Friday, April 4, 2008

It's Friday!

We're SO excited for this!

And we're sooooo happy about this!

And we're still laughing about this!
Happy Conference Weekend!


jeanine said...

LOVE Lucy singing "follow the prophet" and love that she is taking such good care of her fox! And congrats on the new nephew! How exciting.... and we can't wait for conference this weekend!

mcampbell said...

That Lucy! I can hardly stand how adorable she is.

Happy Conference weekend. :)

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see that girl as a sunbeam :) she will be the favorite for sure! oh how you have made my whole day!

Phoebe said...

Lucy sings better than most of my senior primary kids! She is adorable and the fox? I can't believe she is not scared... looks sooo real!

Vicky said...

What great tone Lucy has! She will definitely be a Primary star!

And I don't know about that fox... I couldn't watch the whole video because it kept pausing on me. O well.

Heather said...

Love it. Surprised that she isn't scared of the fox but I am sure that she has had some good bonding time with it when you went to the "mountain". Adorable singing and adorable nephew, we love babies!

Heather said...

Just read the info on the 2nd A of F. I will have to find my Ensign amid the other church magazines in the drawer and read through those articles again. Thanks for the help!!!! I will let you know how the talk and info goes. Perhaps someone will talk about it in Conference this weekend.

Mark and Maria said...

That fox is great! I can't believe she wasn't scared either! I was a little freaked out when she pulled it out of the package. Aghh!! But that was so cute!! She was so nice and tender with that fox, I can't wait to see her as a big sister! She will be so sweet!

Meggan said...

It is so much fun when they start singing songs to themselves or for us. So cute! Makes you feel like your doing something right, when your kiddos know things like that.

Doug & Jen said...

This is darling! My little Dallin is learning the same song and made me play it over and over again when he heard her start singing. So fun!!

Janna said...

I LOVE it. I liked the dramatic hands raising up at the end of the song.

Gabey used to sing that song, "follow the prophet, he goes away!"