Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts

Republicans Are Pro-Women and Pro-Jobs

    I am passing this video along via Bill @ ARRA News Service.  Apparently Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as a member of the feminuts club has made the claim that Republicans were "anti-woman."   This is blatantly false!! 

    I guess a woman has to be willing to be a murderer and to kill an innocent unborn baby to be considered a "feminist" in the eyes of liberals.  I guess to the liberals women must be dependent on the government instead of their being self-reliant.  This is truly sick logic. 

    Bill points out that this accusation is absurd since we already have one Presidential candidate in the race for the White House.  Plus, Sarah Palin may indeed join Michele Bachmann in the race for the GOP nomination.  Liberals are just pissed because these two women, along with others, are challenging their caricature of what beliefs a woman must ascribe to to be considered "pro-woman". 

    “The Republican agenda is indeed pro women.”

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Debt Limit Talks, Cut Cap & Balance, and What is the Principled Thing To Do?

    I have been watching this whole debt debate and as it rages on it seems that the debt ceiling negotiations are getting nuttier by the day.   We are seeing the clash of philosophies go head to head.  Democrats and Obama believe in playing the class warfare card.  The President refuses to mention with specificity even one thing that he is willing to cut from the budget.  In contrast the President has laid out in great specificity how he wants to tax the "rich". He wants to raise taxes while Republicans do not.  IMO, the crux of the problem lies with Obama.  The philosophies of both the conservatives and liberals are so far apart that they don't agree on much, if anything, in the way of how to fix the debt problem.  While the President likes to portray the GOP as being ideologically entrenched and unwilling to compromise his own words have shown that this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.  For example, Eric Cantor realized that the two sides are two far apart to agree on a "grande bargain" so he stated that he would be willing to move a a short-term debt limit increase alongside smaller spending cuts but then Obama, the man-child President, said to Cantor “Eric, don’t call my bluff." Then according to Eric Cantor he told reporters that “He (Obama) shoved back and said ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ and walked out."  Obama has shown that he can't stand to be challenged politically, and that he takes it personally so I can believe that this happened the way Eric Cantor portrayed the event. 

    Do you think that Eric Cantor was political posturing? Or do you think that Obama was political posturing?

    Back in 2009 Obama stated that he wasn't looking to raise taxes until possibly 2013.  But now he is so entrenched and committed to raising taxes. 

    "So, when you hear folks saying, “Well, the president shouldn’t want massive job killing tax increases when the economy is this weak.” Nobody’s looking to raise taxes right now. We’re talking about potentially 2013 and the out years."

    So why does Obama want to raise taxes when our economy is so weak and on the verge of a double dip recession?  We shouldn't be raising taxes on anyone while our economy is so weak. 

    What is a principled stance for the Republicans?  Do you think that it would be irresponsible for the GOP not to raise the debt ceiling or would it be irresponsible for them to raise the debt ceiling?  Or should the GOP raise the debt ceiling ONLY IF the President and Congress goes along with their Cut Cap and Balance Pledge?  Or a similar plan? In all likelihood it would seem that in all probability that there is going to be some sort of compromise by both parties.  Or do you think that the GOP should stand firm and risk the U.S. hitting the debt ceiling?  And thus possibly defaulting?  Then we have President Obama who is using fear mongering tactics, saying we may not have enough money to pay out social security, medicare and medicaid, and military benefits in order to put pressure on the Republicans.  If the debt ceiling isn't raised then Obama might actually be forced to make some immediate and necessary budget cuts but that is something he isn't willing to do.

    The Weekly Standard explains that the revenues would cover social security, medicaid and medicare, and military benefits.

    The BPC study found that the United States is likely to hit the debt limit sometime between August 2 and August 9. “It’s a 44 percent overnight cut in federal spending” if Congress hits the debt limit, [Jay Powell of the Bipartisan Policy Center]said. The BPC study projects there will be $172 billion in federal revenues in August and $307 billion in authorized expenditures. That means there's enough money to pay for, say, interest on the debt ($29 billion), Social Security ($49.2 billion), Medicare and Medicaid ($50 billion), active duty troop pay ($2.9 billion), veterans affairs programs ($2.9 billion).

    I just saw this on Eric Cantor's Facebook Page: "This debate is not a question of personalities; it is about doing what is right for the country."  

    I agree.  

    The Cut, Cap, and Balance Plan consists of :  

    1.  Cut - We must make discretionary and mandatory spending reductions that would cut the deficit in half next year.

    2.  Cap - We need statutory, enforceable caps to align federal spending with average revenues at 18% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with automatic spending reductions if the caps are breached.

    3.  Balance - We must send to the states a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) with strong protections against federal tax increases and a Spending Limitation Amendment (SLA) that aligns spending with average revenues as described above.

    Then we have Mitch McConnell's plan which would basically cede power to Obama and allow him to raise the debt limit three times during the rest of his term. This lame brain idea would put the onus of the blame for the skyrocketing debt on Obama.  That option would mean that both parties would be kicking the can down the road.  Old Geezer Mitch must have left his brain at home that day because this plan is absurd.  The American people don't want McConnell to wave the white flag of defeat to Obama & Co.  The American people want solutions and not political chicanery. Clueless McConnell needs to stop playing political games and instead concentrate on trying to find a solution to the debt crisis, stop acting like a wimp and stand up to Obama.  

    In your opinion what do you think is the principled position for the Republicans?  What are your thoughts on the debt and debt ceiling issues?

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Most Provocative X-Rays Pinup Calendar

    “Miss September” wears stiletto heels as she strikes a pose for the Eizo X-ray pinup calendar.

    It seems there is always someone thinking up new ways to shock us. This year’s pin-up calendar features X-rayed not X-rated girls. Yes, you heard me right. Bizarre but true. This 2010 pin-up calendar is the weird brain child of a German advertising agency called Butter. The idea was to promote Eizo’s high-precision displays for medical imaging so they used X-rays to shoot the pin-up models.
    The Butter Agency declares that “pin-ups are more often found in auto garages rather than in medical offices.” I’ll say. “Eizo breaks this taboo,” Butter boasts. “This pinup calendar shows absolutely every detail.”

    Their ad promotion made quite a splash on the Coloribus ad archive recently. Ever since these bizarre pin-up photos have been making their rounds on the Internet like the bizarre version of a Playboy centerfold.
    Apparently, this calendar is a promotion only kind of thing and is not available as an actual calendar though certainly plenty of guys have tried to procure one. When several emailed the company: “Sorry, you can’t get it here. However, we appreciate the impact it has had on Eizo’s U.S. brand recognition,” the company wrote back.
    What’s next? First we have skeletal thin fashion models because of eating disorders and the beauty world’s pressure to be too thin. Now we are gonna X-ray them too for display as pin-ups?

    Miss January
    Miss February
    Miss March
     Miss April
    Miss May
     Miss June
     Miss July
    Miss August
     Miss Sepetember
     Miss October
     Miss November
     Miss Decemeber
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Michael Johns on the Tea Party

Eric Cantor Has Received Threats and Says Dems are "Dangerously Fanning the Flames"

    Eric Cantor has received threats both before and after the health care bill's passage in Congress. But, a shot was fired through the window of Eric Cantor's office in Virginia after the passage of Obamacare. This is unconscionable. But, I haven't heard any Democrats denounce violence like I have heard the Republicans denounce violence. This violence is unacceptable and people who disagree must move on in discussion, and we who want to repeal this bill must reboot or reload and continue our efforts so that we may repeal this bill.Source URL:
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Obama Readies a Fallback Proposal

    Today is the much anticipated bipartisan health care summit. Will this be kabuki theater where President Obama and Democrats coopt this summit or will this summit allow for meaningful exchange between the two parties. If all else fails, go to plan B, or plan C ?  At Memeorandum there is an article outlining Obama's fallback plan for health care. But, Bart Stupak has made it clear to Pelosi and Obama that the abortion language in Obama's version of health care reform is unacceptable.

    Liberal Democrats would be highly disappointed with a scaled-back version, "conservative" Democrats would be more confortable with a scaled-back version, but only if Obama's bill is similar to the language of the Pelosi bill passed last year. But, that doesn't seem to be the case. Republicans have been acting for a step by step plan right from the beginning of this health care debate.
    But, the problem is - What goodies or special deals have been snuck into the President's health care reform bill? Has Bill Nelson's corn husker deal been applied to all the states now? Has the special deal for Unions been kept in the bill? YES. These special deals must STOP! Is the 'nuclear option' still on the table? YES. Until, the Democrats leave these special deals out of the bill and take reconciliation off of the table it seems like Democrats have the Republicans in a clinch hold instead of actually being open to the Republicans ideas for reforming both affordability and accessibility in health care. We will soon see how this bi partisan summit will be today.  I encourage all to watch this show.Source URL:
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Hatred, Hypocrisy, Libs & A Letter to Nancy Pelosi

    There were many Democratic politicians who called George Bush the most awful and horrible sorts of names and they did not apologize to George Bush. The name calling of Bush was despicable and false. Democrats sloshed words around at Bush with such vitriol during his years as President that both the Democratic politicians and journalists were disgracful to say the least. Pelosi called Bush both "incompetent" and a "total failure." Pelosi called Republicans "corrupt" and "immoral." Now, Pelosi has concocted the mythical story of protesters who are against Obamacare carrying swastikas. Pelosi is a liar! Pelosi the witch had some nerve when she called Republicans these things. Hell, she is the wicked witch, or maybe the wicked white witch from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe enjoying the dark, and embracing evil while promoting a policy of death. Pelosi is a sycophant who preys on the weak and the most precious innocent human beings-unborn and the elderly.

    During the anti-war protests from 2003-2007, Pelosi never spoke out against images that depicted George Bush with a Hitler mustache (outrageous!). Both Nazi uniforms and swastikas were quite prevalent at both the anti-war marches and rallies. Pelosi did not denounce them back then. What a damn hypocrite!!

    Both Senator Robert Byrd and George Soros compared George Bush to Herbert Goering, who was a top Nazi. These scum filled leaches are utterly disgusting and appalling!!! Al Gore referred to George Bush's computer team who fielded criticisms during the 2004 campaign as, "brownshirts." Harry Reid called Bush both a "Liar" and a "loser." What a bunch of hypocrites!! Organizations from the DailyKos to, to Democratic bloggers called Republicans racists, homophobes, anti-Semites, liars, cheaters, thieves, war mongers, thugs, and worse so these hypocrites have no reason to complain. There decorum during the Bush years was horrendous to say the least. So, now I say to them, shut the hell up and take your comuppance!!! We had to put up with your false hateful crap for eight years and now its our time to stand up for the constitution, freedom, and all that America stands for through the eyes of our founding fathers.

    Plus, Joe Wilson was right!!! You damn liberals were just so , so wrong. We put up with you freaking libs being wrong and hateful under Bush for eight years. And, you liberals continue being wrong about pretty much everything related to politics. You are wrong about us conservative freedom fighters. Now, we are continuing to stand up for the TRUTH. Yes, I will say this again, JOE WILSON WAS RIGHT!!!! The 14th amendment of the constitution states that "NO state shall. . . deny to any person within the jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." So, any government paid program for health are would most definitely cover illegal immigrants. Obama had to know that this is in the constitution. Or is he going to play dumb, just like a dirty dog? Well, anyways Obama is either dumb, or a liar. Either way, Obama is just oh so wrong!

    Under the Emergency Medical Treatment Act

    the Medical screening requirement is:

    In the case of a hospital that has a hospital emergency department, if any individual (whether or not eligible for benefits under this subchapter) comes to the emergency department and a request is made on the individual's behalf for examination or treatment for a medical condition, the hospital must provide for an appropriate medical screening examination within the capability of the hospital's emergency department, including ancillary services routinely available to the emergency department, to determine whether or not an emergency medical condition.

    Joe Wilson was RIGHT!!!!

    All you Democratic underlings of Obama

    get the hell over it!!and over yourselves!!

    Apologize to George Bush in public for all the false, horrendous, and hateful remarks you spewed at him, and move the hell on!!

    Here is an article by Larry Elder:

    Letter from Joe Wilson

    Dear Madame Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,

    I apologized to President Obama for my "you lie" outburst during his recent speech. The President immediately accepted my apology. Yet you and nearly all members of your party in the House of Representatives demanded that I make yet another apology from the floor of the House. I refused and then received an admonishment by resolution -- passed almost completely down party lines.

    Now it's your turn, Madame Speaker. I invite you and others in your party to apologize publicly to former President George W. Bush for vicious, personal and frequently race-based attacks.
    "Bush is an incompetent leader," you said of the then-sitting president. "In fact, he's not a leader. He's a person who has no judgment, no experience and no knowledge of the subjects that he has to decide upon." If a Republican --especially a Southerner -- attacked Obama that way, former President Jimmy Carter would call him or her a racist. Apologize, Madame Speaker.
    Sen. Ted Kennedy died never having apologized. Kennedy accused the Bush administration of lying about the intelligence leading up to the Iraq War. "Week after week after week," Kennedy said from the Senate floor, "we were told lie after lie after lie." Please check the rules for a posthumous resolution of admonition.

    How about an apology from now-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton? She played the race card. Before a predominately black audience, Clinton said, "When you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run, it has been run like a plantation. And you know what I'm talking about."

    Imagine attacking Obama's intelligence the way members of your party did to that of President Bush. "I sometimes feel that Alfred E. Neuman is in charge in Washington," said Clinton, referring to the dimwitted icon of Mad magazine. She even used Neuman's catchphrase, "What, me worry?" to describe how Bush handled tough issues.

    What about an apology from Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.? Like his colleague, the late senior senator from the Bay State, Kerry also accused Bush of lying. "Their plan," Kerry said on Don Imus' show in 2006, "is lie and die. And that's what they're doing. They lie to America about what's happening on the ground; they lie about why we're there; they lie about what's happening." Kerry, too, questioned Bush's intelligence. As the returns for the 2004 presidential race came in, Kerry said, "I can't believe I'm losing to this idiot." Imagine someone in my party -- based on the current standard of "civility" -- saying something like that about President Obama.

    What about Democratic Sen. (and then-minority leader) Harry Reid of Nevada? He called Bush a "loser" and a "liar." Reid apologized for the "loser" comment but let stand "liar."
    What about Democratic Rep. John Dingell of Michigan? On ABC's "Nightline," he compared the then-GOP-controlled House to "the Duma and the Reichstag" -- referring to the legislature set up by Czar Nicholas II of Russia and the German Weimar Republic's parliament, which brought Adolf Hitler to power. (Of course, "Bush equals Hitler" posters, swastikas and calls for assassination were commonplace at anti-Bush rallies.)

    What about the use of the race card by now-chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Democrat Charlie Rangel of New York? He called President George W. Bush "our Bull Connor." Who was Bull Connor? He was the racist Birmingham, Ala., public safety commissioner who sicced dogs and turned fire hoses on civil rights marchers in the 1960s.

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Zero House Democrats Willing to Adopt Government Run Health Care for Themselves

    Rep. John Fleming along with
    twenty seven other Republicans have sponsored:

    House Resolution 615
    Which consists of:
    Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Members who vote in favor of the establishment of a public, Federal Government run health insurance option are urged to forgo their right to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and agree to enroll under that public option.
    Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that Members who vote in favor of the establishment of a public, Federal Government run health insurance option are urged to forgo their right to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and agree to enroll under that public option.
    NO Democrats have agreed to this Resolution
    If Democrats really think Obama's Govt. run health care is so great why haven't they agreed to enroll under the public option? I think the House Democrats know that this program doesn't even come close to the high quality of health insurance and health care, that they are provided under their Federal Health Benefits Program. So, why would they want the American people to have a lesser quality of health care then they do? I don't know. Doesn't this show exactly how much House Democrats care about U.S. citizens' health care?
    Very Little, If at all
    Only When Its Time to Vote
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The Gang of Eight Who Abandoned Us

    We have yet again, been let down by our Republican Representatives. If all of the Republicans in the House of Representatives had stuck together, and shown conviction in standing up to Pelosi, by voting against this Cap & Trade Bill, then this Bill would have been stopped in its tracks. But, no, that didn't happen. These eight Republicans caved in to Pelosi's and Waxman's pressure, and voted YES on the Cap & Trade Bill. These eight Republicans have absolutely NO backbones!!! This Bill has now passed a hurtle and is off to be debated in the Senate. We MUST stop this Bill from being passed in the Senate!!!! Please Call all your Senators, to stop this travesty from happening!!!!

    I don't get it, these Republicans are supposed to stand up against higher taxes, but they didn't. They have abandoned us, as conservatives, and our belief in smaller government. This Cap & Trade Bill will cause massive taxes on American consumers. This Bill will cause an economic crisis to turn into a castatrophe. These eight Representatives MUST BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE!!!!!!

    Here are the names of the eight Republicans who voted Yes to the Cap & Trade Bill:

    Bono Mack (CA) 202-225-5330
    Castle (DE) 202-225-4165
    Kirk (IL) 202-225-4835
    Lance (NJ) 202-225-5361
    Lobiondo (NJ) 202-225-6572
    McHugh (NY) 202-225-4611
    Reichart (WA) 202-225-7761
    Chris Smith (NJ) 202-225-3765

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