Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Vintage TV Clip: Edith Head on Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday

Yikes! I haven't blogged in exactly one year and one day. That's really, really bad!

I'm not sure if anyone is still out there, so I'm not sure if I'll return to blogging but I wanted to share something that I found absolutely charming and delightful.

A few weeks ago, our local art museum showed Roman Holiday in honor of their Italian Style exhibit. I had actually never seen Roman Holiday and I loved it. It was so clever and funny!

Before the viewing, someone on staff at the museum gave a presentation about Italian style as it relates to Audrey Hepburn and Roman Holiday. They showed a clip of the costume designer, Edith Head, on a 1950s television show talking about working with Audrey Hepburn. Edith seems like such a character and the clip was fascinating.

I dug it up on youtube and wanted to share it here!

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Monday, March 10, 2014

Movie Recommendation: Austenland

We've had a really hard month, so I've been on the lookout for things to make me smile - open windows, new plants, cute movies, and new books. I probably shouldn't be trying to fill the hole in my heart with these things, but it really does make me feel better to focus on beautiful things.

I recently rented Austenland from Redbox and watched it...then watched it again... and maybe again! I loved it. I'm a sucker for cheesy Jane Austen-y movies.

Watch the trailer:

It was adorable. Surprisingly funny and romantic. If you love Jane Austen things and cheesiness, you'll love it!

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Inside Llewyn Davis: The Gorfeins' Apartment

We finally saw Inside Llewyn Davis and I loved it.

The movie is set in 1961 and follows a week in the life of fictional folk singer Llewyn Davis, who hops from couch to couch as he struggles to pursue his career. When he has run through his rotation of Greenwich Village friends, he turns to the Gorfeins, an Upper West Side couple that takes him under their wings.

I loved them. I was also completely smitten with their apartment and wanted to share some stills of their living room and dining room. I wish there was more footage online of their house - I took these screenshots from a trailer and a clip on IMDB.

Love, love, love. The light, the french doors, the dining room
furniture, the books, the records, the cute chair... love it all!

I wish I could move right in!

I recommend Inside Llewyn Davis, but my favorite movie I've seen in 2014 is Philomena. (I saw Saving Mr. Banks in 2013. :)

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Friday, August 16, 2013

TCM's Star of the Month - Doris Day

My mom sent me an adorable video of Doris Day talking about her career and her co-stars. The video is all clips from her movies that mimic/match what she's saying about her life. It's REALLY cute...check it out below!

I love, love, love Doris Day and this video just further cements my love of her.

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Friday, July 12, 2013

My Future Favorite Movie: Saving Mr. Banks

This is probably the best news I've heard all week. :)

This December, Disney is releasing a movie about the MAKING of MARY POPPINS. I love love love love love Mary Poppins, I have a newfound love of Disneyland (via those youtube videos), I love all things 60s, and Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks are two of my favorite actors.

B.J. Novak and Jason Schwartzman as the Sherman Brothers!

This is the perfect combination of a lot of amazing things and I am FREAKING OUT. The trailer is delightful and made me cry. This looks so amazing. I am so, so, so happy and excited!!

Find out more and watch the trailer here!

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Doris Day Weekend

Since the first time I saw Pillow Talk years ago, I have loved Doris Day! 

Every now and then, I check for Doris Day streaming movies because I have a hunch that Netflix is rotating them out. A few months ago, I saw that The Pajama Game was an option but after going to see a local production of the musical, I couldn't find it on instant streaming. But! There are two others - Move Over Darling and Do Not Disturb.

I always wake up early on weekends to let Lucy out and sometimes we stay up and sometimes we go back to bed. This weekend, I stayed up Saturday and watched Move Over Darling and Sunday I stayed up and put on Do Not Disturb.

In "Move Over Darling," Doris Day plays Ellen Arden, a woman who is presumed dead five years after she goes missing in a plane crash. Her husband, played by James Garner, has moved on and marries a woman named Bianca the morning that Ellen is delivered to shore by the navy.

Ellen's mother-in-law encourages her to go stop the honeymoon and then everything devolves into comedic chaos, of course!
image sourceWatch now on Netflix Instant Streaming!

Honestly, I didn't really like Do Not Disturb and lost interest in it when Doris' character went to Paris and got drunk and almost got taken advantage of by an antiques dealer and it was just meant to be funny, not disturbing. If you want to check it out, it's on Netflix here. The beginning was really cute and Doris even got to hold a little fox (that she mistook for a puppy) but once the story progressed, I just found it more and more disturbing. The relief to me is that Doris didn't want to do the movie... but her husband had power of attorney and signed her up for it. (That's disturbing, too.)

All in all, I think Doris Day is adorable and it's fun to cuddle with Lucy on early weekend mornings (we're talking 7am here!) and watch new-to-me movies.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Fun: The Goodbye Girl

I don't know how I've missed The Goodbye Girl, but I saw it recently for the first time. I LOVED IT!

I loved the characters: Elliott's persistence, Paula's real-ness, and little Lucy's quips. I loved the story and some of the lines made me laugh out loud - which rarely happens when I'm watching a movie by myself! :)

If you have missed it (like I had), watch the trailer below (although the trailer looks kinda cheesy, it's a Neil Simon play so you know it has credibility!):

I've never done this, but apparently you can rent movies from YouTube. If you have a few hours, I highly recommend renting The Goodbye Girl and watching it!

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mary Poppins and Me

There are rumors that I watched Mary Poppins every day when I was 4. That sounds like a pretty awesome childhood to me. :)

I love the movie Mary Poppins and recently I have discovered how much I love the products that came out in support of the movie. They have a very distinct and colorful branding that is so fun and whimsical.

Remember when I found these Mary Poppins board games? That colorful style is so inspiring to me!

I started a Pinterest board to collect Mary Poppins items and inspiration- everything from a vintage lunchbox to Mary Poppins tattoos. (!!!!! I have one tattoo - a very, very tiny brown cross on my wrist. I have often daydreamed about getting another but no tattoo idea has twitterpated my heart quite like the idea of a Mary Poppins tattoo has! I know, I'm OBSESSED!)


Check out the board here and if you're ever thrifing/junking and see something Mary Poppins and it's under $10 and in good condition, buy it for me and I will pay you back. :)

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Fun: The Odd Life Of Timothy Green

I am so looking forward to this film. We saw the trailer at the movie theater a LONG time ago and I wept during it. I am so passionate about adoption and while this is a really unusual adoption story, it really hit me. When she asks, "Is he for us?" I just want to cry and hug her.

It comes out August 15 and I am going to take a box of tissues to the movies with me. Julie Gumm, of Adopt Without Debt*, reviewed the movie here and said the end is a tearjerker. If the trailer makes me weep, I can't even imagine how hard I will cry during the actual movie! I am a sap.

*I subscribe to Adopt Without Debt because someday we'd like to, you know, adopt without debt. :) That day is awhile away, though, and I will definitely post about the process whenever we start that journey.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Fun: The Intouchables

We saw a great movie called The Intouchables this weekend! The story follows a wealthy quadriplegic in Paris who takes a chance and hires a young man just released from prison to be his caretaker. Just as you would expect, they become great friends and inspire each other. It was a really moving story and surprisingly funny- I smiled through all of the movie and laughed through much of it!

Check out the trailer below (and notice how Philippe looks like a young Dustin Hoffman!):

If you're not the "summer blockbuster" type (like me!), I highly recommend this movie!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Fun: A Kiss That Breaks Up Rock

I can't resist anything Rock Hudson and Doris Day related, so I was delighted to see these cute photographs in Life Magazine from February 16, 1962. These outtakes from their shoot for the film Lover Come Back show the onscreen couple cracking up during a kissing scene.

There are lots of other shots of Rock and a little write-up about him. It's a fun little glimpse into how celebrities were written about in the 60s and a nice overview of Rock Hudson. Swoon!

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Fresh Air: Doris Day

Doris Day turned 88 this week and NPR celebrated by featuring her on Fresh Air. Listen to Teri Gross' interview with Doris Day here! (Such a treat since Doris Day rarely gives interviews these days!)

I think Doris Day is fascinating and such a great actress and singer. Sadly, Netflix only has one of her movies streaming (Pajama Game) so I think I will have to break out my 3-disc Doris Day/Rock Hudson set this week and watch my favorite, Pillow Talk!

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Love Is In The Air: Movies To Watch

Looking for a classic romance to watch this Valentine's Day? Here are several available for streaming on Netflix!

An Affair To Remember

Romeo and Juliet

A Farwell To Arms

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Are 80s movies more your style? Then check out:



It Could Happen To You

Grease 2

Dirty Dancing

Looking for a modern classic? One of my favorites is available on Netflix!

Notting Hill

Hope you found something fun to watch! And I apologize to all of you who don't have Netflix streaming! :)

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday Fun: Muppet Fashion - Amy Adams

Amy Adams was adorable in The Muppets. (See my ringing endorsement for The Muppets movie here!) Her character, Mary, lives in the epitome of small town America and everything she owns and wears harkens back to the "good ol' days," which means, of course, that I loved her character's vintage-inspired wardrobe!

From shirtdresses to colorful belts, I thought her style was perfect!

Images sourced from here, here, here, here, here, and here.

What was your favorite outfit she wore? What other movie characters inspire your style?

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Movie Recommendation: Hugo!

If you had noticed any glitches in my blog layout lately, everything should be fixed now!! I figured out what was throwing things off and it's now working A-OK I think! If you do see any problems, please let me know!

We see a fair amount of movies in the theater - Andy and I both love movies and going to the movies. We heard that Hugo was amazing but didn't know anything about it - I hadn't even seen the trailer when we went over the weekend. I never do that and I'm so glad I went in with a blank slate - it was fun not having a clue where the movie was going to go - and honestly the trailer does not give ANYTHING away!

image source

If you love movies and know anything about the history of film, you'll love it. Even if you aren't a film buff, it's still utterly delightful. I am so happy that movies like this get made - it was such a great journey and adventure. The trailer makes it seem like some kind of children's mystery but it's so smart and goes a direction you would never expect - and actually, it seemed a little deep for kids, but I suppose kids are really enjoying it too!

It's magical! Watch the trailer below to get an idea of what it's about, but you'll be totally surprised by the movie when you see it!

Have you seen it? What did you think??

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Fun: The Muppets Movie

Oh my goodness. Have you seen The Muppets yet? We saw it Thanksgiving Eve and fell in love! It is so, so, so delightful. I smiled the whole way through. The songs are great (some are a little strange, but then again they were cowritten by Bret from Flight of the Concords so I think that's to be expected!), the story is wonderful, the humor is on-target, and the whole film is sprinkled with nostalgia and vintage Muppet goodness. Some of the Muppet made-for-tv movies have been disappointing lately, but don't let that stop you from seeing The Muppets. It's everything a Muppet movie should be!!

Here's a snippet from one of my favorite songs, "Life's A Happy Song." Jason Segel is so great in this! I am always surprised by his versatility!

You can listen to the whole song and some of the soundtrack on Spotify!

If you don't like spoilers, don't watch the clip below. It was one of my FAVORITE scenes - I was giggling so much!

The cameos are so great - look for Emily Blunt as Miss Piggie's assistant at Paris Vogue - what a great reference to "The Devil Wears Prada!" I was also delighted to see Jack Black, Zach Galifinakis, Rashida Jones, and so many more great stars!

We can't wait to see it again, probably this weekend! (I am so happy I married a HUUUUUUGE Muppet fan!)

Below, you can watch Jason Segel's Saturday Night Live endearing opening monologue, featuring the Muppets! (It's definitely worth sitting through the Hulu commercials at the beginning to see!)

Before The Muppets, my favorite Muppet movie was Muppets Take Manhattan. That will always hold a special place in my heart, but I am totally enamored with The Muppets and I think it has moved to #1 on my list!! What about you? What did you think of The Muppets or what's your favorite Muppet movie?

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Friday, October 21, 2011

The Swell Season Movie

Did you see Once? It was a great movie full of amazing music. The actors, Glen and Marketa, were long-time friends and musicians who formed a duo called The Swell Season. The movie released, they toured, they fell in love, and they won an Oscar for their song "Falling Slowly."

Eventually, their relationship ended. Their second album was full of achingly beautiful heartbreak songs. Their music video for their single "Low Rising" was devastating, but ultimately hopeful.

A new documentary, The Swell Season, follows their rise after the Oscar win. It's a beautiful movie full of great music - similar to Once, although this is real life.

We saw it Tuesday and I loved every minute. It was amazing to see behind the scenes and see what was happening in their personal lives as they were rocketing to fame. There was so much for Andy and I to talk about after we saw it! I highly recommend it!

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Tammy and the Bachelor

I wish I could remember the first time I ever saw Tammy and the Bachelor, I'm sure it was on AMC years and years ago (back when all they showed were classic movies and not "Death Wish" marathons) and I totally fell in love with it.

This film stars Debbie Reynolds and Leslie Nielsen (he was a HUNK, y'all!) and is about a poor swamp girl who goes to live with a rich family after she must abandon the houseboat she grew up on. The rich son has a snobby girlfriend, the family is responsible for hosting a "rebel ball" on their gorgeous plantation, the rich son doesn't want to be a businessman, he wants to be a farmer, his girlfriend doesn't support that... can you guess what happens?

Add in Tammy's naivete, her pet goat Nan, a quirky aunt, an understanding father, a conniving best friend, a sweet maid, a snobby mother and you get a really delightful story!

Check out one of my favorite scenes below!

What's your favorite lesser-known old movie? Let us know what movies we may have missed! Also - Any Debbie Reynolds or Leslie Nielsen fans out there?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

We met...

Robert Duvall!

Andy with Robert Duvall!

We had the opportunity to go down to Atlanta on Monday to attend the world premiere of the new film Seven Days In Utopia, starring Robert Duvall and Lucas Black. The website I work for gave away a trip to walk the red carpet with Third Day, a band whose song was featured prominently in the film. I went down to help coordinate and escort the winners... and to try to catch a glimpse of Bobby Duvall. :)

As soon as our winners stepped foot on the green carpet (it's a golf movie, so the "red carpet" was actually green!), we heard buzz that Duvall was on his way. We had a lot of time before the film began, so we waited around to watch for him. We saw cameras flashing like crazy and knew that he had arrived. It was so cool to watch he and Lucas Black interact with all the reporters and Andy even got a little wave from Robert.

After the film (which was good, btw!), we attended a semi-private reception where Robert Duvall was standing around talking to people! We waited patiently for a chance to say hello and we shook his hand, told him how much we love his work, then he and Andy got to talk country music (Johnny Cash, Billy Bob Thornton, and Lefty Frizzell). It was such a pleasure to meet him - he is really sweet and seems very genuine. I thought he was precious!

Now that I have met him, I'm ready to see more Robert Duvall films! What's your favorite? There are tons of great vintage ones but he even stuns us in his most recent films too! (Get Low is one of my favorite movies!)