoped for this year, I was beginning to feel as if this promise was never going to come to fruition and maybe, just maybe, I needed to remind God about it. So there I sat on Saturday night during church having trouble focusing on just being with Him during worship and I prayed  "God you promised!" and "I want it so badly I can taste it!" with just the slightest bit of foot stomping for emphasis.

As soon as the thought formed I knew that I had gotten off track. The weight of condemnation settled on my shoulders with a heavy sigh. But just as quickly it lifted as I felt God's comfort wrap me like a caring friend.

"Yes, taste my child! Taste and enjoy this desire, but don't let it worry you. I placed this gift inside of you and it is I that is drawing it out. I gave you my word and you can trust me."

"Taste and enjoy. Taste and see that the Lord is good."

Taste and see that the LORD is good! How blessed is the person who trusts in him! ~Psalm 34:8


  1. It's just what I like!
    Annette from France

  2. You should sing....praises ...taste the good and be glad! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  3. AMEN, God is good! congratulations, your artwork is a blessing!!! ;D

    1. Yes He is! All the time! Thank-you :)

  4. Amen! I relate to your journey to find His will for you in your art. So glad for you that you've been accepted. You belong here. I pray you are showered with blessings!

  5. This news is wonderful, Crystal!! The same gallery where Makoto Fujimura has works... wow! His work is amazing. My son and daughter-in-law gave us a copy of his Four Holy Gospels as a thank you for all that we did for their wedding and I treasure it. I'm joyous with you over the Father's goodness. Congrats!

    1. I am so excited still! And what a cool gift your son and his new bride gave you!

  6. Congratulations, Crystal. I know that feeling of anxiety/anticipation and I don't think it's out of God's will to feel it. He made us human, after all. I too love Makoto F's work. Have you read the interviews in Objects of Grace, including his? Wonderful book.

    1. Thanks Jo - I haven't read Objects of Grace. I'll have to check that out!

  7. How exciting for you to be able to taste and see the fruit of all your labor! How encouraging for you to know, really know, that God hears you (I mean, I know you know, but we all like a YES from time to time!) :). I can't wait to see what goodness comes from this opportunity!!!
