Showing posts with label People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People. Show all posts

On Location :: Leafing Around

One of the best compliments I can get as a photographer is when I have a client come back for more pictures.   The last time I met this sweet family their little man was crawling around like there was no tomorrow.   Him and big sister are almost one year older now and very on the go!   Having a bunch of fall leaves around kept everyone busy and by the end of our time I think there was sufficient exhaustion (at least on the part of this photographer!)

I'm sharing a few of my favorite shots, starting with what is fast becoming one of my most favorite pictures of the year!    Enjoy....

On Location :: Growing up!

The last time I photographed this family, I could not post their pictures since they were still waiting for the adoption process to complete for their little man.    What a blessing for them to add this sweet little boy to their family!    He was a busy fella, but big sister was always there to help him focus....   Take a look at my favorites from our time together.

On Location :: Cherish

Meeting this sweet family was a treat for me.....not only where they super fun and easy going, but their love for each other translated so well to their pictures.

Very soon, this precious girl and her mama will say goodbye to father & husband as he leaves for a year long deployment.

I know they are cherishing every single moment before that happens...

Thinking of this family and reminding myself to cherish the time we have with one another!!   

Thank you for your service to our country Travis, Michelle & Ky....

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In The Studio :: Glam 2011

Unleash your inner diva with an AFH "Glam It Up" Package

Makeup Artist and Styling: Fariba Zakeri; 

  • Read more about this package under the packages tab.  This is an excellent value, not to mention alot of fun!!   Definitely a way to pamper yourself....

Looking for something a little less "diva-licious"?   Check out the other packages available from AFH.    

Note: Prices effective through April 2011

Sunflower Girl

I love how a $2.99 sunflower can become photo shoot fun...

On Location :: Sneak Peak

Last week, I had the pleasure of shooting pictures for a dear family.    They have recently been blessed with a new son through adoption!  However, the adoption is not final so I am unable to post the family pictures or the individual ones of their son.    And let me tell you....he is PRECIOUS!     But I can give you sneak peek of their sweet daughter....she was a very cooperative subject!

Stay tuned for the rest of the story....

Laura & Kaysi

Impromptu photo shoots are the best...especially when you have great subjects!

3 Mike Levels

Sometimes he's serious:

Other times, you can break through the serious and get a chuckle:

And those that really know him break all the way through to this:

Focusing on Angels [I Heart Faces]

Embarrassing post script note:   I CLEARLY am a few tacos short of a combo plate....I thought the theme was ANGELS not ANGLES...........WHOOPS!   Oh well, I guess that I could argue that I was at a "straight angle" - LOL.   Sorry guys...maybe I should spend less time on photoshop tutorials on more time on spelling work.    

The original content from this post follows:

This week over at I Heart Faces the theme is "Focusing on Angels". I wasn't sure if our subjects were supposed to be focusing on angels, or my camera needed to be focusing on angels. In my opinion, both are happening here!

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Bumpers or not, it's something to get excited about...

My girl

I'm extremely biased, but I think she's absolutely adorable...