I am so sick of this White House and this administration being the most childish set of whiners in history. Anita Dunn, the Communications Director at the White House, thinks that Fox News is an arm for the Republican Party. Well, that couldn't be further from the truth. Yes, Fox News is conservative leaning, but by no means an arm for the GOP. Even Glenn Beck a hard hitting personality that is highly critical of Obama and his administration goes after the GOP and its RINOS. Anita Dunn needs to get her facts correct by the way. News Flash- Fox News covered the Ensign story 11 times in 20 days. That makes it pretty obvious that she NEVER watches Fox News for herself, but yet relies on the distortions of left commentators like Kieth Olbermann, and Maddow. Both the White House and The Democratic Party has far reaching arms in the MSM. Well lets see.... There's ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and all of these so-called news networks have far-reaching tentacles for the Democratic Party. During the election they committed the biggest fraud in America's history. They defrauded the American people from knowing the truth about Barack Obama. They covered up his past and ignored the controversial issues related to Obama until the stories came to the forefront and they absolutely had to report on the stories. Then, the MSM looked so stupid and like a bunch of libtards for covering the news stories so late in the game. But, they did that on purpose to cover up the TRUTH from the American people. All of these so-called news agencies need grow the heck up, go back to journalism school, learn about journalistic integrity, which the MSM has none of, and then come back to the news industry.
Fox News has proven to be a news agency that both understands the concepts and exhibits practices that represent journalistic integrity, unlike the MSM. Fox News consisitently displays journalistic ethics and integrity by asking the hard-hitting questions when interviewing all politicians, CEO's, and of any person where those hard-hitting techniques apply. Fox News journalists and even opinion commentators are willing to get at the TRUTH, and get at the core of the hard pressing issue at hand.
The putrid stench in the air of the MSM's lack of journalistic integrity and refusal to ask the hard-hitting questions to all politicians and groups, including Democrats and liberals as much as conservatives and Republicans, just makes me want to gag. All of these MSM hardly ever criticizes or asks hard-hitting questions of any Democrats, including the President.
The President and his administration avoids criticism and its opposition like the plague. They have even tried to distort the truth and quash anyones opposing points of view by asking for "fishy" information at whitehouse.gov., having no alternatives to the President's ABC health care forum, to not appearing on Fox News Sunday and only being willing to preach to the choir on all the MSM's news channels. The Obama administration has proven that it can't handle criticisms or challenging questions from even the most respected and watched news agency, Fox News. In fact, this administration thinks of Fox News as more of a nemesis than thuglike dicatsors such as: Ahmandinjaed, Castro, Zelaya, Chavez and Kim Jong Il. The President likes to have his A$$ kissed by the MSM. What can I say, our President's a complete moron who shows a hate for America, hate for capitalism, and obviously can't recognize a great news agency that goes after the TRUTH, and has journalistic integrity. It's an extremely sad day for America when our President shows he has the thinnest skin on the planet and can't take one iota of criticism from the opposition.
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