This is not only a video on the Rockefellers attack on the Catholic Church but is an historical timeline which shows the Rockefellers' - The Rockefeller Foundation - coordinated attack on the United States in order to ring in their progressive agenda and undermine America's Christian roots and morality. This is the reason the laity in the Catholic Church are so divided today - Faithful Catholics versus dissenting so-called Catholics.
Here is Ed Schultz spewing his hatred for conservatives:
Ed called conservatives “evil” at the one nation “working together” rally. He and other progressives make the unfounded accusation that conservatives are “evil” He also claims that conservatives don’t want to follow the constitution. Plus, he said that conservatives want to change this country. Like Obama’s whole mantra during his presidential campaign calling for “hope and change” somehow didn’t call for “change”. Okay, this guy is off his rocker, delusional. Was Ed in some kind of psychosis during the 2008 campaign? Nah, he believes changing from capitalism to socialism is good.
He is right about conservatives wanting to change the country . Conservatives are for returning to the principles instilled by our Founding Fathers. We are for getting back to our constitution. Conservatives believe that “all men are created equal”, and that includes those that aren’t able to speak for themselves, like the unborn.
This sad and pathetic man thinks that we’re “evil” when the liberals are the ones that make compromises with the devil. They are “pro-choice” and have been advocating for the infanticide of our children since before Roe vs. Wade was passed in 1973. Progressives advocate for pulling the plug on grandma - euthanasia. Conservatives stand up for those most vulnerable and their right to live while progressives prey on weak and innocent human beings. The Democratic Party is the party of death.
As for the accusation about conservatives not following the constitution, this is equally obnoxious coming from a self-proclaimed progressive. The progressive movement is about moving beyond the constitution. The constitution is what their trying to “progress” beyond and away from. They want to move America beyond the stage of being a representative republic. They want a social democracy. The constitution, as they understand it, is not the permanent law of the land but a “living document“ that can and should evolve into something entirely different from our Founders’ principles. Ed makes these absurd claims about conservatives. HotAir points out just how polarizing Ed Schultz is. Ed Schultz calling conservatives “evil” and disrespectful of the constitution is like “the pot calling the kettle black.”
I wanted to do a post on the Commie/Progressive Rally before it took place but will do it today even though it is after the rally took place. A few of the sponsors of the rally included: baby killers of AmericaPlanned Parenthood, Communist Party USA (CPUSA), and Democratic Socialists of America. The people who attended the rally are calling for socialism in America and believe in both identity politics and class warfare. Those at the rally want "free" health care, "free" government assistance for this and that, but don't realize that nothing is free. These people want to abandon their responsibilities and hand them over to the State. They want others to be obligated to fork over their hard earned money so that they don't have to. They want the "rich" to take care of their every need while at the same time trying to tear the rich man down, and trying to destroy his wealth. Maybe some do love this country but those that immigrated to the United States, whether legally or illegally, have a very odd way of showing it. They came to this country looking for more opportunities and to have a better way of life. They left their country because of the horrible living conditions there which is being caused by that country's failed economic system whether it be socialist or communist. But, for some reason they want to change America and are advocating for it to become a socialist or a communist country when those systems of government have been proven failures. This makes no sense. For some reason they can't make the connection between why they felt forced to or their need to leave their home country - why their home country's economy is failing- and why America is such a prosperous nation, and the land of opportunity. America has been the land of opportunity and freedom due to its economic policies since its inception. Yes, capitalism with the least amount of government intervention as possible has been proven to work and has made this nation a prosperous nation. The people at the rally don't realize that they are being used by the Democrat or progressive politicians whose primary goal is to promote government dependence and acquire as much control and power over our lives as possible. The politicians are manipulating these people like pawns on a chessboard. A rude awakening is coming if checkmate is ever declared.
Here are the organizations shown on which endorsed the One Nation "Working Together" rally: