Showing posts with label poor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poor. Show all posts

EAGLE FREEDOM LINKS -- Christian Hits Edition -- 8-12-11

Black Conservatives Speak Their Minds to Al Sharpton Protesters in DC

Celebrating Blessed Mother Teresa's Centenary

Gaza O Gaza! So much misery

    Gaza is not as poor as liberals would have you believe.

    The Left likes to play the poor Gaza game to promote their anti-Israeli propaganda, much like they use the race card to advance their political agenda here in the U.S., when Hamas is the real entity that holds the cards to Gaza's economic freedom and prosperity. Hamas is the real reason Gaza is poor.Source URL:
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How Universal Health Care Will REALLY Affect For the Poor

    The State is requiring the Boston Medical Center to operate at a loss which could result in the hospital treating the poor inadequately.  Is this the State forcing the hospital into bankruptcy, closing, and thus resulting in hurting the poor-the opposite effect that unversal health care was intended to have.  This is the model that the President touted and with Obamacare, wanted to mimick closely. So, does this mean that hospitals all across America are going to be forced to run in the red, go bankrupt, close their doors, and ultimately hurt the poor and the rest of American citizens?  Quinn's Law from Jim Quinn of Quinn & Rose in the Morning states that liberalism always produces the exact opposite of its stated intent.

    From the Boston Globe:
    "Boston Medical Center filed suit yesterday against the state, accusing officials of illegally cutting payments made to the hospital for treating thousands of poor patients, a decision executives said could financially unravel the urban hospital’s key services."
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Cultural Imperialism, The Catholic Church & Africa

    In my class, called The Developing World, we are actually talking about this very subject, although not in relation to the Catholic Church. Its good to hear that the Church is speaking and standing up for unity of the family in Africa. The World Bank refers to Africa as the world's foremost development challenge. The number of people in this region living in extreme poverty has almost doubled since 1980. Over 300 million people lack access to clean water, and 450 million have inadequate sanitation. Since 1990, U.S. investment in Africa has mainly been donated to countries like Egypt or Nigeria whose countries can contribute resources to the world, or help with security related to fighting terrorism, but not so much to the countries in Africa that would help the poorest of the poor.

    Two differing perspectives as to reasons why Africa is struggling is:

    Externalists argue that Africa's problems and solutions are based on factors outside Africa.
    They believe this is due to colonialism and globalism.

    Internalists argue that problems and solutions are internal. They believe it is due to corrupt leadership in Africa.

    One other theory that I learned of earlier is called the Dependencia Theory. This is the belief that the industrialized North (Developed Nations) has created a neocolonial relationship with the South. The Developing World has become dependent upon the industrialized nations for capital investment and foreign aid.

    I believe that the problems related to Africa's development could be both external and internal. I don't know whether I agree with the Dependencia Theory, or not but it could be possible that the industrialized nations are trying to keep the wealth for themselves instead of caring about the needs of the Developing countries, and the poor. What do you think?Source URL:
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