Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts




Sorry for not being able to post updates at this blog again. Been busy with real life. I really wanted to post something but I didn't feel like to. I'm glad I posted a photos last week from Davao when we had a great afternoon from this garden resort. I was away for a vacation for a month at my home country! So that explains. But I hope this post is a start of more updates to come! I was checking great deals for hotel summer packages since the husband asked me to! We are going away again for a Family Vacation and I'm excited already! A little early for bookings but I thought it will come in handy for us since we are bringing along the kids!



Saturday Night!

Saturday night was a bit slow here in the house. We didn’t went out because it was one of those lazy Saturday and besides it’s getting cold outside. So, I asked hubby to rent new DVD’s in Tsutaya earlier that day. Tsutaya is a name of our local DVD/CD shop near our place. Little boy got a bunch of new cartoon DVD’s too. He got new Spongebob, Pooh Bear and etc..I was even laughing because he already saw some of them already..But he’s ok! So, yeah;) And then after having dinner went in the living room to watch this Lucky Number Slevin! I like movies like this. Action thriller with a little twist. It was released last year though so, I’m sure dome of you already saw it! But if you haven’t it’s a good movie with a catch! :D Josh Hartnett is cute in there too even with the broken nose..I like Lucy Liu in there because she’s really a bubbler. and then of course Bruce Willis is getting too But still a good actor to boot!

Lucky Number Slevin (also known as Lucky # Slevin or The Wrong Man) is a 2006 crime thriller film. Set in New York City, the plot focuses on the paths of Slevin Kelevra (Hartnett), Lindsey (Liu), two feuding crime bosses known as The Boss (Freeman) and The Rabbi (Kingsley), and a mysterious assassin known as Mr. Goodkat (Willis). {Wekepedia}

It’s a nice one and I love it;) That was our movie night! :D Enjoyed and had a great night;)



Reminiscing Our Childhood Questions

1. What is the earliest memory you have as a child? Think far back.

Ans: When I was 3 yrs old. Funny, I peed in my underwear because my cousin was bullying me. He was my best friend as far as I can recall.

2. What is a special memory you have about someone? It could be a grandparent, family friend - not including your parents - that you knew as a child. What do you recall about them that makes the memory special?

Ans: It's my grannies(Mom's Parents). I love my grandpa(he passed away 4 yrs ago) very much. My grannies had a small farm in a small village back home so when he goes home every afternoon after taking care with the farm. I remember he always had a special something for me. Like he made wooden toys for me. As for my Grandma(she's 70 yrs old now and still love her to pieces), she kisses me in my belly and I remember that I would giggled and laugh hard.

3. What was a favorite game you played as a child?

Ans: Not sure if anyone of you know Chinese Garter but in Philippines where I grow up, its a fave with little girls.

4. What was a memorable trip that you can recall being a little kid and what did you do that makes you think about it even now?

Ans: When I was growing up, Dad had a work away from us. I recall that we visited him in his office while he was at work. We traveled like 24 hrs drive just to see him. He goes home every twice a month...I still think about it now, that hopefully he was with us when I grow up that way, we are more closer to him..

Tagging everyone in my blogroll if you care to;)



Little Updates

I was supposed to be updating this blog last night but then got caught up with a movie hubby and I rented earlier. So, I'll just post a little update here:)

You asked why I'm not updating this blog just as I want to? I’m just so busy with real life stuff and the other blogs I also author...Not to mention the paid for blogging thing I have been doing. And then there’s the 32 weeks going 33 tomorrow preggy me and then my little boy goes to school everyday. I'm just glad that my bro is here to help me. Mom and Dad will be here next month so, I might be able to have more time…

Anyway, I’m doing fine. Getting there and I can’t wait to see our new bundle of joy! :D

If you by any chance drop by here, do leave your mark and I'll make sure I'll return the favor! :D

And twice a week updating this one will be just fine:D Or as long as I get a chance I'll surely have something up here!




It's October!!!!

I just have to say Happy October 1st!!! So much to look forward to this month...not that I'll give birth anytime this month though because that would be next month;) But we will be having Mom soon here..I'm excited that she will be back here for a visit! And then Halloween party for my little boy in school. Prenatal check ups and then I will get a new lens for my D80 soon;)

So anyway, I hope you are getting excited too! Christmas is near peeps and I love Christmas;)

Have a great day/night! Updates more later...