Showing posts with label nanny state. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nanny state. Show all posts

Government Overreach in what is Becoming a Nanny State: State of Ohio Takes 200-Pound Child Away From Mother

    From the Associated Press:

    An Ohio third-grader who weighs more than 200 pounds has been taken from his family and placed into foster care after county social workers said his mother wasn't doing enough to control his weight.
    The Plain Dealer reports ( ) that theCleveland 8-year-old is considered severely obese and at risk for such diseases as diabetes and hypertension.
    The case is the first state officials can recall of a child being put in foster care strictly for a weight-related issue.
    Lawyers for the mother say the county overreached when authorities took the boy last week. They say the medical problems he is at risk for do not yet pose an imminent danger.
    A spokeswoman says the county removed the child because caseworkers saw his mother's inability to reduce his weight as medical neglect.

    The mother was working with the State to reduce her child's weight.  The foster family is having similar problems the mother was having, with others sneaking him food.  But beyond all this how is being overweight considered neglect or medical neglect?  Was "medical neglect" recently added so as to give the State another excuse reason to intervene where the State has no business doing so?  And who decides what qualifies as "medical neglect"?  Both the mother and her child obviously need some type of assistance and/or counseling but IMO taking away the child harms the child more than keeping the child with his mother.  This is government interventionism run amok.  We need to put the kabosh on the government overreaching into our private lives.  

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Debate: Is Big Government Stifling the American Spirit?

    While surfing the televison channels a couple of weeks ago I found these very interesting debates on Bloomberg called Intelligence Squared Debates.  This weeek I watched a very interesting debate where the question being raised was:  Is government intervention in everything from economic policy to health care rewarding the “takers,” and not the “makers,” stifling innovators, entrepreneurs and business owners? Or has government done too little to support the growing poor and rapidly shrinking middle class? The motion being set forth stated that big government is stifling the American spirit.

    Phil Gramm and Arthur Laffer supported the motion which stated that Big Government is stifling the American spirit while Nouriel Roubini and Laura Tyson were against the motion.  The debate is about 1 hour and 45 minutes but well worth your watching it.  I suggest that you grab a snack and a beverage, sit back, and enjoy watching a most interesting debate.   

    Here is the debate:

    BIG GOVERNMENT IS STIFLING THE AMERICAN SPIRIT (IQ2US.ORG) from Intelligence Squared US on Vimeo.Source URL:
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Eagle Freedom Links - 10-9-2010

My Rant: Charity From the Heart Vs. Government Forced "Charity"

    To the degree that with government programs there will always be some form of charity given from the heart, whether it be a small or large amount, this statement is true. But, over the years the increase in government social programs and the taxation that accompanies these programs- government entitlement programs- they cause a decrease in charity or charitable funds given to the poor and organizations both non-profit and for profit alike.

    When a government increases a person’s taxes to pay for another person’s health care that decreases the amount of funds that the person has available to freely choose from her/his heart to which needy person or organization that she/he wants to give a donation to. For the government to raise taxes for anything, but much less health care in which there are free clinics, low-income clinics, and volunteers who devote some of their time to donating their resources in helping and providing care for the poor is wrong, unconstitutional, and takes away or limits greatly the person’s individual right to freely choose where there generosity may be devoted. It is wrong to increase taxes on hard-working citizens to pay for others’ health care costs since these hard working citizens are already paying for their own health care costs, are living responsibly, and since the act of raising taxes does indeed take away a person’s free-choice, a person’s freedom to choose which charitable organization they want to donate to.

    I am going to pose a scenario to those Big Government-loving people out there: What if before a health care bill is passed a couple sets aside $500 to donate to a pro-life organization and then after the health care bill is passed by Congress taxes rise, and there is a $500 increase in this couple’s taxes? Wouldn’t the government’s increased taxation preclude this couple from giving charitable donations as they choose? The government is denying this couple the right to act freely and choose where they want to donate those funds all for the sake of spreading the wealth.

    Are people who rely on the State and promote the nanny-state or Democratic socialism(which is exactly where this health care bill will lead us if this is passed) replacing God with a false prophet/s known as the government? Over the past 65 years or so the government has grown bigger and expanded, and God has slowly but surely been stripped away from our society and replaced with secularism, and has increased citizens’ dependency on government or the State. If government (Big Government) is so good, how is it that since the New Deal was enacted there has been an increased dependency on the government and the number of people receiving monetary funds from welfare, Medicaid, and social security? If government really is about the “common good” and helping people to succeed how come there are so many people who are reliant on the government? If government actually helped and didn’t create an entitlement program and an entitlement population then there would be a much higher number of people employed in our society. What would happen of all the wealthy people in the United States decided to retire and close their businesses? Wouldn’t that affect both the unemployment and the amount of taxes taken in to support the poor?

    Does a capitalistic system have more corruption in it than in a Socialist or a Communist system? A Capitalistic environment provides more opportunity for success than either Communist or Socialist societies. A Capitalist society provides more incentives for monetary success than in Socialist or Communist societies since in the ladder those types of governments tend to penalize success by bleeding the successful dry with high taxes. The secularists and the people on the Left who think that a capitalist system is more corrupt may want to take note that while capitalistic societies may be corrupt monetarily ( so are other forms of government), it has been proven and documented in history books that Nationalistic Socialism and Communism are far more corrupt and has in fact cost many innocent people their lives. Here are three examples where National Socialism and Communism has harmed and/or killed lives far worse than capitalism ever could: Mao Tse Tung killed about 20 million people due to starvation and the ‘Cultural Revolution‘ combined; Joseph Stalin killed approximately 20 million people between Russians being starved to death, sent to the Gulag, deported, and executed for political “offenses“; and Hitler killed approximately 11 million people during the Holocaust. They all killed people in the name of the common good.

    The Left and secularists like to proclaim that their “tolerant” when in fact they are least tolerant people in world. Secularists and the Left are the ones that have forced their immorality on us, indoctrinate our children in schools(mmm mmm mmm Barack Obama), and want any sign of religious freedom removed from our society. To the Left and secularists, the only people they have “tolerance” toward are the people who think on their terms-liked programmed liberal robots unable to allow for free thought in our society if it includes: principles in accordance with God, conservatism, Right to Life as it says in the Constitution or Pro-Life, individualism, advocate that our government provide for the common defense, and promoting family values.

    This was written to counteract all those socialists and communists out there. If people believe in either Communism or Socialism there is no middle ground. You are either a socialist or not. You are either a communist or not. You may try to make yourselves feel better by rationalizing and thinking that there is a middle ground with regards to being a socialist/communist, but there isn’t. It is clear to me that socialists in our society want to relinquish their responsibilities to the State. The State is supposed to be a different, a separate entity than the Church. But, some people believe that the State is supposed to be an appendage of the Church. The Church is a gathering place for the community of the faithful and helps to provide charity to the poor but its purpose is different from that of our government. It is a moral obligation of the Church to provide charity, whereas it is not a moral obligation of the State to provide charity, especially when our government is acting like thieves, providing charity at the point of a gun, by forcing taxpayers to pay higher taxes to provide forced “charity” to the poor.  Now, we stop this Obamascare monstrosity from passing the House.

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Michigan 6-Year-Old Suspended From School For Making Gun With His Hand -- Nanny-Dumb???

    According to Fox News there was a 6-year-old student that was suspended from a Michigan School for making a gun with his hand. This is utterly ridiculous! It seems as though Nanny-Dumb has permeated through Michigan’s public schools.

    While I disagree with the severity of the punishment the child was explicitly told by both his parents and his teacher multiple times to stop making his hand into the shape of a gun during class. Since the child didn’t listen to his teacher, I do believe that he needed to be punished in some fashion, but suspending the kid is way overboard and overkill in my opinion. I think that the boy was just fooling around during class time.

    If this wasn’t done during school hours I would just think that this child was being creative(within reason), or a little boy having fun. I don’t think that this boy made this gesture out of malice.

    He was suspended from school because both his classmates and his teacher were uncomfortable with him making his fist into the shape of a gun. Would these same students and this particular teacher be uncomfortable if there was a student who was deaf that used sign language? Should we really be letting people who are uncomfortable dictate when students are suspended? I am not saying the child shouldn’t be punished at all, but it seems like suspending the 6-year-old was not called for either.

    I just think that this whole situation displays clearly that common sense was not used by the school in handling this situation. It sure seems like the State of Michigan, and its public school systems have established and are promoting a Nanny-Dumb, or a nanny state.

    From Fox News:
    A Michigan boy reportedly has been suspended from school for curling his hand into the shape of a gun and pointing it at another student.

    Erin Jammer, said her son, Mason, was just playing around when he made the gesture Wednesday, the Grand Rapids Press reported.

    "I do think it's harsh for a six-year-old. He's six and he just likes to play. Maybe what you could do is take his recess away. He's only six and he doesn't understand any of this," Erin Jammer said.

    But officials at Jefferson Elementary School said the behavior made other students uncomfortable, and they suspended Mason for the remainder of the week, the paper reported.

    School officials also told the paper that Mason had been warned repeatedly against pretending to aim his hand at students but continued the behavior over several months.

    Jammer told the paper her son isn't violent and doesn’t have toy guns at home. She suggested a less harsh punishment, like taking Mason’s recess away, might be more effective in teaching him not to make a gun with his hand.

    "He's only six and he doesn't understand any of this," she said.Source URL:
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