Showing posts with label MSM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MSM. Show all posts

Tucker Carlson PWNS Greta Van Susteren; Greta Is Dumberer

    Tucker Carlson's site The Daily Caller reported the vile, disgusting smut that Mike Tyson said about Sarah Palin.  There are clearly quotations and denotations that show Mike Tyson is the purveyor of such filth. NOT Tucker Carlson and NOT Jeff Poor who was the editor of the article.  Greta is suggesting that the MSM as a whole should ignore these smut-filled comments which were directed at Sarah Palin by Mike Tyson. Somehow I doubt that if this piece of journalism was about Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton she would want this silenced.  Neither Tucker or Jeff endorsed this type of speech.  They are exposing the vulgar remarks which were made by Mike Tyson.  Greta is sooo dumb.  How can she not recognize this article as a piece of journalism?  Did she even read the story? The Daily Caller is spot on to expose this noxious garbage. .

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Jon Stewart Makes Fun of "Lamestream Media" - Vindication of Sarah Palin RE: EMAILS

Reporting the Truth Gets You Fired

    This is unreal. This ABC reporter actually reports the news - tells the truth - and gets fired. I guess you can't tell the truth about the Obama administration when working for the government controlled media or the lamestream media and expect to keep your job. This is outrageous!Source URL:
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Mark Levin Releases Email Address of Sarah Palin's Creep Stalker Next Door Neighbor Joe McGinniss

     Over the years, I have noticed just how insensitive liberals can be toward conservatives when a liberal violates a conservative person's space or privacy rights, crosses the line in a "joke" (David Letterman),  targets the person's family, stalks the person and their family, and the lame stream media has even resorted to being hypercritical of Sarah Palin.  On the other hand, when something miniscule happens to a liberal the lame stream media and liberals become overly sensitive and act like a bunch of Sarah Bernhardts.  Over at The Daily Caller, Jim explains why a professional writer took "Sarah Palin is the girl next door" a little bit too literally.  He also fends off the liberal sharks' claims that she is overreacting.  She is not overreacting.  This is a most serious matter that is not to be taken lightly.  Mark Levin took a stand and decided that he wasn't going to put up with Palin's stalker, Joe McGinniss, flinging his crap at Palin anymore, he decided two can play that game, and he announced Joe McGinniss' email address live on air.  The transcript of Mark Levin is here.  If anyone wants to send her stalker a message, here is Sarah Palin's stalker's email --  I decided to take the liberty to defend Sarah Palin and let this sicko know exactly what I think of him and his actions.

    Here it is:

    H/T BeforeitsnewsSource URL:
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S.E. Cupp Vs. TYT: Atheist Defends Christianity & Claims There is Anti-Christian Bias in the Liberal Media

    Here is S.E Cupp who is an atheist defending Christianity and religious freedom while also showing examples of the MSM's anti-religious bias versus an agnostic who blindly doesn't see this bias in the media and their attacks on religion or refuses to see it while defending the media's slant or attacks on Christianity and religion.Source URL:
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Faisal Shahzad: Did the Subprime Mortgage Crisis Force Him Over the Edge?

    Did the mortgage crisis stress out Faisal Shahzad so much that it forced him over the edge?  Enough to blow up a bomb in Times Square?  Or is this a person who followed orders from his Islamic extremist superiors?  I am sure its the latter.  Why is the media more sympathetic with Islamic extremists than Tea Partiers?  Are the Left Stream Media's views more in line with that of the views of an Islamic extremist than a Tea Partier?  Hmmmm.... Ya never know.  They are both intolerant all to hell.  I mean the MSM are making excuses for Shahzad's attempted bombing.  But, yet the MSM goes out of its way to make false charges against Tea Partiers without one iota of evidence to prove their aspersions. Then the MSM doesn't even have the balls to apologize when they are proven wrong.  The MSM portrays Tea Partiers as the dangerous people when in reality there are accounts of incidents of violence which came from both the Left and Isamic terrorists, but none from Tea Partiers.  America is not an Islamophobic nation.  If we were, then after 9/11, we would have not allowed anymore Muslims to migrate into our country and sent our Muslim visitors back home to their own countries. We are experiencing the Islamization of America, and the Obama administration is dangerously pandering to Muslims - some even have questionable ties to terrorists - appeasing their wishes as not to upset the Islamic community while carelessly putting citizens at risk, and possibly allowing another Islamic extremist to sneak through the large open cracks of the political correctness wall and causing another terrorist attack.

    Here is an excellent piece written by Mark Steyn:

    The story of the Times Square bomber reads like some Urdu dinner-theater production of Mel Brooks’s The Producers that got lost in translation between here and Peshawar: A man sets out to produce the biggest bomb on Broadway since Dance a Little Closer closed on its opening night in 1983. Everything goes right: He gets a parking space right next to Viacom, owners of the hated Comedy Central! But then he gets careless: He buys the wrong fertilizer. He fails to open the valve on the propane tank. And next thing you know, his ingenious plot is the non-stop laugh riot of the Great White Way. Ha-ha! What a loser! Why, the whole thing’s totally — what’s the word? — “amateurish,” according to multiple officials. It “looked amateurish,” scoffed New York’s Mayor Bloomberg. “Amateurish,” agreed Janet Napolitano, the White House amateurishness czar.

    Ha-ha-ha! How many jihadists does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: Twenty-seven. Twenty-six terrorist masterminds to supervise six months of rigorous training at a camp in Waziristan, after which the 27th flies back to Newark, goes to Home Depot, and buys a quart of lamp oil and a wick.

    Is it so unreasonable to foresee that one day one of these guys will buy the wrong lamp oil and a defective wick and drop the Camp Osama book of matches in a puddle as he’s trying to light the bomb, and yet, this time, amazingly, it actually goes off? Not really. Last year, not one but two “terrorism task forces” discovered that U.S. Army psychiatrisat Nidal Hasan was in regular e-mail contact with the American-born, Yemeni-based cleric Ayman al-Awlaki but concluded that this was consistent with the major’s “research interests,” so there was nothing to worry about. A few months later, Major Hasan gunned down dozens of his comrades while standing on a table shouting “Allahu Akbar!” That was also consistent with his “research interests,” by the way. A policy of relying on stupid jihadists to screw it up every time will inevitably allow one or two to wiggle through. Hopefully not on a nuclear scale.

    Faisal Shahzad’s curriculum vitae rang a vague bell with me. A couple of years back, I read a bestselling novel by Mohsin Hamid called The Reluctant Fundamentalist. His protagonist, Changez, is not so very different from young Faisal: They’re both young, educated, Westernized Muslims from prominent Pakistani families. Changez went to Princeton; Faisal went to the non-Ivy University of Bridgeport, but he nevertheless emerged with an MBA. Both men graduate to the high-flying sector of Wall Street analysts. On returning to New York from overseas, both men get singled out and questioned by Immigration officials. Both men sour on America, and grow beards. Previously “moderate,” they are now “radicalized.”

    The difference is that Faisal tries to blow up midtown Manhattan while Changez becomes the amused, detached narrator of a critically acclaimed novel genially mocking America’s parochialism and paranoia. Mohsin Hamed’s book was hailed as “elegant” (the Observer), “charming” (the Village Voice), “playful” (the Financial Times), “rich in irony” (the Sydney Morning Herald), and “finely tuned to the ironies of mutual — but especially American – prejudice” (the Guardian). If only life were like an elegantly playful novel rich in irony. Instead, the real-life counterpart to the elegant charmer holes up in a jihadist training camp for months, flies back “home,” and parks a fully loaded SUV in Times Square.

    He’s not an exception, he’s the rule. The Pantybomber is a wealthy Nigerian who lived in a London flat worth £2 million. Kafeel Ahmed, who died driving a flaming SUV into the concourse of Glasgow Airport, was president of the Islamic Society of Queen’s University, Belfast. Omar Sheikh, the man who beheaded Daniel Pearl, was a graduate of the London School of Economics. Mohammed Atta was a Hamburg University engineering student. Osama bin Laden went to summer school at Oxford. Educated men. Westernized men. Men who could be pulling down big six-figure salaries anywhere on the planet — were it not that their Islamic identity trumps everything else: elite education, high-paying job, Western passport.

    Here are some related funnies:

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Rush Limbaugh Unloads on MSM & Bloomberg

Bachmann: Arrogant MSM Falsely Portray Intelligent Tea Partiers as 'Toothless Hillbillies'

Lib Malloy Calls for Deaths of Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly; Silent MSM= ILLEGITIMATE Pimps R' US

    Mike Malloy, a liberal talk show host, has displayed journalistic malpractice by calling for the deaths of Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck. Have I heard one peep from the MSM calling out Mike Malloy for his incendiary comments? NOPE. The MSM is illegitimate. They need to give up their day jobs because they really suck at it. MSM, give it up and find a new career where you might actually be able to live up to the ethical standards of your new employment. Maybe, clowns or pimps would be good jobs? The MSM is a joke. Plus, the MSM is an arm of the Democratic Party just pimping out their leftist agenda for Obama. They are the little pimps listening to and following the head pimp and obey his every command just like a bunch of hypnotic robots that have no brains, and thus rendering them incapable of thinking for themselves. They have drank the Obama Kool-Aid, drenched in it from head-to-toe, inside and out, and have been mesmerized into a state of pathetic journalistic malpractice. Mike Malloy is not only fanning the flames he is igniting, stoking, and spreading those flames so that grave harm may come to Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Beck. This is outrageous and I do not condone violence, period. The silence of the media in NOT taking a stand against Mike Malloy's outrageous statements makes them complicit, and they should be held responsible in some fashion if some act of violence does occur against Beck, O'Reilly, or Limbaugh. There are some congressmen and pathetic MSM propagandists who are stoking the flames, distorting the reality about the Tea Party movement and spreading outright lies claiming that the Tea Party movement and the GOP is promoting violence because of the Democrats usurpation and outright misconduct in their ignorance shown to the American people. This is flat out LIE and wrong!!! The TEA PARTY movement is PEACEFUL!!! Democrats and Obama through their actions have plain as day said FUCK YOU to the American people, and shoved this piece of crap bill down our throats all so that they can have more power and control over our lives. They couldn't give a rat's ass about the American public or the President and Democrats would have tried to sell the bill, compromised and listened to what portion of the bill citizens liked before the bill was shoved down our throats, instead of trying to sell this monstrosity afterward. The Tea Party is a movement that promotes taking back our country via the use of peaceful means - by voting and informing the rest of America about all the disinformation that the President and the Democrats have relayed to the American people regarding this bill that just became law.

    For many years the MSM in its pitiful negligence ignored the Left's threats against President Bush while he was in office. And, now the MSM is touting far and wide their false propaganda that the few who have gone off the deep end somehow makes up the totality of the Tea Party movement when there is no empirical evidence to even suggest that any of these displays of violence are in fact connected to the Tea Party movement in any way, shape, or form. The MSM has violated its ethical obligations. Their needs to be a clean sweep of ALL of the MSM and some real ethical jouranalists need to be brought in as their replacements. Below, I will show you the pictatorial evidence I obtained from ZOMBLOG. There is further evidence of the death threats that were made against President Bush at ZOMBLOG. Obama and the Democrats are intent on destroying the very Foundation of our ountry and shredding the U.S. Constitution. And, as citizens of this great nation we must abide by the Constitution, start the new Revolution at the ballot box in November and vote out both the RINOS and Democrats peacefully. God Bless the USA!!!

    H/T Gateway Pundit for video

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Andrew Klavan & The Best Films That Never Were

Breitbart Reacts to Maddow's Naked Postmodern Garbage

In Defense of Fox News & MSM's Love Affair With Obama

    The Naked Ontolologist gets a H/T for his wonderful help with the Picture.

    I am so sick of this White House and this administration being the most childish set of whiners in history. Anita Dunn, the Communications Director at the White House, thinks that Fox News is an arm for the Republican Party. Well, that couldn't be further from the truth. Yes, Fox News is conservative leaning, but by no means an arm for the GOP. Even Glenn Beck a hard hitting personality that is highly critical of Obama and his administration goes after the GOP and its RINOS. Anita Dunn needs to get her facts correct by the way. News Flash- Fox News covered the Ensign story 11 times in 20 days. That makes it pretty obvious that she NEVER watches Fox News for herself, but yet relies on the distortions of left commentators like Kieth Olbermann, and Maddow. Both the White House and The Democratic Party has far reaching arms in the MSM. Well lets see.... There's ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and all of these so-called news networks have far-reaching tentacles for the Democratic Party. During the election they committed the biggest fraud in America's history. They defrauded the American people from knowing the truth about Barack Obama. They covered up his past and ignored the controversial issues related to Obama until the stories came to the forefront and they absolutely had to report on the stories. Then, the MSM looked so stupid and like a bunch of libtards for covering the news stories so late in the game. But, they did that on purpose to cover up the TRUTH from the American people. All of these so-called news agencies need grow the heck up, go back to journalism school, learn about journalistic integrity, which the MSM has none of, and then come back to the news industry.

    Fox News has proven to be a news agency that both understands the concepts and exhibits practices that represent journalistic integrity, unlike the MSM. Fox News consisitently displays journalistic ethics and integrity by asking the hard-hitting questions when interviewing all politicians, CEO's, and of any person where those hard-hitting techniques apply. Fox News journalists and even opinion commentators are willing to get at the TRUTH, and get at the core of the hard pressing issue at hand.

    The putrid stench in the air of the MSM's lack of journalistic integrity and refusal to ask the hard-hitting questions to all politicians and groups, including Democrats and liberals as much as conservatives and Republicans, just makes me want to gag. All of these MSM hardly ever criticizes or asks hard-hitting questions of any Democrats, including the President.

    The President and his administration avoids criticism and its opposition like the plague. They have even tried to distort the truth and quash anyones opposing points of view by asking for "fishy" information at, having no alternatives to the President's ABC health care forum, to not appearing on Fox News Sunday and only being willing to preach to the choir on all the MSM's news channels. The Obama administration has proven that it can't handle criticisms or challenging questions from even the most respected and watched news agency, Fox News. In fact, this administration thinks of Fox News as more of a nemesis than thuglike dicatsors such as: Ahmandinjaed, Castro, Zelaya, Chavez and Kim Jong Il. The President likes to have his A$$ kissed by the MSM. What can I say, our President's a complete moron who shows a hate for America, hate for capitalism, and obviously can't recognize a great news agency that goes after the TRUTH, and has journalistic integrity. It's an extremely sad day for America when our President shows he has the thinnest skin on the planet and can't take one iota of criticism from the opposition.

    Waaaa, Waaa, Waaa, What a bunch of crybabies!
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Send in The Clowns

    Robert Gibbs is the biggest Clown of them all. He is a joke of a Press Secretary.

    Yes, Thank goodness for the fair and balanced reporters of Fox News. They report the pure facts and don't distort the facts. Fox News has very good journalists who are true journalists with integrity and ethics. From Major Garrett to Bret Baier, to Chris Wallace. The bunch of clowns in MSM need to be sent back to school to learn a sense of ethics in being unbiased in their reporting. So.. SICK... of LIBERAL BIAS...

    This is a re-posting. A Hat Tip goes out to A Patriotic Nurse for this wonderful find.Source URL:
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Sarah Palin Poll and Media Bias

    A USA Today Gallop Poll was taken on July 6, 2009 and it showed that 53% of Americans believe the news coverage of Sarah Palin was "unfairly negative", while 9% felt it was "unfairly positive", and 28% says it has been just about right.

    I have not in my lifetime seen a political figure, as well as her family, be so viciously attacked by the MSM. She has had to endure baseless attacks and ethics investigations, that have put her at least $500,000 in debt. The "Left" has vindictively attacked both Sarah Palin and her family. Some examples of those attacks most recently include: Letterman's(non) jokes, a recent Vanity Fair article, and an article by the Huffington Post attacking her son Trig, who has Down Syndrome. The "Left" has proved that they are a bunch of unconscionable human beings. If a conservative had done half the vicious attacks against a Liberal political figure there would be calls for that person's resignation, immediately.

    Sarah Palin is awesome!!! She hunts, fishes, goes snow machining, while also taking care of her family. She stands up for principles and she does what she sees is best for her state and the country. She has a love of country and a type of personality I have not seen since Ronald Reagan. She has stood up against corruption in both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. According to Lt. Governor Purnell, she has had more accomplishments in her two and a half years as governor, than most governors in four years, or even most governors serving for 8 years. She stands up for conservative values and is against wasteful spending. After consulting some top figureheads within the Republican Party, she has chosen that resigning as governor is the right decision for Alaska. I hope that she is successful on all of her endeavors.

    I will be promoting Sarah Palin regardless of whether she runs for President or not. She is a person that had to rely on hard work in order to be successful and was not raised in a wealthy or a rich family. She has inspired me in a lot of ways and as a blogger I will continue to fight off these vile and false attacks by the MSM. In the same Poll, 19% of Americans say they are very likely, and 24% were somewhat likely to vote for Palin in the 2012 Presidential election. That's a pretty good start, for it being over 3 years away, until the next election. I believe that Sarah Palin can use this opportunity to promote herself nationally and better her image among the independent voters. I believe that she is is still one of the top forerunners in the GOP for the 2012 Presidential election. She has great tenacity, and I believe that she will make an awesome comeback, and show the liberals that they can shove it.

    Good Luck Sarah Palin!!!
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