Showing posts with label Our World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our World. Show all posts

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Our World: The Love Edition Feb 2022

 So, dear friends! This is the last post I'll be putting out here. (But never say never - maybe I or someone else will decide to bring Our World back to life later on.)

Let's keep in contact! It's been a delight to know you all throughout these many years. I'll miss you and hope that we can keep in contact in other channels.

You can find me on:

Facebook - as Lady Fi.

Or on Instagram - Search for: therealladyfi.

And, of course, my blog. I've been inactive there for a while but might start up once again. ;-)

Take care of yourself so that you may care for others. Be kind and love one another.

Cherish the planet for we have only this one. 

Until we meet again. Much love to you all.

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Monday, February 7, 2022

Our World: 7 February 2022


Next week will be the last Our World Tuesday from me. I've been running and paying for it since 2016. Numbers have been dwindling as people stop posting or move over to Instagram, for example.

If you want to take over the running of Our World, then leave me a comment over on my blog. (

As host of Our World, you prepare the link every week (that's a story in itself :-) and also pay the monthly fee.

You can still post on Fridays over at Skywatch.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Our World 1 Feb 2022

 Welcome to February! We had a huge storm pass through. 

Look at Simmie - he's cold in the gale force winds! (Don't worry - this was taken by the front steps, and he came into the warmth soon after. But with his thick fur, he loves the snow.)

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Monday, January 24, 2022

Our World: 24 January 2022

As a lot of you probably know by now, my beautiful girl Ruby died just before Christmas. She was 12.5 years old and I miss her so! She was such a sweet and gentle soul.

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Monday, January 17, 2022

Our World 17 January 2021

 The January storms have started!

Stay warm and cozy - or cool and cozy if you live in the southern hemisphere!

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Monday, January 10, 2022

Our World: 10 January 2022

 So, who still thinks it's 2021? :-)

Wishing ewe a good week!

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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Our World: New Year 2022 Edition

 Hurray - it's a new year with 365 days of possibilities!

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Monday, December 27, 2021

Our World: 27 December 2021

 It's that in-between time when you lose track of the day and time! Sorry for the delay in putting this up. :-)

Some of you will recognize my dear, departed Oscar in this shot.

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Monday, December 20, 2021

Our World: Festive Edition 2021

 Another strange year is coming to the end...

Here's hoping you all have something good to celebrate!

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Monday, December 13, 2021

Our World: 13 December 2021

 Today is Lucia in Sweden. It's a time when the light vanquishes the darkness and gives us hope.

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Monday, December 6, 2021

Our World: Help-it's-December-already!

 Help! Only two and a half weeks to go before Christmas and I'm not ready at all! Maybe it's time to buy a present or two...

How prepared are YOU?

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Monday, November 29, 2021

Our World: 29 November 2021

 I'm thankful for frosted fingers and frozen beauty... Winter is making an appearance over here.

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Monday, November 22, 2021

Our World: 22 November 2021

 We've had some good snowfall here in Sweden!

Hope you're enjoying the weather wherever you are...

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Monday, November 15, 2021

Our World: 15 November 2021

 I can't begin to tell you what fun it was to finally meet my family again after so long!

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Monday, November 8, 2021

Our World: 8 November 2021

 England has finally lifted its quarantine rules for people who are vaccinated, so I'm finally flying over to see my family after 2 years and 4 months!

Have a great week!

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Monday, November 1, 2021

Our World: Start-of-November 2021 Edition

 November already! Our clocks went back this weekend, which means it's dark a lot earlier in the afternoons.

Hope you all had a spook-tacular Halloween if you celebrated!

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Monday, October 25, 2021

Our World: 25 October 2021

 I can't believe we're already in the last week of October! I've enjoyed seeing all your autumn (or spring) photos - so keep them coming.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Our World: 18 October 2021

This week has started with minus temperatures! I love these crisp autumn days!

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Monday, October 11, 2021

11 October 2021

 Apologies to you all! I've only just noticed that last week's linky isn't up... I'm not sure what happened to the link.

Anyway - here's to a new attempt and a new week!

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Monday, September 27, 2021

Our World: 27 September 2021

 Is there anything more delicious than autumn mist?

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