The Ottawa Public Library is hosting four poetry workshops during the month of April to celebrate Poetry Month. All workshop are free. Register online with your public library card here: Workshop with Peter Richardson
Nepean Centrepointe Library 101 Centrepointe
Saturday Apr 06, 2013 (1:30 pm - 4:30 pm )In a supportive, small-group environment, we'll look at technical aspects of the craft as they relate to your poetry. Participants will be encouraged to provide constructive feedback. Once you've registered, submit up to four pages of poems, two weeks in advance, (as well as any questions) to If you don't have email, drop off your poems labelled Poetry Workshop Spring 2013 NC at the Nepean Centrepointe Library by March 22.
Peter Richardson: Widely published, he is the author of three poetry collections with Vehicule Press, including Sympathy for the Couriers which won the A.M. Klein award. A fourth collection,
Bit Parts for Fools, is slated for publication late this autumn or early in 2014 with Goose Lane Editions.
The Poetry Garage with Sandra Ridley
Rosemount Library 18 Rosemount Ave
Saturday Apr 13, 2013 (2:00 pm - 4:00 pm )A two-hour session on fine-tuning the mechanics and dynamics of your poems. Your work will be read and discussed in a supportive small-group environment, facilitated by
Sandra Ridley (winner of the 2009 Alfred G. Bailey Prize and 2010 Saskatchewan Book Award for Publishing, a finalist for the 2011 Ottawa Book Award, and shortlisted for the 2012 Archibald Lampman and ReLit Awards). All participants will be encouraged to provide constructive feedback. Once registered, submit three poems, up to a maximum of five pages, in advance; material to be workshopped will be selected by the facilitator. Material and contact info can be emailed to or dropped off labelled Poetry Workshop Spring 2013 RO at the Rosemount Library by April 5th.
Poetry Workshop with David O'Meara
Carlingwood Public Library 281 Woodroffe Ave
Saturday Apr 20, 2013 (2:00 pm - 4:00 pm )A two hour tear-down and refurbishment of your poem, this workshop will focus on structure and methods of narration. Be prepared to re-design (possibly jackhammer) your verse, discuss changes, and rebuild! Registered participants are asked to send three poems (up to five pages), two weeks in advance, to David O`Meara ( or drop them off at the Carlingwood Library labelled Poetry Workshop Spring 2013 CA by April 5th.
David O'Meara is the author of three books of poetry, a play, and is the Artistic Director of VERSeFest (, Canada's International Poetry Festival. His new collection,
A Pretty Sight, will be published in fall 2013 by Coach House Press.
Poetry Workshop with Stephen Brockwell
Alta Vista Library 2516 Alta Vista Library
Saturday Apr 27, 2013 (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm )This poetry workshop will help poets invest more verbal energy into their poems. A single poem chosen from 3 submissions (up to five pages) from each participant will be workshopped to improve musical energy with a sharp focus on voice, tone, rhythm, syntax and line. Participants will be encouraged to share their work on a free social networking website prior to the workshop. Participants will be able to comment on each other's work in an encouraging environment moderated by the workshop leader Stephen Brockwell. The initial online collaboration will set the tone for an intense but positive three hour face-to-face workshop at Alta Vista Library. Please email your poems to, or drop them off at the Alta Vista Library labelled Poetry Workshop Spring 2013 AL by April 12th. A list of suggested readings from previous workshops will be provided for reference.
Stephen Brockwell is the Author of
The Real Made Up (ECW) and his book
Fruitfly Geographic (ECW) won the Archibald Lampman award. An installment of the work in progress,
Excerpts from Improbable Books, was recently reviewed by Mark Frutkin here: